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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
I truly will never be able to understand people who feel in such a way and I find it so hellish how this view that suicide is supposedly worse than suffering is forced onto everyone. It's just insane to me how people act like suicide is the worst outcome ever when in reality it's the escape from the futile and torturous burden of existing as a human with nobody being able to suffer from not existing, a fate we are destined for anyway yet there is literally no limit as to how unbearable this existence can get that was always so unnecessary in the first place.

To me non-existence will always be preferable to pointless suffering no matter what, I see nothing desirable about being trapped in this hellish existence for decades on end just to deteriorate and die in agony from old age and it's really disgusting how there's no acceptance towards feeling this way, in my case suicide is certainly all that feels rational.

I just don't get how many see permanent non-existence as always worse than being conscious and aware with the ability to suffer endlessly and feel the most immense agony, existence itself truly is an unnecessary harm. To have the ability to exist is such a dreadful and futile burden, it disturbs me how one can potentially suffer so unbearably and it terrifies me how one can be tormented so much yet not die.

To exist means to suffer so unnecessarily all while risking experiencing way worse suffering. Existence truly is an abomination, painless suicide methods need to be accessible no matter what, I despise how we exist in such a pro-suffering society.
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Reactions: divinemistress36, thebelljarrr, idk3 and 3 others


Sep 10, 2023
Humanoid robots are going to outnumber humans one day, and some believe in as little as 10 years.

Hopefully that is the beginning of the end for the endless cycle of unnecessary suffering.
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Jun 1, 2024
They fear the end of their existence, which is expected but they really shouldn't force this onto people who have the courage and really wants to leave like wtf i get it you're afraid of death but i am not so let me fuckin leave. i have seen that even if these people are suffering they will invent anything tangible or intangible that can help them "cope" through their shit, they don't even consider that the end will still be the same. they just wanna live, no matter the cost which is really stupid.
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