
Jun 20, 2018
Karma in this context could also mean a spiritual lesson.

I was supposed to be better looking than I am. My jaw/face did not grow to look like my parents. I also have other ugly attributes I won't mention but that make me unable to feel at ease and be as present in the moment. I tried fixing my jaw and I was further disfigured and violated.

I found something called orthotropics that says your jaw will grow downwards instead of forward if you have certain oral habits as a kid. I'm not sure if I had these habits, or if I was just cursed physically for a spiritual reason, causing me psychological suffering but in ways not bad enough that don't warrant others' sympathy, just make them see me as less than. I don't feel I was supposed to look like how I do. All I wanted was to feel comfortable in my own skin.
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Invisible idiot
Aug 22, 2018
The role of chance and randomness is far greater than most people like to admit. As soon as you enter this world your name is thrown into the genetic lottery you never signed up for. The result of which is either favorable or not. Sometimes it is the very basis of how society treats you. Beautiful people breeze through life because of preferential treatment. The unlucky ones are mistreated and receives the reverse halo effect. All because of a cognitive bias.

Edit: I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable in your own skin. I don't speak for anyone here, but this is very relatable. Hugs.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It's most likely bad luck. It would be nice if we could all be born attractive and perfectly healthy though. Would make life more fair for sure. I sometimes wonder why it has to be like this? Where some people are just horribly disadvantaged when it comes to these things. Sometimes I envy unattractive people who were always that way. It makes you work harder at other things so u don't rely on attractiveness as much. Really attractive people have to make the most of it early because once those looks go u are worse off if u didn't use it to your advantage correctly while young.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Like 89cappy said.. just random chance. We got dealt shitty cards so that's what we have to play with.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
Karma in this context could also mean a spiritual lesson.

I was supposed to be better looking than I am. My jaw/face did not grow to look like my parents. I also have other ugly attributes I won't mention but that make me unable to feel at ease and be as present in the moment. I tried fixing my jaw and I was further disfigured and violated.

I found something called orthotropics that says your jaw will grow downwards instead of forward if you have certain oral habits as a kid. I'm not sure if I had these habits, or if I was just cursed physically for a spiritual reason, causing me psychological suffering but in ways not bad enough that don't warrant others' sympathy, just make them see me as less than. I don't feel I was supposed to look like how I do. All I wanted was to feel comfortable in my own skin.

Karma is like the tooth fairy. neither are real and you get what you folks gave you.
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Aug 16, 2018
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Reactions: bag.of.cats, DeathBecomesMe, Caustic Cardinals and 1 other person