
Aug 18, 2020
I am kind of interest in Elon Musk ruining Twitter. It is kind of entertaining. But maybe underestimates the media him. I am not fully sure how that will end.

It is kind of sad because Twiiter had some positive aspects for journalists, the science community and it even contributed to our democracy. Though not always in a positive way.

If I owned Twitter I would fire Musk as soon as possible. I think Twitter could end as new 4chan otherwise. Maybe not that extreme though. I think this amnesty for banned accounts is pretty stupid. Musk is often not really coherent either. Often he breaks his own rules and changes his opinion on a daily basis. I mean there were some funny verification fails. They were very amusing. But the ad companies won't like that. Musk brags on Twitter because of the alleged growth. Though my feeling is there are just probably way more bots now.

It is kind of entertaining to see Twitter burn down. However I would prefer the old Twitter. So I would probably not change that much. However there are many bullies on Twitter. There are even communities for that. Maybe I would try to ban them.

But when I had to decide between the free-speech approach of Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I would prefer Twitter. At least in its former way. The new developments seem to be quite bad and dangerous.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I don't use or like Twitter.
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Oct 25, 2021
I don't understand people and their thoughts on twitter. To actually believe that it's going to sink and go under is foolish to think. 99% of Twitter users don't care who owns it. If Hitler was still kicking and he bought it, most people would still continue to use it. Think of Kathy Griffin, that old tard was blabbing about deleting her account and the moment her account is suspended, she literally hacked on to her dead mother's account just so that she can beg to be let back on.

The uneducated baboons that leave thinking they're starting a movement will be back within 6 months when they realize the alternative will be some subpar Walmart version of Twitter.
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Sep 5, 2022
Delete it. Twitter is a joke
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Sep 21, 2021
I am kind of interest in Elon Musk ruining Twitter. It is kind of entertaining. But maybe underestimates the media him. I am not fully sure how that will end.

It is kind of sad because Twiiter had some positive aspects for journalists, the science community and it even contributed to our democracy. Though not always in a positive way.

If I owned Twitter I would fire Musk as soon as possible. I think Twitter could end as new 4chan otherwise. Maybe not that extreme though. I think this amnesty for banned accounts is pretty stupid. Musk is often not really coherent either. Often he breaks his own rules and changes his opinion on a daily basis. I mean there were some funny verification fails. They were very amusing. But the ad companies won't like that. Musk brags on Twitter because of the alleged growth. Though my feeling is there are just probably way more bots now.

It is kind of entertaining to see Twitter burn down. However I would prefer the old Twitter. So I would probably not change that much. However there are many bullies on Twitter. There are even communities for that. Maybe I would try to ban them.

But when I had to decide between the free-speech approach of Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I would prefer Twitter. At least in its former way. The new developments seem to be quite bad and dangerous.
How did it contribute to our democracy? Banning dissident opinions seems like the opposite of "democracy".

And you say that Twitter had become positive for the "science community". How? Because they could arbitrarily decide if something was "misinformation" and censor people for it? Twitter and social media destroyed public trust in scientific communities. The opposite of what you've said.

You're enjoying the movie you've created in your head. I rarely use Twitter, but it seems the same as ever. Just less banning and political censorship. It's not like you can say racial slurs on it or threaten violence. Those rules are still there.

Maybe it will fail, but it made money in an unethical way prior to musks purchase anyway. They sold user data to advertisers. Same as Google. And they also illegally colluded with public health organizations (NIH CDC), and are being sued for it.
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Jun 17, 2022
As an anarchist, I say "no censorship and down with the government".
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I would implement the $8 a month for the blue checkmark, but surreptitiously increase the price over time. Soon people would be paying like $500 a month but won't even notice because when you're Twitter-level smug, you're too busy patting yourself on the back to check things like bank balances. There would also be a surcharge for every label/pronoun you add to your bio, and it's $1 for every character over the original 140 limit.

I have many more ideas to bilk the stupid userbase, so Twitter if you're reading this, I'm available. For the right price.
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Nov 26, 2022
I do not think Elon is ruining twitter. It's just people angry that they can't have their own major social media platform for strictly their ideology. Social media is a piece of crap in general. Who owns it doesn't matter. Also, there's a saying people should always remember. If the product is free, YOU are the product.
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Jan 22, 2020
I do not think Elon is ruining twitter. It's just people angry that they can't have their own major social media platform for strictly their ideology. Social media is a piece of crap in general. Who owns it doesn't matter. Also, there's a saying people should always remember. If the product is free, YOU are the product.

Lately i saw interesting things in twitter, good ones and bad ones. I don't think that Elon wants to destroy it (he was invested much in it). Let's see how it goes.


Existence is absolutely meaningless
Nov 12, 2022
I really don´t understand the meaning of Twitter. There will be no change in politics because people protest against injustices on Twitter. Should one only communicate with friends and acquaintances there?


Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I wish I could deleted all social media websites.
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Sep 9, 2022
I would ban all MAPs (PEDOS)
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Mar 27, 2023
I would nuke the entire site the world is better off without it. In-fact nuke the entire modern internet lol.
I would ban all MAPs (PEDOS)

You're a piece of shit for assuming ALL maps are predators.
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2023
I'd destroy that shit site
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Mar 6, 2020
Reinstate the bans meted out pre-Elon the first.

Seriously, revert the pesky heart marks (❤️), a.k.a. likes, back to favs (⭐️).


Sep 9, 2022
I would nuke the entire site the world is better off without it. In-fact nuke the entire modern internet lol.

You're a piece of shit for assuming ALL maps are predators.
I apologize if I offended. I should have better clarified my comment. I don't think all Maps are predators, but I think if you're putting in your bio that you are attracted to minors that such a platform is not suitable for you. Certain things are truly better left unsaid, especially on a platform full of young people.
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Mar 27, 2023
I apologize if I offended. I should have better clarified my comment. I don't think all Maps are predators, but I think if you're putting in your bio that you are attracted to minors that such a platform is not suitable for you. Certain things are truly better left unsaid, especially on a platform full of young people.

People really shouldn't make their sexuality their entire identity in general IMO.


Sep 16, 2021
Delete it. Twitter is a joke

^ This is the only correct answer.

Not only is Twitter a joke, it always has been. There are some genuine positive aspects to the site but I believe the good has always outweighed the bad. Elon is not ruining Twitter, Twitter has always been ruin: the ruin of effective and constructive discourse and the ruin of nuance to anything. I think microblogging, or whatever Twitter is now, has proven to only polarize people and push them to extremes. It has always been ruinous. I'm starting to think that about the internet generally at this point in history but I digress. Delete Twitter. #DeleteTwitterWithATimeMachine

Elon tanking Twitter's value in such an incompetent and comical fashion (it's like he's a living Onion article, the snake's eating it's own tail) is very on brand. He has always been a fraud and a clown and this performance is his masterpiece. He is so bad and it's hilarious and horrifying in the most human way possible. Fucking hell our world is a joke.


Sep 9, 2022
People really shouldn't make their sexuality their entire identity in general IMO.
I agree completely. It is so strange to me, as a fairly private person, lol.
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