Of course it's true, when you repeat a series of phrases to yourself many times (whether positive or negative) often, every day, you end up making them your own and they change your attitude while facing your problems.
It's just that this is a classic, it's the self-conviction of a lifetime... in fact one of the ways to enter depression is precisely this, to repeat negative things about your situation continuously until one day you wake up and you already openly say that life in general is shit, that everything is suffering and that you won't get out of it.
And if you say the opposite is also wrong, because you end up in false positivism and in the end you believe that life is wonderful in general, everything is love and that you can live as you want.
There has to be a balance, neither one thing nor the other. It's not the same as not believing that you can get through it (pessimism), believing that it really doesn't matter (positivism), or understanding that you have a problem and having enough confidence in yourself to analyze it and solve it .. and if you can't solve it, seek help to try again.
Es clar que és veritat, quan et repeteixes moltes vegades una série de frases (siguin positives o negatives) sovint, cada día, les acabes fent teves i et modifiquen l'actitud alhora d'encarar els teus problemes.
És que això és un clàssic, és l'autoconvenciment de tota la vida.. de fet una de les vies d'entrada a la depressió és precisament aquesta, repetir-te continuament coses negatives sobre la teva situació fins que un día et lleves i ja dius obertament que la vida en general és una merda, que tot és patiment i que no t'en sortiràs.
I si dius l'oposat també malament, perque acabes dins el fals positivisme i al final et creus que la vida és meravellosa en general, tot és amor i que pots viure com vulguis.
Hi ha d'haver un equilibri, ni una cosa ni l'altre. No és el mateix no creure que et puguis ensortir (pesimisme), que creure que en realitat no hi ha per a tant (positivisme), que entendre que tens un problema i tens prou confiança en tu mateix per analitzar-lo i resoldre'l.. i si no el pots resoldre cercar ajuda per tornar-ho a intentar una altre vegada.