

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
I know what some of you are thinking: be careful what you wish for. I exactly know what I'm wishing for. I've weighted the pros and cons, and pros greatly outweigh the cons. I don't value my life anymore.

Fuck life. I'd rather have cancer than live the rest of my remaining life. I know the pain associated with cancer is unbearable, but I don't care about that. Living this hell called "life" is worse. If only I could trade my perfect health to someone else, I'd do it. "Health is wealth" they said. In most situations, that's true, hospitals costs money. I don't care about my health anymore.

I just want to die and disappear into oblivion. Being completely forgotten is a blessing now. No more judgment from other people. No more expectations. No more work, under-performance, incompetence or malpractice. No more mistakes to be made. No more godforsaken and irrelevant homeworks to worry about. Nobody to impress anymore. No more expenditures. No more pressure whatsoever. Last but not least, no more pain!

Hell, if the only way to have access to a legal suicide services is through guillotine, I'd sign up for it. At least most of my organs are intact and give my perfectly healthy organs to those who really need it: eyes for the blind, ears for deaf musicians, kidney for those with kidney failures, same for liver, and so on. I'd give my heart to fathers or mothers who want to see their child grow up. I'd give those for a better future for them. I never signed up to this world. I'm fine with donating my entire carcass to science since they need more cadavers, and that will solve the funeral costs.

Mom, Dad, I love you and all, but you shouldn't have given birth to me. I never consented to being born. Here I am in my mid-20s and failing nursing school with no real job experience. I'm nothing but disappointment. I want to end my suffering.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I agree, just because we wouldn't choose to go out in a slow and painful way doesn't mean that it would actually be better not to. If someone stabbed me to death in an amateurish way, which causes me to slowly bleed out over let's say three hours, I would obviously not like it but I can in a sober state of mind (like I am in now, when I'm not being stabbed) say that it would be for the best.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Be careful what you wish for. My mother died of a painful cancer death and it was terrible. The PTSD I suffer from watching her die like that is haunting me to this day.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Be careful what you wish for. My mother died of a painful cancer death and it was terrible. The PTSD I suffer from watching her die like that is haunting me to this day.
Sorry. I didn't mean to relive your PTSD experience. I should've been more sensitive. She's in a better place now.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Sorry. I didn't mean to relive your PTSD experience. I should've been more sensitive. She's in a better place now.
No, don't apologise. You are free to express your feelings in anyway you see fit. I just hope you find peace in your life. In my opinion, wishing you had a terminal disease is not the answer. Unless, euthanasia is an option of course. I am fighting for people in Britain to be allowed euthanasia if they develop a terminal illness. We are making progress. Human beings should have the same rights as pets when it comes to end of life suffering.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
No, don't apologise. You are free to express your feelings in anyway you see fit. I just hope you find peace in your life. In my opinion, wishing you had a terminal disease is not the answer. Unless, euthanasia is an option of course. I am fighting for people in Britain to be allowed euthanasia if they develop a terminal illness. We are making progress. Human beings should have the same rights as pets when it comes to end of life suffering.
Best of luck of your noble advocacy. It's an uphill battle, but the movement is gaining traction. Right to die movement FTW!
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Dec 14, 2019
Please consider that there are many cancer patients who wish to ctb to escape the pain the discomfort etc of this slow cancer pain, and might not be capable to do so anymore. You have all these options. Please consider that having end stage cancer makes the necessity of ctb real, so in the end what are you winning with having cancer? You want to ctb without cancer and with cancer you will want so either
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Please consider that there are many cancer patients who wish to ctb to escape the pain the discomfort etc of this slow cancer pain, and might not be capable to do so anymore. You have all these options. Please consider that having end stage cancer makes the necessity of ctb real, so in the end what are you winning with having cancer? You want to ctb without cancer and with cancer you will want so either
I'm in Canada, so even if I get terminal cancer, that would make me eligible for euthanasia. Either way, it's a win-win situation. Either I die of terminal cancer or die of voluntary euthanasia. For those without Canadian citizenship, they're out of luck, unfortunately. :aw:

Right to die movement is not as strong in some countries.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I'm in Canada, so even if I get terminal cancer, that would make me eligible for euthanasia. Either way, it's a win-win situation. Either I die of terminal cancer or die of voluntary euthanasia. For those without Canadian citizenship, they're out of luck, unfortunately. :aw:

Right to die movement is not as strong in some countries.
You should have mentioned that. Not many countries have euthanasia in place. You are very lucky to live in Canada. Cannabis is legal too. I wish the UK would follow your lead.
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Dec 18, 2019
I would jump for joy if given a month to live. :heart:
That way no one can judge me, I don't risk legally implicating anyone, and I am granted the sweet release that I & so many others desperately crave and deserve as their right.
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Physically ill suffering couch potato
Jul 5, 2019
You should have mentioned that. Not many countries have euthanasia in place. You are very lucky to live in Canada. Cannabis is legal too. I wish the UK would follow your lead.
Yes, unless you have money, so you could go to another country like Switzerland (Dignitas) but also with a terminal illness and one month to live, it wouldn't be as scary to use a method that could fail but is quite peaceful, because if you fail it's not like you risk being stuck here like a vegetable, you will still die soon.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I would be very happy too. Even know it would be a painful few months it wouldn't matter as I would be free from decades of suffering. It would just be a relief that I wouldn't have to do it myself. Non existence is what I want.
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Aug 18, 2020
I also hope for stuff like that. Everytime a fast train runs through I hope someone would push me or stuff like that. Sometimes I eat very unhealthy food to provoke something. But cancer is not really a good death. Damn I just don't want to imagine having to live many more decades. This makes me so sick. I don't see me doing that I had so many suicidal thoughts in my life.
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Jul 5, 2020
This is exactly how I feel. I so desperately wish I had aggressive cancer. At least cancer brings death. The most cruel thing about mental illness is that it doesn't fucking kill you. Unfortunately, the sick fucks who make the rules in this country (UK) think they have the right to tell us we have to live with our suffering and cut off all the means by which we can end it painlessly and at a time of our choosing. As if we don't suffer enough!
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
If the doctor broke the news that I have one month to live, that would be the happiest day of my life.
it would be a really amazing day... i'd be happy so much
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Mar 22, 2020
I always fantasize about this!
My stomach is kinda f*cked up and I have this hope that when I finally go to a hospital and get some tests done, a doctor will tell me: "Sir, you have cancer and will only be around for 3 more months".
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May 28, 2021
I hope for this too. It'll really make it easier on everybody in my life.
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Jan 30, 2021
I would make things easier for me ,I know that when I go people of my family will feel bad about what will happen , if I just died of a disease it would be so much better for everyone
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Same here. I'd be celebrating. FINALLY there'd be a deadline to my relentless suffering.

50Th Anniversary Happy Dance GIF by Sesame Street
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Jun 2, 2021
Sometimes I want to get checked so maybe they can find cancer or some other deadly sickness in me.
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Jun 4, 2021
I wish for this too but only because I am suffering physical health problems that are making my suffering so great but won't kill me and I can't take it for much longer.
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I want to Insert something profound here
May 30, 2021
I know what some of you are thinking: be careful what you wish for. I exactly know what I'm wishing for. I've weighted the pros and cons, and pros greatly outweigh the cons. I don't value my life anymore.

Fuck life. I'd rather have cancer than live the rest of my remaining life. I know the pain associated with cancer is unbearable, but I don't care about that. Living this hell called "life" is worse. If only I could trade my perfect health to someone else, I'd do it. "Health is wealth" they said. In most situations, that's true, hospitals costs money. I don't care about my health anymore.

I just want to die and disappear into oblivion. Being completely forgotten is a blessing now. No more judgment from other people. No more expectations. No more work, under-performance, incompetence or malpractice. No more mistakes to be made. No more godforsaken and irrelevant homeworks to worry about. Nobody to impress anymore. No more expenditures. No more pressure whatsoever. Last but not least, no more pain!

Hell, if the only way to have access to a legal suicide services is through guillotine, I'd sign up for it. At least most of my organs are intact and give my perfectly healthy organs to those who really need it: eyes for the blind, ears for deaf musicians, kidney for those with kidney failures, same for liver, and so on. I'd give my heart to fathers or mothers who want to see their child grow up. I'd give those for a better future for them. I never signed up to this world. I'm fine with donating my entire carcass to science since they need more cadavers, and that will solve the funeral costs.

Mom, Dad, I love you and all, but you shouldn't have given birth to me. I never consented to being born. Here I am in my mid-20s and failing nursing school with no real job experience. I'm nothing but disappointment. I want to end my suffering.
I feel bad for thinking this way because I see people fighting cancer and wanting to overcome it. But on the flip side there's myself saying I wish it was me. At least I wouldn't be remembered as suicidal either and I could at least try to enjoy what time I have left instead of wasting it mourning what I lost.

You've got those wanting to live dieing and those wanting to die living. How messed up.
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Reactions: ihatemylife, Rae82, Pookie and 1 other person

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