
Feb 11, 2021
If mental hospitals didn't exist, if state sanctioned involuntary committment didn't exist, people couldn't pass off the responsibility of helping their loved ones onto the institutions, private or otherwise. I could hang myself and if my husband found me before I succeeded he'd have to deal with me. He'd have to address why I was feeling this way. The people who made me this way, my parents, would have had to deal with what they did to me. They'd have to solve it themselves.

Who is to say "the professionals" are in any way equipped to help people with the deep crises they deal with on the inside? I ain't saying suicide is the answer.

Dear fucking "Stop Sanctioned Suicide Karens" who are spying on this website. Deal with your children yourself. Listen to them. Understand them. Don't just bitch about shutting this site down. Understand your family and be intellectually and emotionally engaged with their needs. Make an account on here and start conversations with broken, hurting, lonely people who have nobody. Stop turning to Daddy Government to solve your problems for you. Grow a fucking spine. If it's such a tragedy that they have died, then why did you ignore their needs for as long as you did? The blood is on YOUR hands, not ours. We listened to them when it was far too late. We didn't help them die. You did.
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, I agree to some extent because I don't believe in the mental health system.
However, I wouldn't want to be a burden for the person I love. Still, it would be nice that those who have made me suicidal had to deal with me. Still, I think I would be suicidal no matter my circumstances.
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Mar 3, 2021
I hate psychiatric hospitals.
They're useless and only make things worse
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Mar 22, 2020
I hate psychiatric hospitals.
They're useless and only make things worse

Absolutely! It might have helped some people but most of the experiences I've heard are horrendous!
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
If mental hospitals didn't exist, they would do it like they did in the old country. Tie you to a tree in the forest and leave you there to die.
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Feb 11, 2021
If mental hospitals didn't exist, they would do it like they did in the old country. Tie you to a tree in the forest and leave you there to die.
As it was meant to be.
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May 10, 2020
the fucktards don't have the empathy to recognise why living in safety from feeling suicidal is as important as freedom from torture.
i assume torturers succeed by gorging on the freedom to make a suicidal want to die.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
As I've said on here before; psychiatric prisons are a lazy, immoral, and irresponsible approach towards suicide. Using force and cruelty doesn't address the issues that make people want to commit suicide in the first place and it gives people more reasons to kill themselves.

Believing that tossing someone into a prison cell prevents suicide is akin to believing that giving a slave more lashes will prevent them from wanting to run away. Your comment is a 100% spot on that peoples families need to take responsibility but society also needs to take responsibility and provide tangible forms of relief.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
If they didn't exist people could actually talk about how they feel, imagine that! The intense stigma around the topic would slowly lift and we'd all be better off for it.
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Nov 4, 2019
I really don't like these generalizations about mental health conditions and how they should be treated. Simpler conditions like light depression can definitely be cured without the help of mental healthcare, but not complicated ones like schizophrenia. Or does anyone seriously believe that it's the parents' responsibility to change the neurobiology of their child?
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Feb 11, 2021
If they didn't exist people could actually talk about how they feel, imagine that! The intense stigma around the topic would slowly lift and we'd all be better off for it.
Yes we could tell our loved ones how we feel and regardless of how irrational it is, they'd have to cope. They'd have to be repsonsible for helping us. They couldn't pass us off on disinterested professionals. They'd have to faceit head on.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
My state (USA) started closing all its publicly-funded mental hospitals in the 1980's, because nobody felt like paying for even the barest minimum level of care for the severely mentally ill. So all those folks went out onto the street, where they promptly died of exposure unless they were "lucky" enough to be deemed a public nuisance and arrested. That's still how thousands of people live here. An endless merry-go-round of 72-hour hospital stays, 30-90 day stints in jail, and homeless shelter overnights broken up by nights on the street. I'm not saying that the state mental hospitals were nice, because they weren't, but it's fucked up to give people the choice between jail and the morgue.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Yes we could tell our loved ones how we feel and regardless of how irrational it is, they'd have to cope. They'd have to be repsonsible for helping us. They couldn't pass us off on disinterested professionals. They'd have to faceit head on.
I don't think my family is equipped to help me, but if there was no forced hospitalisation i could at least recieve some formal treatment, instead of none at all.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I do agree that mental hospitals (maybe not all) are horrendous. Society and humans can be very loving but life is really hard. It is especially difficult if a person has mental health problems and/or physical injuries to their bodies. Nothing, is black and white. There are so many shades of grey in-between.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
Mental hospitals are a joke. They treat people with mental health issues less than human. If they were reformed, and not used as a threat for suicidal people, they'd actually have a purpose in society. But, for every decent mental hospital, there are a hundred that are complete shit.
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Dec 30, 2020
Being committed pushes people closer to the edge..it's dehumanizing and psychiatry is a pseudoscience
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Mental hospitals are a joke. They treat people with mental health issues less than human. If they were reformed, and not used as a threat for suicidal people, they'd actually have a purpose in society. But, for every decent mental hospital, there are a hundred that are complete shit.
Agreed, mental hospitals would have some efficacy if they were entirely voluntary. Using force, threats, and coercion is not a form of help.
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Jun 6, 2020
Once you're given a number by the medical system, you cease to be an individual person and then fall into one of a million different diagnosis solely because people dont want to hear you whine. Doctors are trained to separate their humanity from the patient to avoid lawsuits. So why bother reaching out?
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Jul 8, 2018
Psychiatric hospitals serve their purpose regardless. The first institution was created not to treat the mentally ill but to incarcerate them in order to protect regular society from them. The only meaningful change since then has been as a result of extreme abuses coming to light that caused people to emphasize with them generating public outrage.

The PR campaign to transition away from public tours, ice cold baths, and lobotomies provided the necessary facelift. Now the public is satisfied that treatment has become entirely reasonable and humane because the damage is largely invisible. After all, it would be difficult to prove that a patient declined due to the shocks and the serums once it's pointed out that they were already considered unwell enough to be institutionalized to begin with.

Throughout all of history there's never been a civilization with the humility to admit that there were health problems it couldn't solve. Whether it's tying down wandering wombs, bloodletting to balance the four humors, or drilling a hole in the skull to let the demons out, if there doesn't exist a magic solution for a major societal problem they'll simply invent one.
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Nov 30, 2020
or drilling a hole in the skull to let the demons out
Aahhh, so that's what they were doing. I did think "what the fuck are they doing with that bosch power hammer 18v drill". I wonder why I felt nothing?
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Dec 13, 2019
Mental hospitals are a joke. They treat people with mental health issues less than human. If they were reformed, and not used as a threat for suicidal people, they'd actually have a purpose in society. But, for every decent mental hospital, there are a hundred that are complete shit.
exactly that´s why I am not admitting myself into a clinic even tough I need help
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Feb 8, 2021
If mental hospitals didn't exist, they would do it like they did in the old country. Tie you to a tree in the forest and leave you there to die.
Not big of a difference. Lmao.
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Mar 5, 2021
Dear fucking "Stop Sanctioned Suicide Karens" who are spying on this website. Deal with your children yourself. Listen to them. Understand them. Don't just bitch about shutting this site down. Understand your family and be intellectually and emotionally engaged with their needs. Make an account on here and start conversations with broken, hurting, lonely people who have nobody. Stop turning to Daddy Government to solve your problems for you. Grow a fucking spine. If it's such a tragedy that they have died, then why did you ignore their needs for as long as you did? The blood is on YOUR hands, not ours. We listened to them when it was far too late. We didn't help them die. You did.
This hits really close. My parents are the root of most of my problems, that's not to say that if they'd handled things better I wouldn't be like this, but I'd certainly be better. What pisses me off the most is that if I go through with it and kill myself I'll just be seen as another vulnerable youth who was beyond saving or some shit like that, and my parents will be seen as the poor grieveing people who did all they could but in the end their child's needs were too much and they couldn't save them. But that's complete bullshit. If I die, I want my parents to be punished for all the suffering they have caused me.


salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
This hits really close. My parents are the root of most of my problems, that's not to say that if they'd handled things better I wouldn't be like this, but I'd certainly be better. What pisses me off the most is that if I go through with it and kill myself I'll just be seen as another vulnerable youth who was beyond saving or some shit like that, and my parents will be seen as the poor grieveing people who did all they could but in the end their child's needs were too much and they couldn't save them. But that's complete bullshit. If I die, I want my parents to be punished for all the suffering they have caused me.
Write a publically viewable letter claiming they made you do it. Just make sure you're serious about leaving and can't be located/"saved".
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Jul 2, 2020
Mental "hospitals" are just jails.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I was once in one that looked like a jail. Some nurses were friendly, others looked like army sergeants. The psychiatrists did not even look at you when they left their consultations, nor did they say hello or answer you if you said good morning to them, for example. Only in the office was where there was interaction. I felt extreme coldness from them. As there they put the high-pitched, you could find psychotic people, people very out of reality and then those of us who had had a bad day or had had an attempt. Like anecdotes. They brought in a patient who they thought had psychiatric problems when it was actually a stroke. Yes, I don't know how that poor man ended up. The other is that a very muscular paranoid schizophrenic tore off a bookcase in the library. I don't remember how many security guards came to cut it down. One of my worst experiences.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
This hits really close. My parents are the root of most of my problems, that's not to say that if they'd handled things better I wouldn't be like this, but I'd certainly be better. What pisses me off the most is that if I go through with it and kill myself I'll just be seen as another vulnerable youth who was beyond saving or some shit like that, and my parents will be seen as the poor grieveing people who did all they could but in the end their child's needs were too much and they couldn't save them. But that's complete bullshit. If I die, I want my parents to be punished for all the suffering they have caused me.
Same, my parents are absolute garbage and would feign ignorance that they weren't responsible for my suicide.
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May 10, 2020
imagine if they had empathy for suicidal individuals. Imagine if they were not so evil so can recognise that being forced to live is cruel. Imagine they put a price on forcing someone to live. Then for every further month the price increases and increases. They give even more money to suicidal individuals month after month. The suicidal individual can spend it on anything and any form of care. Attempts at care fail so the suicidal individual keeps on being forced to suffer and endure against their will even more suicidality so even more money would be given. This would be so much better than psychiatric hospitals.

More than being better than psychiatric hospitals this makes governments pay a price for forcing someone to live. They do not recognise the personal cost of being forced to live to suffer and endure against my will even more suicidality so they want to make this cruelty as unlimited as possible - that's the purpose of the criminalisation of assisted suicide. But if they were forced to pay a price for forcing someone to live which goes up by significant amounts the longer someone is forced to live then they would legalise assisted suicide as well as save more suicidal individuals than doctors can.

Governments have never had any concept of what is too cruel to do to a suicidal individual and this really does define the truth about human nature. This lack of recognition of cruelty is only furthered in he centuries of the existence of psychiatry so i see no way this is meaningfully going to change in a lifetime. However forcing them to pay suicidal individuals substantial amounts of money and the money increases significantly month after month will do so much good quickly and this includes legalising assisted suicide. They bear the criminalisation of assisted suicide because they can't feel empathy,
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Feb 11, 2021
imagine if they had empathy for suicidal individuals. Imagine if they were not so evil so can recognise that being forced to live is cruel. Imagine they put a price on forcing someone to live. Then for every further month the price increases and increases. They give even more money to suicidal individuals month after month. The suicidal individual can spend it on anything and any form of care. Attempts at care fail so the suicidal individual keeps on being forced to suffer and endure against their will even more suicidality so even more money would be given. This would be so much better than psychiatric hospitals.

More than being better than psychiatric hospitals this makes governments pay a price for forcing someone to live. They do not recognise the personal cost of being forced to live to suffer and endure against my will even more suicidality so they want to make this cruelty as unlimited as possible - that's the purpose of the criminalisation of assisted suicide. But if they were forced to pay a price for forcing someone to live which goes up by significant amounts the longer someone is forced to live then they would legalise assisted suicide as well as save more suicidal individuals than doctors can.

Governments have never had any concept of what is too cruel to do to a suicidal individual and this really does define the truth about human nature. This lack of recognition of cruelty is only furthered in he centuries of the existence of psychiatry so i see no way this is meaningfully going to change in a lifetime. However forcing them to pay suicidal individuals substantial amounts of money and the money increases significantly month after month will do so much good quickly and this includes legalising assisted suicide. They bear the criminalisation of assisted suicide because they can't feel empathy,
This worldview is bleak.

I'm pretty sure humans don't like suicide because it is a biological instinct to not want to die. If we were all chill and cool with suicide our species would not be here. You may think our species sucks and shouldn't be here, as I do at times, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it IS here and thus any species who IS here is going to have not liked suicide very much. It's our animal survival imperative on a species level to discourage others from killing themselves.

For this reason, it will always be rare that individuals will be okay with suicide. It just isn't going to be common in the population for reasons stated above.

Governments and cruelty and everything else you're talking about is just superficial human language pasted on top of a crude biological process to make us feel like we understand ourselves.

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