
Jun 3, 2023
I was thinking we could do something that Reddit does like giveapizza for those on this site struggling order a pizza for them pay for it just an idea that popped into my head🍕
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lol lmao
Jun 1, 2023
could any of you help me get a job?
I'm an insecure loser and have no marketable skills.
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Jun 30, 2023
could any of you help me get a job?
I'm an insecure loser and have no marketable skills.
Go on freelancer.com, fiverr or upwork, look at the types of jobs that come up a lot that you might want to do, and learn the basics. You'd be surprised what you can teach yourself a few weeks if you pit your mind to it. Then bid on what looks like an easy project, and teach yourself what you need as you go. Voila. You've taught yourself a skill and entered the market. There are so many different jobs you could look at. Data entry. Graphic design. Marketing. You name it. Check out the projects and take your pick!
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Global Mod
Jun 24, 2023
I'd actually be down to do something like this should we have a forum where people can make small requests and we could help.
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Aug 11, 2020
could any of you help me get a job?
I'm an insecure loser and have no marketable skills.
there are many ways you can get certified in skills online through either like Google courses or otherwise. it's def worth looking into if you're not necessarily a social/retail/server type person.
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Born loser
Apr 20, 2023
Go on freelancer.com, fiverr or upwork, look at the types of jobs that come up a lot that you might want to do, and learn the basics. You'd be surprised what you can teach yourself a few weeks if you pit your mind to it. Then bid on what looks like an easy project, and teach yourself what you need as you go. Voila. You've taught yourself a skill and entered the market. There are so many different jobs you could look at. Data entry. Graphic design. Marketing. You name it. Check out the projects and take your pick!

there are many ways you can get certified in skills online through either like Google courses or otherwise. it's def worth looking into if you're not necessarily a social/retail/server type person.
I'm not the same guy, but this advice is much appreciated. Being stuck in poverty with no skills, spending hours upon hours on a fruitless job hunt is part of the reason why I have the mindset that led me to even using this forum... all I can hope for is that I won't die impoverished.

But I don't want to get off-topic either. Regarding OP's idea, a little bit of help goes a long way, and I've actually never heard of something like giveapizza. It'd take coordination and trust, but I for one would appreciate it and be happy to see something fruitful come of it. I just ask that you guys don't wear yourselves thin for our sake.
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Jun 12, 2023
could any of you help me get a job?
I'm an insecure loser and have no marketable skills.
If you truly feel that way about yourself, there are a few companies out there that hire everybody and don't require an interview. I used to work at Amazon and there was no interview, you just apply and get the job. I guess that some entry level warehouse jobs can be like that. The work itself didn't seem to fulfill me at all, but looking back at it I really prefer it to my current job due to all the excessive social interactions required at my current job. I'm currently working in a retail/customer service job, and while I put on a facade that I am confident and outgoing, I am really not. Next thing I know it's someone's birthday and they want a couple of people at work to go, including me, but they don't know how much I dislike social interactions, especially dinners out at restaurants. That's partially due to my family partnering up on me to hate on me as much as possible and embarrass me anyway they can whenever we go out to dinner. Now I have a very negative association with going out to dinners and I'm just dreading this birthday thing bc I have no excuse to not go other than admit how much I hate social events. Anyways, if you're an introvert like me, I recommend a warehouse job because: You won't have to deal with bullshit customers, you won't have to try to make conversations with your co-workers that you don't like just to fill the silence, and you can just get into the flow state and do your own thing. Definitely apply to Amazon, the stories online aren't nearly as bad as they make it seem. You can try UPS as well, and just apply to a bunch of them so you have a few options.

Other than that, the other suggestions people have brought up such as remote work is a good idea too. Even if you don't currently have any marketable skills, there are plenty of certifications you can get online and you can slowly develop those skillsets.
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lol lmao
Jun 1, 2023
If you truly feel that way about yourself, there are a few companies out there that hire everybody and don't require an interview. I used to work at Amazon and there was no interview, you just apply and get the job. I guess that some entry level warehouse jobs can be like that. The work itself didn't seem to fulfill me at all, but looking back at it I really prefer it to my current job due to all the excessive social interactions required at my current job. I'm currently working in a retail/customer service job, and while I put on a facade that I am confident and outgoing, I am really not. Next thing I know it's someone's birthday and they want a couple of people at work to go, including me, but they don't know how much I dislike social interactions, especially dinners out at restaurants. That's partially due to my family partnering up on me to hate on me as much as possible and embarrass me anyway they can whenever we go out to dinner. Now I have a very negative association with going out to dinners and I'm just dreading this birthday thing bc I have no excuse to not go other than admit how much I hate social events. Anyways, if you're an introvert like me, I recommend a warehouse job because: You won't have to deal with bullshit customers, you won't have to try to make conversations with your co-workers that you don't like just to fill the silence, and you can just get into the flow state and do your own thing. Definitely apply to Amazon, the stories online aren't nearly as bad as they make it seem. You can try UPS as well, and just apply to a bunch of them so you have a few options.

Other than that, the other suggestions people have brought up such as remote work is a good idea too. Even if you don't currently have any marketable skills, there are plenty of certifications you can get online and you can slowly develop those skillsets.

At my last job, at a printing factory, my manager used birthdays as a tactic to make herself seem "caring" and "social-minded" and then the very next second she would be back to her old duplicitous two-faced domineering attitude and manufacture conflicts between me and other coworkers completely out of boredom.
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Jun 12, 2023
At my last job, at a printing factory, my manager used birthdays as a tactic to make herself seem "caring" and "social-minded" and then the very next second she would be back to her old duplicitous two-faced domineering attitude and manufacture conflicts between me and other coworkers completely out of boredom.
reminds me of my current job, there's just a retarded amount of drama


Jun 30, 2023
i'm disabled and hate eating. what now?
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Sep 21, 2020
At my last job, at a printing factory, my manager used birthdays as a tactic to make herself seem "caring" and "social-minded" and then the very next second she would be back to her old duplicitous two-faced domineering attitude and manufacture conflicts between me and other coworkers completely out of boredom.
Everyone is told to live a lie during work hours and I really think it is bad for humanity, certainly bad for most people's mental health. I know someone who didn't get a government job because they hadn't thought about how they'd lie to their underlings in order to emotionally manipulate them, thereby maintaining obedience and productivity. It is truly crazy that that would weigh more than actual related knowledge and intellect but it does. that's the crazy bullshit world of "progress".
Arthur Fleck

Arthur Fleck

Jun 10, 2020
Estou procurando emprego, mandando currículos. Mas, sem sucesso.
Se você realmente se sente assim consigo mesmo, existem algumas empresas por aí que contratam todo mundo e não exigem uma entrevista. Eu trabalhava na Amazon e não tinha entrevista, era só se candidatar e conseguir a vaga. Acho que alguns empregos de armazém de nível básico podem ser assim. O trabalho em si não parecia me satisfazer, mas olhando para trás eu realmente o prefiro ao meu trabalho atual devido a todas as interações sociais excessivas exigidas no meu trabalho atual. Atualmente estou trabalhando em um trabalho de varejo/atendimento ao cliente e, embora eu coloque uma fachada que eu sou confiante e extrovertido, eu realmente não sou. A próxima coisa que eu sei é o aniversário de alguém e eles querem que algumas pessoas no trabalho vão, incluindo eu, mas eles não sabem o quanto eu não gosto de interações sociais, especialmente jantares em restaurantes. Isso se deve em parte ao fato de minha família se unir a mim para me odiar o máximo possível e me envergonhar de qualquer maneira que puderem sempre que saímos para jantar. Agora eu tenho uma associação muito negativa com sair para jantares e eu só estou temendo essa coisa de aniversário bc eu não tenho desculpa para não ir além de admitir o quanto eu odeio eventos sociais. De qualquer forma, se você é um introvertido como eu, recomendo um trabalho de armazém porque: Você não terá que lidar com clientes de merda, você não terá que tentar fazer conversas com seus colegas de trabalho que você não gosta apenas para preencher o silêncio, e você pode simplesmente entrar no estado de fluxo e fazer suas próprias coisas. Definitivamente se aplicam à Amazon, as histórias online não são tão ruins quanto parecem. Você pode experimentar a UPS também, e apenas aplicar a um monte deles para que você tenha algumas opções.

Fora isso, as outras sugestões que as pessoas trouxeram, como o trabalho remoto, também são uma boa ideia. Mesmo que você não tenha atualmente nenhuma habilidade comercializável, há muitas certificações que você pode obter on-line e você pode desenvolver lentamente esses conjuntos de habilidades.
Como posso me candidatar a esta vaga na Amazon?
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