Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
Exit bag or SN? What is the better method and why? I know it's personal preference and is different for everyone, just trying to weigh out all of the variables. I feel like too many things could go wrong with the exit bag and it would lead to brain damage if it fails. SN is harder to mess up plus no brain damage if it fails.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I'd prefer exit bag because it's more peaceful. If it works, one passes out and that's it. The brain damage element is scary, but besides being interrupted, aborting, or not doing the method right, I'm not sure what could go wrong. I haven't researched it much because I don't have access to the needed equipment, otherwise I'd have gathered a lot of knowledge about risks.
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
I'd prefer exit bag because it's more peaceful. If it works, one passes out and that's it. The brain damage element is scary, but besides being interrupted, aborting, or not doing the method right, I'm not sure what could go wrong. I haven't researched it much because I don't have access to the needed equipment, otherwise I'd have gathered a lot of knowledge about risks.
Thank you for your input! Exit Bag would be a smooth way to go. I might be too paranoid that one of the components would go wrong though. What is your method of choice?


Aug 2, 2020
I'm going with SN cause it seems easier to pull off. I'm terrible when it comes to assembling things and not mechanically inclined in anyway. Exit bag sounds peaceful when done right though.
Tigeress Lost

Tigeress Lost

Lost Tigeress In A Human Body
Jul 30, 2020
I Prefer SN Because Once You Have Drank It And Hopefully Absorbed Enough Than ctb is a sure thing just as long as you don't vomit It and if you do than have extra glasses ready to take also be where you can't be found quickly because it starves your body from oxygen
I have read is feeling dizzy than gone & reading Stan's guidebook is a reliable source to me
That is my reason for SN Method
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
I'm going with SN cause it seems easier to pull off. I'm terrible when it comes to assembling things and not mechanically inclined in anyway. Exit bag sounds peaceful when done right though.
I agree! Thank you for your reply! I'm confident in my ability to construct the Exit Bag method, but with this sort of thing, I can't take any chances. If I throw up and fail with SN, I'd have enough left over to get right back to it several times. I'll drive to a location where no one is around so there is no chance of being found.
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
For me, SN only requires one act of courage - the swallowing and keeping down of the SN, and then my body does what it will. I imagine my SI kicking in and me freaking out before anything could happen.

But I also have a Medical Exemption from wearing any kind of mask due to PTSD from sexual abuse so I don't think I'm wired for that method anyways.
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
I Prefer SN Because Once You Have Drank It And Hopefully Absorbed Enough Than ctb is a sure thing just as long as you don't vomit It and if you do than have extra glasses ready to take also be where you can't be found quickly because it starves your body from oxygen
I have read is feeling dizzy than gone & reading Stan's guidebook is a reliable source to me
That is my reason for SN Method
Thank you for responding! Those are my sentiments exactly! I've been reading PPH and Stan's Guide too. I just think that this is the one topic that I could never get enough information and opinion on so I could make the best decision. Are you going to use anti emetics or other meds?
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Tigeress Lost

Tigeress Lost

Lost Tigeress In A Human Body
Jul 30, 2020
For me, SN only requires one act of courage - the swallowing and keeping down of the SN, and then my body does what it will. I imagine my SI kicking in and me freaking out before anything could happen.

But I also have a Medical Exemption from wearing any kind of mask due to PTSD from sexual abuse so I don't think I'm wired for that method anyways.
Hi Friend

sorry to hear What you have been through you're method of SN & Mine Is The Same I Think The Same Too Drink It Hope To God I Don't Vomit And Let My Body Handle The Rest
I Am Here For You
Sending You Peace & Hugs xxxx :hug: :heart: :hug:
Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
For me, SN only requires one act of courage - the swallowing and keeping down of the SN, and then my body does what it will. I imagine my SI kicking in and me freaking out before anything could happen.

But I also have a Medical Exemption from wearing any kind of mask due to PTSD from sexual abuse so I don't think I'm wired for that method anyways.
Thank you for the response! It will definitely take a great deal of courage when it comes time to put down the poison and keeping it down is the real challenge here.. I'm sorry to hear about that happening to you, this world is fucked up in more ways than we could imagine and we have found a way to have a final victory over it in our own way.
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Jun 1, 2020
My choice would be exit bag. I want to fade away peacefully. There might be a chance I would panic in the time the SN needs to do its job. Perhaps my SI will kick in in those 20 minutes and I have regrets but there is nothing I can do about it because it's already in my system.
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Tigeress Lost

Tigeress Lost

Lost Tigeress In A Human Body
Jul 30, 2020
Thank you for responding! Those are my sentiments exactly! I've been reading PPH and Stan's Guide too. I just think that this is the one topic that I could never get enough information and opinion on so I could make the best decision. Are you going to use anti emetics or other meds?
Hi Friend
Well tbh I am following Stan's Guide So All The Information Is On There That I Will Be Using & Doing
Peace & Hugs :hug:
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Thank you for the response! It will definitely take a great deal of courage when it cups time to put down the poison and keeping it down is the real challenge here.. I'm sorry to hear about that happening to you, this world is fucked up in more ways than we could imagine and we have found a way to have a final victory over this world in our own way.
Thanks. It's a blessing, really. Truly, I can't wear a mask and carry one in case I end up in a hospital but I'm also glad to have an out - masks in July when four people in my city have it, and probably "asymptomatic" at that. Haha! I qualify for the Exemption with pride :happy:
Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
My choice would be exit bag. I want to fade away peacefully. There might be a chance I would panic in the time the SN needs to do its job. Perhaps my SI will kick in in those 20 minutes and I have regrets but there is nothing I can do about it because it's already in my system.
I know what ya mean. I have no idea how I am going to react in those final minutes. I might be calm, I might be crying, or maybe in full blown panic. But to make sure SI doesn't make me call someone, I will be leaving my phone at home and be in a remote location. Exit Bag is pretty much equally as good of an option to me but they have different strengths and weaknesses.
Hi Friend
Well tbh I am following Stan's Guide So All The Information Is On There That I Will Be Using & Doing
Peace & Hugs :hug:
His guide has been very helpful and so has everyone on this forum. I am so grateful for everyone here who are willing to offer their insight!
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Male, 54
May 23, 2020
I'm going with SN cause it seems easier to pull off. I'm terrible when it comes to assembling things and not mechanically inclined in anyway. Exit bag sounds peaceful when done right though.
The exit bag from the PPeH is not very difficult to obtain and put together, at least in the US. All that is required is a small cylinder of inert gas, a flowmeter regulator for the specific gas, possibly an adapter for the output for connecting plastic tubing, the plastic tubing, and the bag with elastic cord inside a "hem" at the opening. It does take some research to understand what items to buy and where to purchase them, but it is not that difficult, even for people that don't have any technical knowledge or ability, as long as one is willing to ask questions. I feel that the discussion on this forum about using other ways to deliver the gas such as masks, etc. makes this method sound much more difficult than it is. Using the simple, proven bag is much more preferable to any kind of mask that I have no information about how effective it is. Also, the Mad Dog Brewing regulator has confused people into thinking they need this 'click' style regulator, when a flowmeter regulator from a welding supplier is much easier and cheaper to obtain for any inert gas, not just nitrogen.

I don't know any more information about SN other than what I have read on this site, but for me, there are several issues. I would have a lot of difficulty in obtaining the recommended antiemetic, and may vomit anyway. It doesn't sound peaceful and painless due to the nausea reported and other signs of distress that have been described.

When I read here about those who choose potentially painful, violent, frightening, risky, and otherwise difficult or illegal methods, I want to tell them to consider the exit bag, the only method I know of that is truly peaceful, painless, completely legal, and poses no risk to others, but advising someone directly on how to carry out the act isn't allowed here.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'd go for the EB (Exit Bag) if possible as it is more peaceful (according to what I know about the method) than SN. However, SN might be easier depending on circumstances (especially transportation and compactness). The downside of SN is that it takes time as well as other medication to ensure a successful and as peaceful as possible of a method.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Well, what actually could go wrong if not one of those things? There is not much left.

I don't know. Equipment failure? Or the timing of those things such that the attempt ends in lasting effects? With SN, we know that there won't be lasting effects after treatment, I don't know what the effects are for the different types of gasses.
Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
Well, what actually could go wrong if not one of those things? There is not much left.
I was worried about one of the components malfunctioning or air getting into the bag somehow


Male, 54
May 23, 2020
I don't know. Equipment failure? Or the timing of those things such that the attempt ends in lasting effects? With SN, we know that there won't be lasting effects after treatment, I don't know what the effects are for the different types of gasses.
The effect will be the same for any of the inert gases: brain death due to lack of oxygen, which I believe is the same for SN. The two purposes of the inert gas flow are 1) to displace the carbon dioxide being exhaled into the bag which, if it were inhaled, would cause distress due to hypercapnia, which is excess CO2 in the bloodstream, and 2) prevent fresh air from entering the bag. The gases themselves don't affect the body.
I was worried about one of the components malfunctioning or air getting into the bag somehow
If an exit bag is used, rather than any type of mask, and the bag itself is constructed as described in the Exit International (EI) "DIY with Betty" video , the tubing is connected securely, and the person is seated in a partially reclined position in a solid chair that he can't fall or slump out of, I believe the bag will stay in place correctly based on the experience of EI. The only other component remaining is the flowmeter regulator, and those tend to be extremely reliable due to their simplicity. The 15 l/m flow of gas from the bag around the neck will prevent any air from entering the bag.
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