

Jul 29, 2024
Is anyone else here content with their current birth gender but would totally choose being the opposite one if given the chance, im not transgender though. Even if i was there's no point in pursuing that dream anyway. I'll always be a girl. I just have to accept that.

when i die, i hope in my next life i get to try being a man just once, even if i wont remember it.
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Mar 14, 2023
Which kind of things can you not do as a girl that you feel you could do better as a boy? Or which treatment do you get as a girl that you feel would be different as a boy? What influenced these thoughts?


Jul 29, 2024
Which kind of things can you not do as a girl that you feel you could do better as a boy? Or which treatment do you get as a girl that you feel would be different as a boy? What influenced these thoughts?
Kind of everything? I feel like ive tried everything in my circle as a woman and nothing fits me. I don't wanna be stuck in the body I live in guess.
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Alone & Unloved
Apr 10, 2024
Is anyone else here content with their current birth gender but would totally choose being the opposite one if given the chance, im not transgender though. Even if i was there's no point in pursuing that dream anyway. I'll always be a girl. I just have to accept that.

when i die, i hope in my next life i get to try being a man just once, even if i wont remember it.
I'll weigh in on this. I'm trans. Gender is fucking complicated, difficult, and esoteric as hell. Ultimately if you want to be a guy, you can be. Depending on where you're from getting hormone replacement therapy ranges from incredibly easy to nearly impossible. if you're in the US, planned parenthood in certain states does informed consent hrt.

otherwise, if you want a more masculine appearance I have some resources I can share that might help. most of it is US based however. If you'd like I can send you a link to a place where you can get low cost binders, and a list of trans friendly barbers and salons. otherwise I just have general advice if there's anything you'd want to know specifics about


May 11, 2024
Having ovaries definitely fucked everything up for me. Plus my ASD probably would have been diagnosed sooner had I been a boy.
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Aug 24, 2024
I am female but absolutely hated my body and being female. Most of that stemmed from being molested by my grandfather, who did not abuse my brother or male cousins. In my mind, as a child, I figured if I was a male he would not have touched me. As I grew older, I hated being female because it seemed all men wanted me for was sex, and having been abused, I was not interested. In truth, I'm sure there were and are plenty of great guys out there that wanted a relationship for something other than that, but I hated myself so much that I did not look. And, I hated being female because of my monthly cycle, which - without getting graphic - was so intense that I still can't understand how I didn't bleed to death. I still hate having to wear a stupid bra because that's what society accepts. If I go to work without one, that won't be ok with my job and will be obvious. I'm not even going to talk about menopause. At least, thank god, pantyhose are out. Most of you are too young to know a day when you HAD to wear them to work. They were and are the antichrist.

I still hate being female but will always be. I got stuck with a crappy body in this lifetime (for more reasons than just being female) and I'm with you - I want to be a guy in my next life. I've had enough of this nonsense.
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Because we have to
May 28, 2024
Yup. I think about it daily. I never feel comfortable in my body and I've realised that's because I'm the wrong gender. Gender is complicated.
Think how cool it would be if we could choose what gender we wanted to be when we turned a certain age. Like up until the age of 13 everyone is one gender and then when you turn 13 you have to decide. That would be kind of cool.
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Aug 25, 2024
I want to comment so badly but feel like no matter what I say, it's going to come out wrong. So here's a story instead.

The was a girl I knew, back in the old days. Speaking using modern terminology she displayed masculine traits and often we would both be seen doing boy stuff like climbing trees, rough-housing and other such random boy activities. She never wore makeup. In those days, we just used to call girls like that, Tomboys. Girls that had their own female body, were happy in their body, but still done what was back then considered 'boy stuff'.

She became the love of my life. We shared so much together. More than I can go into here. She came, in fact, to define the course of my life in a way I'd never have guessed.

What I'm saying is, one's own body defines only one thing, one's own body. The mind is the important thing. Maybe I'm talking shite, but I fell in love with her mind, even though she wasn't a conventional girl. Maybe, I'm not a conventional guy either I suppose. I don't think she ever regretted being a girl, if she wanted to do guy stuff she just went for it.

We're too quick to put ourselves in boxes these days, might have been a better way to say it.
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Jul 29, 2024
I want to comment so badly but feel like no matter what I say, it's going to come out wrong. So here's a story instead.

The was a girl I knew, back in the old days. Speaking using modern terminology she displayed masculine traits and often we would both be seen doing boy stuff like climbing trees, rough-housing and other such random boy activities. She never wore makeup. In those days, we just used to call girls like that, Tomboys. Girls that had their own female body, were happy in their body, but still done what was back then considered 'boy stuff'.

She became the love of my life. We shared so much together. More than I can go into here. She came, in fact, to define the course of my life in a way I'd never have guessed.

What I'm saying is, one's own body defines only thing, one's own body. The mind is the important thing. Maybe I'm talking shite, but I fell in love with her mind, even though she wasn't a conventional girl. Maybe, I'm not a conventional guy either I suppose. I don't think she ever regretted being a girl, if she wanted to do guy stuff she just went for it.

We're too quick to put ourselves in boxes these days, might have been a better way to say it.
Thank you for your story, its very sweet honestly. I'm not repulsed by my own femininity, in a way it's like I've tried being feminine, but in the end id rather be a man. Maybe this is an idealization, maybe my life wouldve gone differently had I been born that gender, im still a can of worms that'll take a while to open and find out what's inside. either way I appreciate the reply, I wish you both a happy life together
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Aug 25, 2024
Thank you for your story, its very sweet honestly. I'm not repulsed by my own femininity, in a way it's like I've tried being feminine, but in the end id rather be a man. Maybe this is an idealization, maybe my life wouldve gone differently had I been born that gender, im still a can of worms that'll take a while to open and find out what's inside. either way I appreciate the reply, I wish you both a happy life together

Oh that ended years ago. But thanks for saying that. I do hope you find your true self, whatever mental and physical form that may take. I wish you all the luck in your journey of discovery.
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Jan 11, 2024
Having ovaries definitely fucked everything up for me. Plus my ASD probably would have been diagnosed sooner had I been a boy.
Agree strongly. I have PMDD so being a woman is intense, and the ASD and ADHD has just made every day a hell. And yes, who knows how many women were denied help because they were good little girls who fit the stereotype of gender norms. I was sweet and shy - a perfect little robot to pat on the head and get rewarded for playing her part in the system.

I have stopped doing that and stopped masking and now am more direct. I am trying out being less passive ('if you could do this that would be so wonderful and I would truly appreciate it' people pleasing). It has NOT gone well. I think my most recent ex started to hate that the subservient sex toy he thought I was actually had a brain. I lost a job in part due to autism and not 'playing the rules'. I today was just standing up for myself in one of my online communities and was told by a moderator I was too 'high maintenance' and told to fuck off. I was a woman talking about women's safety in the community and was told to fuck off.

They want good little girls - no exceptions.
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you say falling victim to myself is weak, so be it
Apr 26, 2023
Is anyone else here content with their current birth gender but would totally choose being the opposite one if given the chance, im not transgender though. Even if i was there's no point in pursuing that dream anyway. I'll always be a girl. I just have to accept that.

when i die, i hope in my next life i get to try being a man just once, even if i wont remember it.
With everything same.
Thank you for your story, its very sweet honestly. I'm not repulsed by my own femininity, in a way it's like I've tried being feminine, but in the end id rather be a man. Maybe this is an idealization, maybe my life wouldve gone differently had I been born that gender, im still a can of worms that'll take a while to open and find out what's inside. either way I appreciate the reply, I wish you both a happy life together
I be reading everyhing your commenting and feel the same way, this post about hating your female body hopefully you know what I mean by that, as a women who grew up with four older brothers in a religious household in a small town i get it, I'd fuckin type out more shit but even thinking about it I wouldn't want to, I'm tried of trying to be heard, acknowledged or have my emotions realized, I'm getting heated even now because I'm sick of it I I'm not just sick of it I'm battered from it and every damn day I hear an get to see shit that reminds me of this inferiority, I can't say everything i want because I'd never have the strength to get to do it
And either way I'd never be Trans as that won't suffice that won't due, because as Wrong as it may be of me to think, I could never be a real man if not being born as one, I don't hate Trans people either it's just somthing I can't explain because it's no matter what I wouldn't be I wouldn't be I couldn't, but man oh fucking man, if reincarnation is real, make me a man, there are difficulties that come with both I'm awere, but overall I'd rather have the power to be feared the way a man can be feared.

I might definitely be going to far but I already typed it down.
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DXM !!!
Dec 12, 2023
I couldn't relate more, aside from the fact that I'm not so content with being born female. I'm not trans either, I just don't like being a woman
Physically, we're weaker, shorter, smaller, less stamina, etc
Men and women's brains are wired differently, and as a result we're more emotional, less direct
I also just don't really like how everything is socially. Of course, the vast vast majority of men are normal people, and plenty of women are creepy, but, I still just feel uneasy in certain settings with men. Which I also feel bad about as well because, as I said, most men are good people. Just takes a few bad people to really fuck up your perception and how your mind works unfortunately. Combining this with the physical aspect makes it even worse
On top of that, I've never been able to have a lot of female friends. It's been hard for me to relate to other women generally, which is something that bothers me
I definitely feel like I would've been a lot happier if I was born a man. I'm sure there's a lot of men that think the opposite, and I can still see why. Being a person in general is just tiring and awful
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