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Feb 27, 2019
Sorry it is a bit long but I am losing it and this is the only place were I can be 100% honest.

Little over a year ago I used benzos for 4 weeks straight due to the holidays and it was a bad time for me. But after the 4 weeks I knew I had to stop again. This when shit hit the fan because I quit cold turkey thinking that would be ok no taper needed after a short time. No instructions by doc offcourse. Few days later my mind started racing I started to obsess over things I did not obsess over. My tinnitus which I was used to all of a sudden became a point of stress and severe obsession which I before was accumilated to and I got severe panic attacks out of nowhere. I did not have panic since 2012.. ( I was prescribed benzos then for tinnitus in 2012 and I always used less then prescribed never daily) It was the cold turkey off the benzo's 10000% which send me into a tailspin this time but I did not know it yet. Back to the psychs and docs offcourse they blamed anxiety and not the meds fucking me up. Another couple of mistakes again and I ended up on 5x the dose 5mg Ativan DAILY + seroquel + paxil. I was basically pollydrugged because they blamed my mental health and not the benzo's which are know to worsen anxiety in the end. I was never instructed how to use them. I knew addiction was a problem so used them wisely never daily long term and never abused them but not how bad these meds actually are. And they change your calm system.

So I started tapering 5mg Ativan ( a pretty heft dose) because I was never a daily pill user, benzo withdrawal is horrible it's worse then heroin, racing thoughts, anxiety u have never felt in your life, and depression. And it takes forever. I started exactly a year ago and I am still not done.

As I had experience with cannabis always making me feel good in the past I tried to vape some cannabis to help me with the horrible feelings and I had a bad trip because I was in a bad mindstate due to the benzo's. It gave me depersonalisation which is worse then depression or anxiety IMO. It is a loss of sense of self and the feeling you are a walking corpse. Which in turn gave me more anxiety, depression and symptoms of ptsd.

Now I am still not off the drugs, i feel trapped every day and my former self is gone. I used to love being alone, watching a movie, play a game, go to the gym. Now I moved in with my mother cannot stay alone, am severely agoraphobic, and dealing with the dp, severe anxiety and depression. I look in the mirror and dont know who I see, because of the drug withdrawal I cannot stop the anxiety. Raising the dose I tried and did not help. I am tolerant. Tried other drugs and only made me worse. I wish I never touched psych drugs.

I have many people who love me but I have been at it for over a year and I am getting more and more trapped and feel like there is no way out. I am showing lot of signs of ptsd I wan't to die every day now. I cannot talk about this with anybody. Because I will be further drugged into hell or locked up. Nobody understands.

If I CTB I will destroy my poor mother, my grandmother, my aunts, and all other people who love me. I have talked and talked and talked with therapists, tried meds I tried it all. That system and my stupid mistake of the cannabis destroyed my life.

I already made one attempt to hang myself out of pure desperation. I was too scared. And the guilt is eating me up alive. I just feel traumatised and so sad. I could have a perfect life but my brain is destroyed. Anxiety, depression and dp just keeps getting worse.

I guess most people do not want to die really but only want to because the pain is too much. And the pain is too much.

The thought of destroying my mother kill me, but I cannot tell her I am suicidal. You just can't tell people....

Thank you for listening
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Sep 12, 2018
Hey friend.

I'm not sure how to help you, but I want to let you know you're not alone. I'm a drug addict in recovery - I was addicted to codeine, then oxycodone, then fentanyl and heroin. Now that I'm clean, I feel like a former ghost of myself, too. It's been almost 4 years and it still hasn't gotten better. I feel like I'm in a fog and nothing interestse anymore.

I'm sorry you're feeling the same way. I hope our brains start working properly soon. ):
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Feb 10, 2019
they say a brain needs 7 years after 1 pill of ecstasy to develop such a serotonin level again.... it takes some time but it can be normal again.... detox might help, I mean real detox not this hospital nutrition, but with real food, that means god-made not man-made food like plants etc
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Dec 23, 2018
"I want to live but my life is getting worse and worse and I see no way out"

This is my unfortunate fate as well, to the T.

My full story is here if you're curious, towards the bottom: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/introduce-yourself.3952/page-9

I think the thing we forget and fail to realize as human beings is that we really are merely mortal beings, who are truly going to die. As hard as that sounds, that's just the fact of life that we have to accept, and some people feel it creeping up sooner than others. Age is irrelevant in this case, and the idea that you have to stay here and suffer until you die naturally at some horrifying old age is just the societal norm that is bestowed upon us. You don't have to buy into that, and I truly believe it is basic human right to be here as long as you want to be, as long as you are happy and can truly stand it, and ultimately the decision to leave when you can't stand it anymore should be up to you. It's your life, and you should have the freedom to do with it as you please. This life is finite and temporary, and no one should be forced to stay here against their will. As much as it hurts to lose a loved one, if your mother, friends and family share a similar view, I truly believe they will understand and respect your decision.

Totally unbiased here, but I'm a Christian and if they are too, I believe they would take even further comfort in that and know that it's only goodbye for now, and they will see you again. Hugs!
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Feb 22, 2019
I also wanna die, I can not do it because my mother. On same time if I keep unemployed, it will make her unhappy, since she is supporting me with food and house expensives because I live with her.
I fell terrible at home unusual worst working. I will try another job again in my area, IT. But if I keep felling suicide at work I don't know what to do. I am thinking about living abroad, but then I will miss my Mon.
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May 31, 2018
I guess most people do not want to die really but only want to because the pain is too much. And the pain is too much.

The thought of destroying my mother kill me, but I cannot tell her I am suicidal. You just can't tell people....

Thank you for listening

Thank you for being so vulnerable. I wish I had a solution for you, but I believe you're right about suicide as a choice for many of us...
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Sorry it is a bit long but I am losing it and this is the only place were I can be 100% honest.

Little over a year ago I used benzos for 4 weeks straight due to the holidays and it was a bad time for me. But after the 4 weeks I knew I had to stop again. This when shit hit the fan because I quit cold turkey thinking that would be ok no taper needed after a short time. No instructions by doc offcourse. Few days later my mind started racing I started to obsess over things I did not obsess over. My tinnitus which I was used to all of a sudden became a point of stress and severe obsession which I before was accumilated to and I got severe panic attacks out of nowhere. I did not have panic since 2012.. ( I was prescribed benzos then for tinnitus in 2012 and I always used less then prescribed never daily) It was the cold turkey off the benzo's 10000% which send me into a tailspin this time but I did not know it yet. Back to the psychs and docs offcourse they blamed anxiety and not the meds fucking me up. Another couple of mistakes again and I ended up on 5x the dose 5mg Ativan DAILY + seroquel + paxil. I was basically pollydrugged because they blamed my mental health and not the benzo's which are know to worsen anxiety in the end. I was never instructed how to use them. I knew addiction was a problem so used them wisely never daily long term and never abused them but not how bad these meds actually are. And they change your calm system.

So I started tapering 5mg Ativan ( a pretty heft dose) because I was never a daily pill user, benzo withdrawal is horrible it's worse then heroin, racing thoughts, anxiety u have never felt in your life, and depression. And it takes forever. I started exactly a year ago and I am still not done.

As I had experience with cannabis always making me feel good in the past I tried to vape some cannabis to help me with the horrible feelings and I had a bad trip because I was in a bad mindstate due to the benzo's. It gave me depersonalisation which is worse then depression or anxiety IMO. It is a loss of sense of self and the feeling you are a walking corpse. Which in turn gave me more anxiety, depression and symptoms of ptsd.

Now I am still not off the drugs, i feel trapped every day and my former self is gone. I used to love being alone, watching a movie, play a game, go to the gym. Now I moved in with my mother cannot stay alone, am severely agoraphobic, and dealing with the dp, severe anxiety and depression. I look in the mirror and dont know who I see, because of the drug withdrawal I cannot stop the anxiety. Raising the dose I tried and did not help. I am tolerant. Tried other drugs and only made me worse. I wish I never touched psych drugs.

I have many people who love me but I have been at it for over a year and I am getting more and more trapped and feel like there is no way out. I am showing lot of signs of ptsd I wan't to die every day now. I cannot talk about this with anybody. Because I will be further drugged into hell or locked up. Nobody understands.

If I CTB I will destroy my poor mother, my grandmother, my aunts, and all other people who love me. I have talked and talked and talked with therapists, tried meds I tried it all. That system and my stupid mistake of the cannabis destroyed my life.

I already made one attempt to hang myself out of pure desperation. I was too scared. And the guilt is eating me up alive. I just feel traumatised and so sad. I could have a perfect life but my brain is destroyed. Anxiety, depression and dp just keeps getting worse.

I guess most people do not want to die really but only want to because the pain is too much. And the pain is too much.

The thought of destroying my mother kill me, but I cannot tell her I am suicidal. You just can't tell people....

Thank you for listening
I'm gonna go completely against the grain here soley because you said the words "I want to live". Listen. There are MILLIONS of people just like you in this world that have overcome precisely what you are going through. It's brutal and harsh. I haven't gone through it but an old user we had @BurningLights went through everything you're describing and from him, I learned just how hellacious that shit can be. Before you make such a final decision, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try therapy or those group things like aa meetings except for benzo addicts. Anything and everything. I heard of one thing that may help, I'll try to find it but someone on a different form I'm apart of was advocating for it. Try anything and everything and after you have, if you decide to take your life, we'll be here supporting you the whole way
I don't care if I sound pro lifey btw.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Copied and pasted from another site
you've never heard of it, ibogaine is a powerful psychedelic drug from Africa that treats hardcore physical and psychological addiction. Ive used it myself. I was a hardcore alcoholic for 10 years. After doing 1 flood dose of it, I never drank again. Its been over 4 years of sobriety now, and its easy. No cravings, no temptations really, Im just simply not interested in alcohol anymore.

It is very powerful and will render you completely helpless and bedridden for 24-96 hours. You MUST remain in bed in a safe comfortable place with someone you trust to watch over you. It will make you vomit, and it will be difficult to even hold down water for a while.

There are clinics where you can pay thousands of dollars to do it, but I just did it at home with my girlfriend to watch over me. Much cheaper, about $450USD. It can be bought from ibogaworld.com.

I recommend the HCL preparation of it. The dosage of ibogaine HCL is 18mg/kg body mass. It must be done on an empty stomach, you can not be high on other drugs when you take it as there are concerns with drug interactions. A little marijuana is OK, but no alcohol, opiates or psychiatric meds should be in your system. It is recommended to take gravel along with the dose to make sure you dont vomit up the dose. You will still vomit some, just not as much.
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Feb 27, 2019
Thank you all for your support, I will respond further when I am more calm. This is the morning and thats when I feel the most terror.

I really appreciate your kindness. I wish all of you peace and NO PAIN, however we can find this.

Again I will respond in more detail later. I,m terrified right now.


Feb 26, 2019
"I want to live but my life is getting worse and worse and I see no way out"

This is my unfortunate fate as well, to the T.

My full story is here if you're curious, towards the bottom: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/introduce-yourself.3952/page-9

I think the thing we forget and fail to realize as human beings is that we really are merely mortal beings, who are truly going to die. As hard as that sounds, that's just the fact of life that we have to accept, and some people feel it creeping up sooner than others. Age is irrelevant in this case, and the idea that you have to stay here and suffer until you die naturally at some horrifying old age is just the societal norm that is bestowed upon us. You don't have to buy into that, and I truly believe it is basic human right to be here as long as you want to be, as long as you are happy and can truly stand it, and ultimately the decision to leave when you can't stand it anymore should be up to you. It's your life, and you should have the freedom to do with it as you please. This life is finite and temporary, and no one should be forced to stay here against their will. As much as it hurts to lose a loved one, if your mother, friends and family share a similar view, I truly believe they will understand and respect your decision.

Totally unbiased here, but I'm a Christian and if they are too, I believe they would take even further comfort in that and know that it's only goodbye for now, and they will see you again. Hugs!

I absolutely agree. People say we are selfish, are we supposed to struggle in agony inside with a smile on our face? I have so much respect for those who end their lives, their bravery & honesty is inspiring. It is a robotic learnt retort from people. 'Selfish' And yet these are the same people who say 'you wouldn't keep an animal like this, at least you can do the right thing!'

You could write a letter explaining everything & that you will meet again. I feel exactly the same way abt my Mum & Dad & im 48. She used to say abt the selfish thing but over the years & due to people we know who have CTB, she now understands & even said how brave they were.

We can't help how we feel. It's either due to bad meds, addictions or just our personalities (my case) We all want to be better but sadly a lot of us can't for whatever reason.

I really really hope you find a way to make you be at peace in whatever format. Peace perfect Peace.
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Reactions: ForestLove, Taylor and Mybattle


Feb 27, 2019
"I want to live but my life is getting worse and worse and I see no way out"

This is my unfortunate fate as well, to the T.

My full story is here if you're curious, towards the bottom: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/introduce-yourself.3952/page-9

I think the thing we forget and fail to realize as human beings is that we really are merely mortal beings, who are truly going to die. As hard as that sounds, that's just the fact of life that we have to accept, and some people feel it creeping up sooner than others. Age is irrelevant in this case, and the idea that you have to stay here and suffer until you die naturally at some horrifying old age is just the societal norm that is bestowed upon us. You don't have to buy into that, and I truly believe it is basic human right to be here as long as you want to be, as long as you are happy and can truly stand it, and ultimately the decision to leave when you can't stand it anymore should be up to you. It's your life, and you should have the freedom to do with it as you please. This life is finite and temporary, and no one should be forced to stay here against their will. As much as it hurts to lose a loved one, if your mother, friends and family share a similar view, I truly believe they will understand and respect your decision.

Totally unbiased here, but I'm a Christian and if they are too, I believe they would take even further comfort in that and know that it's only goodbye for now, and they will see you again. Hugs!
So sorry bro, its discusting :(, I have read your full story. We have much in common. Going to the gym held me together too. It gave me a sense of purpose and kept my low self esteem at bay. As soon as that was taken from me I became more and more desperate and now ending up here.

Have you exploited and researched al options? I am not sure exactly what you are dealing with. What kind of illness is it? Do you know? I have heard amazing things about stem cell treatments for joints etc. Maybe it is something... Who knows there might be a solution but you probably already researched it so I do not want to give false hope. But if I had hope that I can heal in a couple of years I would wait. My situation is complicated. I have no idea what is going on in my brain. What I do know is healing from psych drugs takes ages. Then there is my underlying anxiety which get's worse and worse. Then there is the depersonalisation which I got from weed which in some takes a year and some it never leaves. So I have no idea what I am up against. If I KNEW it would be a few years I would fight. But I don't and thats why I feel trapped.

The mental anguish I am dealing with is inhumane and the worst part is nobody around me or docs knows or aknoledge the situation. Sometimes I wish I had something physical so at least people will understand. But I also know physical pain is just as bad so dont get me wrong and think I am saying you do not suffer. I will pray u will find a solution to your problem.
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Feb 27, 2019
I'm gonna go completely against the grain here soley because you said the words "I want to live". Listen. There are MILLIONS of people just like you in this world that have overcome precisely what you are going through. It's brutal and harsh. I haven't gone through it but an old user we had @BurningLights went through everything you're describing and from him, I learned just how hellacious that shit can be. Before you make such a final decision, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try therapy or those group things like aa meetings except for benzo addicts. Anything and everything. I heard of one thing that may help, I'll try to find it but someone on a different form I'm apart of was advocating for it. Try anything and everything and after you have, if you decide to take your life, we'll be here supporting you the whole way
I don't care if I sound pro lifey btw.
Benzo withdrawal is not the whole story, it is horrible on its own but it was something I was dealing with but when I had the bad trip from cannabis my already very sensitive brain got warped into another dimension and gave me depersonalisation which is horrible and might never go away. I have no way of knowing.. It will definitly not go away as long as I am depressed and anxious. And withdrawing from benzo's (and other psych drugs) without anxiety and depression is like hoping to jump in a pool without getting wet. And for all the receptors and all other things to go back to normal just takes ages once you are off. And I am not even off.

Also trying ibogaine or ayuwasca now is imo very risky. I am already in mental hell because I got a bad trip from weed for christ sake so imagine what a powerful hallucigen would do. I don't think anything good can come from it. Specially while I am still on the psych drugs.

Thank you for your reply though!


Feb 27, 2019
Hey friend.

I'm not sure how to help you, but I want to let you know you're not alone. I'm a drug addict in recovery - I was addicted to codeine, then oxycodone, then fentanyl and heroin. Now that I'm clean, I feel like a former ghost of myself, too. It's been almost 4 years and it still hasn't gotten better. I feel like I'm in a fog and nothing interestse anymore.

I'm sorry you're feeling the same way. I hope our brains start working properly soon. ):
Respect for staying clean for 4 years, that is an accomplishment!! You are already 4 years clean have you had ANY improvement? I have read ways of rebalancing the brain after drugs. There are ways to fix this fog or anhedonia which sounds like you have... There are nootropics, NAD+ treatment, exercise offcourse, many many ways. Maybe check out longecity forum there are some great posts there on this. I do not know everything about you offcourse and do not want to blow smoke up your ass but you also sound like you are not ready to go and have some hope. Im still on these evil benzo's so I cannot experiment much. I have also tried things which either backfired or were a dissapointment,

I hope you will get relief. Thank you for your kind words!


Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Benzo withdrawal is not the whole story, it is horrible on its own but it was something I was dealing with but when I had the bad trip from cannabis my already very sensitive brain got warped into another dimension and gave me depersonalisation which is horrible and might never go away. I have no way of knowing.. It will definitly not go away as long as I am depressed and anxious. And withdrawing from benzo's (and other psych drugs) without anxiety and depression is like hoping to jump in a pool without getting wet. And for all the receptors and all other things to go back to normal just takes ages once you are off. And I am not even off.

Also trying ibogaine or ayuwasca now is imo very risky. I am already in mental hell because I got a bad trip from weed for christ sake so imagine what a powerful hallucigen would do. I don't think anything good can come from it. Specially while I am still on the psych drugs.

Thank you for your reply though!
Hey you're good. I've never heard of it before but I saw it on another forum so just in case. Of course that option is 100% up to you I'm not gonna push you into something youve no interest in! :)


Sep 12, 2018
Respect for staying clean for 4 years, that is an accomplishment!! You are already 4 years clean have you had ANY improvement? I have read ways of rebalancing the brain after drugs. There are ways to fix this fog or anhedonia which sounds like you have... There are nootropics, NAD+ treatment, exercise offcourse, many many ways. Maybe check out longecity forum there are some great posts there on this. I do not know everything about you offcourse and do not want to blow smoke up your ass but you also sound like you are not ready to go and have some hope. Im still on these evil benzo's so I cannot experiment much. I have also tried things which either backfired or were a dissapointment,

I hope you will get relief. Thank you for your kind words!

The improvement comes and goes. It's really only felt better in the past 9 or so months. Whats NAD treatment?

I guess I'm really on the fence about going. Life keeps giving me reasons to stay, then ripping them away one by one. Its exhausting.


Dec 23, 2018
So sorry bro, its discusting :(, I have read your full story. We have much in common. Going to the gym held me together too. It gave me a sense of purpose and kept my low self esteem at bay. As soon as that was taken from me I became more and more desperate and now ending up here.

Have you exploited and researched al options? I am not sure exactly what you are dealing with. What kind of illness is it? Do you know? I have heard amazing things about stem cell treatments for joints etc. Maybe it is something... Who knows there might be a solution but you probably already researched it so I do not want to give false hope. But if I had hope that I can heal in a couple of years I would wait. My situation is complicated. I have no idea what is going on in my brain. What I do know is healing from psych drugs takes ages. Then there is my underlying anxiety which get's worse and worse. Then there is the depersonalisation which I got from weed which in some takes a year and some it never leaves. So I have no idea what I am up against. If I KNEW it would be a few years I would fight. But I don't and thats why I feel trapped.

The mental anguish I am dealing with is inhumane and the worst part is nobody around me or docs knows or aknoledge the situation. Sometimes I wish I had something physical so at least people will understand. But I also know physical pain is just as bad so dont get me wrong and think I am saying you do not suffer. I will pray u will find a solution to your problem.
Oh I know exactly where you're coming from on the mental side of the battle, I'm currently fighting my own demons mentally that have completely derailed my life for the last 5 years, and is far worse than any physical pain I've felt, it has completely robbed me of my ability to even function in life as a "normal" adult, like how I used to feel. I would honeslty hold off too if my issues were only physical, as I've heard of the same promising stem cell regenerative therapies. It's where I'm at mentally that makes me feel like I don't even belong here as a human being anymore, like I'm subhuman and no longer myself, so that leaves me feeling just as trapped and practically dismisses any of my desire to physically repair myself. Who knew life could turn out to be such a living nightmare huh? I'm praying for you too buddy!
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