

Dec 5, 2022
Ive been a pretty atheist person since childhood but i had a religious stint during a tough time a few months ago and too many weird coincidence happened when i read the bible. Like i was reading revelation the scariest and last chapter. And at the very end there passage about how only clean people and people who wash their robes can enter the gates of heaven. and then jesus was like let all who hear the call say come, and let them come, and let he who is thirsty drink the water of life without penalty.(i dont remember the exact words and im too scared to ever read the bible again but that was the gist.) anyway i said "come" and then i went to do laundry which i hadnt done for a while due to depression, and there was an empty water bottle in the bottom of the hamper when i emptied the clothes? I kept that bottle. Then i went to take a bath which i also hadnt done for a while due to depression so its weird that the passage mentioned these things. And as SOON as i finished taking a bath i felt a horrible feeling like my body was failing, im not sure if it was extreme thirst but its true that i hadnt drinken water in a long time but i didnt feel like that before? Anyway i hurried to fill up the water bottle i found in the hamper with water because the feeling was horrible it didnt seem like something good would happen at all. as soon as i drank water i was better again. then a few minutes later i felt it one last time and then drank some more water and i was fine. That wasnt the only coincidence either but that was the craziest one. So basically im not following the bible much anymore cause im a lesbian it was too hard… i read some niche sermon about if you just believe in jesus you are saved and just hope for the best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But theres no way that I could actually kill myself now after that happened, as much as I need to. I could barely do it before when i had no religious inkling at all. I dont know what to do, I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest.
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Trying to understand this world
Jun 11, 2023
Idk what might have triggered that feeling when you came out of the bath but as you said it might have been something related to dehydration.
I hope you are feeling better now ❤️
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Mar 23, 2023
Ive been a pretty atheist person since childhood but i had a religious stint during a tough time a few months ago and too many weird coincidence happened when i read the bible. Like i was reading revelation the scariest and last chapter. And at the very end there passage about how only clean people and people who wash their robes can enter the gates of heaven. and then jesus was like let all who hear the call say come, and let them come, and let he who is thirsty drink the water of life without penalty.(i dont remember the exact words and im too scared to ever read the bible again but that was the gist.) anyway i said "come" and then i went to do laundry which i hadnt done for a while due to depression, and there was an empty water bottle in the bottom of the hamper when i emptied the clothes? I kept that bottle. Then i went to take a bath which i also hadnt done for a while due to depression so its weird that the passage mentioned these things. And as SOON as i finished taking a bath i felt a horrible feeling like my body was failing, im not sure if it was extreme thirst but its true that i hadnt drinken water in a long time but i didnt feel like that before? Anyway i hurried to fill up the water bottle i found in the hamper with water because the feeling was horrible it didnt seem like something good would happen at all. as soon as i drank water i was better again. then a few minutes later i felt it one last time and then drank some more water and i was fine. That wasnt the only coincidence either but that was the craziest one. So basically im not following the bible much anymore cause im a lesbian it was too hard… i read some niche sermon about if you just believe in jesus you are saved and just hope for the best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But theres no way that I could actually kill myself now after that happened, as much as I need to. I could barely do it before when i had no religious inkling at all. I dont know what to do, I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest.
I think that was most likely your sub conscious playing games and co-incidence as the bible is a made piece of work, quite brilliant in some ways but fiction none the less. I would not worry over death whether it comes naturally or by your own hand.

Before 'Jesus' and Christianity existed people worshipped all sorts of different gods and deities and like Christianity it was all a made up ideas to find some meaning, or explanation to life and of course to then control and manipulate people. If there was any divine being then where are they now, have they gone on a permanent vacation? A simple visitation might help the world to reset and find a better way forward but nothing has happened because there is no higher entity to appear. Likewise there is no afterlife and human beings have evolved from simple forms of bacterial life billions of years ago, as is shown by fossil records. For there to be an afterlife then at some point something changed, some magic happened and a soul began to exist - its fairy tale stuff. I am all for others believing what they want to but sometimes you need to take a rational view and there is zero evidence of any god or afterlife existing. Its a shame in some ways as I would love there to be a heaven where I could chill out and relax a little one day but the reality is the idea of an afterlife is purely the product of belief systems instilled in us. If not for the mass extinction even 60 million years ago then humans would not even be here to be suicidal or develop such ideas, sadly we evolved to speak and it went pear shaped from there.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I think that was most likely your sub conscious playing games and co-incidence as the bible is a made piece of work, quite brilliant in some ways but fiction none the less. I would not worry over death whether it comes naturally or by your own hand.

Before 'Jesus' and Christianity existed people worshipped all sorts of different gods and deities and like Christianity it was all a made up ideas to find some meaning, or explanation to life and of course to then control and manipulate people. If there was any divine being then where are they now, have they gone on a permanent vacation? A simple visitation might help the world to reset and find a better way forward but nothing has happened because there is no higher entity to appear. Likewise there is no afterlife and human beings have evolved from simple forms of bacterial life billions of years ago, as is shown by fossil records. For there to be an afterlife then at some point something changed, some magic happened and a soul began to exist - its fairy tale stuff. I am all for others believing what they want to but sometimes you need to take a rational view and there is zero evidence of any god or afterlife existing. Its a shame in some ways as I would love there to be a heaven where I could chill out and relax a little one day but the reality is the idea of an afterlife is purely the product of belief systems instilled in us. If not for the mass extinction even 60 million years ago then humans would not even be here to be suicidal or develop such ideas, sadly we evolved to speak and it went pear shaped from there.
Agree with ur post . There is no afterlife , no reincarnation after death. After death a human ceases to exist forever.

There is no soul

Imo there isn't any real difference between other animals and humans.

The only difference is language . And it is with language that they are able to instill these false beliefs like religion culture morality etc.

Harari touches on this in his book Sapiens. Saying culture religion etc are fictional ideas. And I agree.

Of course the religion and cultural morality are instill in order to control others.

100,000 thousand years ago the tribal leaders invented religion . They wanted to have the humans in The tribe do what they wanted work, hunt , many things. So the way to control them was to say there was this god or gods that wanted them to do certain things. The children were indoctrinated from birth.

Nothing has changed
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Jul 14, 2023
People can say all they want that there's no God and no afterlife, but there still might be. Christianity, as far as I interpret it, says that there is a place of endless conscious torment for those who don't make it to heaven. If that's actually true then suicide would be a risky way to die because a person would be more likely to end up there. I wish it could be proven that it was actually oblivion after death.
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Dec 5, 2022
People can say all they want that there's no God and no afterlife, but there still might be. Christianity, as far as I interpret it, says that there is a place of endless conscious torment for those who don't make it to heaven. If that's actually true then suicide would be a risky way to die because a person would be more likely to end up there. I wish it could be proven that it was actually oblivion after death.
When I was a devout athiest I didnt understand how atheism could be a belief but it literally is. You cannot say that there is no god with certainty, that is a belief this hasnt been proven. Nobody knows what happens after death. There is evidence for every side. like why do humans naturally believe in god in the first place. I know we look like hot stuff with how far we got but we dont understand the human mind THAT well. Saying that there is a god is just belief too but we simply havent progressed far enough as a species yet to say with certainty that there is no god.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
Just my opinion...

There's no sense in fearing an "afterlife" if there is one, because it is INEVITABLE. You're going there whether you ctb or you let life kill you in some other way. YOU. ARE. GOING. TO. DIE. And there is nothing that's going to change that. Attaching all sorts of made-up human consequence and ideas to it is going to do nothing but drive you crazy and make you fear death even more.
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Oct 14, 2023
When I was a devout athiest I didnt understand how atheism could be a belief but it literally is. You cannot say that there is no god with certainty, that is a belief this hasnt been proven. Nobody knows what happens after death. There is evidence for every side. like why do humans naturally believe in god in the first place. I know we look like hot stuff with how far we got but we dont understand the human mind THAT well. Saying that there is a god is just belief too but we simply havent progressed far enough as a species yet to say with certainty that there is no god.
I think atheism is often defined as a /lack/ of belief, rather than a belief
people say the burden of proof falls on theists, because they are the ones making a claim that something exists
I think the question is - IS there "good enough" reason to believe in God? and I just don't know what the answer to that is
there are things we cannot explain
we are "filling in the gaps" BOTH if we claim God is the answer to things we cannot explain AND if we say science is the answer to things we cannot explain
so which is more rational to believe in - God - science, or both?


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
People can say all they want that there's no God and no afterlife, but there still might be. Christianity, as far as I interpret it, says that there is a place of endless conscious torment for those who don't make it to heaven. If that's actually true then suicide would be a risky way to die because a person would be more likely to end up there. I wish it could be proven that it was actually oblivion after death.
I'm atheist. But it seems hell isn't even in the Bible:

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Not a student
Oct 25, 2023
God is a lie, an invention to terrify children with and make them obey all through their lives, obviously. And there's no better test of obedience than getting someone to believe in your religious psychosis and kill by your orders. Many people kill themselves when faced with such orders rather than obey them.

We're human beings, we're born, we live for so long, we invent gods, we die, that's it. And Jesus is a real human being, the archetype of humanity. No one could invent such a character from nothing, He would have to be modelled on someone in real life. And His story is full of people behaving just like people do in real life.
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May 15, 2023
When I was a devout athiest I didnt understand how atheism could be a belief but it literally is. You cannot say that there is no god with certainty, that is a belief this hasnt been proven. Nobody knows what happens after death. There is evidence for every side. like why do humans naturally believe in god in the first place. I know we look like hot stuff with how far we got but we dont understand the human mind THAT well. Saying that there is a god is just belief too but we simply havent progressed far enough as a species yet to say with certainty that there is no god.
Religious people claiming god is real should be able to PROVE god is real, not atheists who dont believe in something that has never been proven in the first place
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Not a student
Oct 25, 2023
Religious people claiming god is real should be able to PROVE god is real, not atheists who dont believe in something that has never been proven in the first place
To be fair, whilst the patriarchal Gods of the rich and powerful are self-evidently lies and tools of oppression, also self-evident is the reality of the spectacle of humongous chains and walls of numberless galaxy superclusters and the abysses of void between them, that honeycomb the observable cosmos out to the limits of all human craft to detect them and beyond. And then there is the self-evident tendency in nature for the formation and evolution of worlds over æons of time, and of life, and of humanity, and the demand of the environment that humans co-operate on each other's survival or else perish in apocalypse. And the self-evident spectacle of the unique planet Earth in all of her benign majesty, apparently alone in the cosmos as an abode to life and of unsurpassed beauty. That's all observably real. If you want to call all of that the deliberate intention of your living god, no one can prove that you are mistaken in your assertion.
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Garden of Eden enjoyer.
Nov 5, 2023
When I was a devout athiest I didnt understand how atheism could be a belief but it literally is. You cannot say that there is no god with certainty, that is a belief this hasnt been proven. Nobody knows what happens after death. There is evidence for every side. like why do humans naturally believe in god in the first place. I know we look like hot stuff with how far we got but we dont understand the human mind THAT well. Saying that there is a god is just belief too but we simply havent progressed far enough as a species yet to say with certainty that there is no god.
I am Agnostic myself, but it's important to understand that one of the main things that drives people to believe in God is the need to explain the world around them and their internal suffering. Whenever science has objectively devised an explanation for how some phenomena occurs, religious people have pushed the boundary of where God exists back, to what science still can't explain. They come up with metaphorical interpretations for the bible, ones that were always before interpreted literally, and while that works for some stuff like Exodus or Leviticus, there is a lot of stuff in Genesis that is really hard to sugarcoat in that way, which interferes with the core belief that the Bible is to be the word of God.

I'm atheist. But it seems hell isn't even in the Bible:

Another thing to keep in mind is indeed this. Hell, as popularised by the fictional poem that was Dante's Inferno (Part of the Divine Comedy) simply doesn't exist in the word of God. The Divine Comedy was itself a political work, intended to spread fear amongst the people. There are times in the text where the purgatory part of the comedy, simply feels as an extension of hell, where Dante takes his pleasure in explaining away why the politicians of the time he personally disliked would end up there.

Like I said, I am Agnostic. I do not know whether there is more to life than the material but, unless the game is rigged at the hands of a malevolent god, in which case we might as well all rebel in any way we can, it doesn't follow for there to be a place of eternal suffering, for sins committed in a finite amount of time.
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