

Fat, bipolar, and hairy. (Sorry boys, I’m taken.)
Feb 23, 2019
People are always saying how they want to spare the feelings of friends and family. Well I pretty much have no friends and no family. But I do want my mom, who abused me and tried to kill me, to suffer. I do want my fiancee who is cheating to suffer. And all the people who disappeared when I got sick, I fucking hope they feel guilty. I guess I'm just a bad person but I tried to be a good friend and help others. In the end, no one is there for me. So, yeah, feel bad about it. They deserve it.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, I know that feeling.

However, hatred and resentment will lead you nowhere.

Also, unfortunately, this world is quite unfair and those who make us suffer might have great lives in spite of being the worst humans ever!

I've just given up on karma or things like that.

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Fat, bipolar, and hairy. (Sorry boys, I’m taken.)
Feb 23, 2019
Yeah my mom gets to live in a million dollar condo on the water and go to lunch all the time. She will, no doubt, play up the victim card when I go. :/
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Nov 4, 2020
We're cut from the same cloth Boochky! I Hate & Despise my family too!
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Jan 29, 2020
Yeah, I know that feeling.

However, hatred and resentment will lead you nowhere.

Also, unfortunately, this world is quite unfair and those who make us suffer might have great lives in spite of being the worst humans ever!

I've just given up on karma or things like that.

I wouldn't be so sure about this. Its this type of mentality that does enable them and let's them off easy.
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Mar 22, 2020
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Its this type of mentality that does enable them and let's them off easy.
If I saw a thief, I would report him to the police.
If I saw a man about to rape a woman, I'd try to kick his ass.

I would try to help as many people as I could in different situations but many of them will get away with commiting crimes and there's probably no hell waiting for them.

It's sad but it's the way this nonsense universe works.
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chicken neck

Dec 3, 2020
However, hatred and resentment will lead you nowhere.

Isn't nowhere where most of us on here are headed anyway? Might as well make those who fucked us miserable in the process
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Mar 22, 2020
Isn't nowhere where most of us on here are headed anyway? Might as well make those who fucked us miserable in the process
Sure. Sounds nice. However, if you do something illegal, you could end up in prison.
I'm not interested in being there.

As I said, if I saw someone in trouble, I would try to help them as long as I'm not breaking any rules.

My point is, I won't stab to death people like the ex bullies from my school even though they deserve it.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Usually people like that don't feel guilty about anything, but I think your feelings are justified.

I personally don't forgive or forget. I think part of that idea is pushed by assholes who don't want to face consequences for the way they've affected others or those who have been brainwashed by them or enable them. Other people may let them off, but I won't, especially since I know they will never face any punishment.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I have mixed feelings about most people around me, but if I am being honest, in my most tormented hour, I want them to feel every ounce of what I have suffered.
I know they never will, but I want it.
I want them to know this, I want them to know me, and how trapped and utterly desperate I am.
I want them to feel what it's like to be so terrified that you can't even voice the most benign of opinions, I want them to feel the constant hornet's nest in their chest.
I want fairness in suffering, at the very least, equality.

There is no such thing as being "happy" for other people, without having any such sentiment or privilege of your own.
You can only give what you get, else you become worn thin from handing out crumbs of sweetness on borrowed time and resources.
It's like being asked for 6 dozen eggs, from an empty carton that was only ever made to hold one.
You are not a bad person.
We should not be expected to desire anything but an equivalent and uniform fate, whether it be equal in suffering or equal in pleasantry.

Tbf, I have no words for the type of torment I have been put through.
I am in disbelief every single day.
Anything I say won't come anywhere close to defining the type of nightmare that was induced with my existence, but I drone on either way.
Ending it won't make a terrible difference to anyone but myself, but oh how I wish I could see the day that those relative to me (and similar) could appreciate the corner I have been forced into, and the grief of never escaping it. Knowing I will never escape it.
Yes. I wish I could imprison every last one of them inside this body and this entire excuse of a life I've had until they, too, would lose their minds screaming and sobbing and thrashing and pleading, all the while, any response they receive being apathetic, cold and calculated as they go off the deep end with absolutely not a single contact to call when their only confidant goes up against them and the rest gaslight the shit out of them and then say "no comment" to their torture and misery!!!
No cousin, no friend, no parent, no sibling, no aunt, no uncle, no grandparent, no nothing to turn to without being thrown into yet another prison with more labels to dehumanize them and dismiss real, tangible struggles, memories, and physical detriments.
Again, I wish nothing but the worst suffering imaginable on them all,
I hope they lose every memory and sentiment they hold dear, both palpable and abstract, and I hope the sense of happiness or even contentment is burned from their minds,
I hope they feel just as powerless as I do, just as alone and terrified and desperate, I hope there's not a single ounce of understanding toward them, I hope every word that comes out of their mouth is met with deaf ears and that they feel restriction upon restriction upon constraint, while having to witness the freedom and fortune of everyone else who turns away from them and joins each other while laughing, leaving them in the distance to rot in the dirt alone, forgotten, only remembered as a "mentally ill" demon, both their life and their truth diminished and erased forever as they drown to death in their own wails that no one is left to hear.

Then and only then, will they know what I am and why, only then will they understand and feel this crushing behemoth.

Fortunately (for them), none of that will ever come to fruition. It's my burden to be carried to the grave. But I am hardly permitted to show it, not outside of my isolation.
Even from a distance, I must comply with their rose colored world view-filled to the brim with toxic positivity.
It is nauseating and alienating, it reeks of betrayal toward everything their supposed "loved one" has been dealt.
I have so much about me physically (and as a result of such) that allows others to easily toss me aside and disparage me, so I have to overcompensate with an agreeable 'nature', and in the end I'm still seen as cringeworthy or somehow fall under other unsavory descriptors.
I just can't win. I'm so exhausted, I already have one foot placed outside of this world, with no plans on keeping the other one in it.

My family dealt with a tragic event just recently and I dragged myself into zombie mode, already cried out, to be there, covered up head to toe, but still there.
I second guessed every move I made and every word that came out of my mouth because of what had happened to me and what has been thought of me in the past..the rejection, the insults, the vastly different treatment, the unflattering and dehumanizing analysis of my behavior and coping mechanisms.
All this, right after a huge fight and an intense 3-day stonewalling session from my mother (the only person I have a fraction of), which led to me sobbing until my throat bust, eyes and face swollen to hell, nearly ripped my remaining hair out of my head, broke shit, dragged myself across the entire house on my hands and knees begging for death...and on and on.
Not the first time, and not the last, (as there is still much to do before I ingest the SN.)
Taunted into madness, alone, with only myself to witness and comfort.
Not a single contact on my phone could be called, not without being shut down and thrown into the psych ward.

I truly have NO ONE and NO THING.
And I didn't ask for much in life, I just wanted a body and face I was comfortable in and could identify with, my family of origin to love and care for me as much as I've tried to with them, and the freedom to be myself and succeed in something I'm passionate about. That's it.
I would be eager to please others, more than willing to solidify their own flourishing being, and give aid to their own enmity or trauma, if only I had that much.
But no, I got the complete opposite of that and far, far worse.
I am so tired. I'm tired of explaining the obvious and hiding not just my appearance, but my bitterness, anger, resentment, misery, regret, misgivings, brutal daily breakdowns, excruciating physical and emotional pain, my right to all of the above, you name it..
All I can do now, is make the push for it to be over. The dream of accompaniment in all things good or bad, and the wish for balance in this unfair world, will remain in the pipes. And with that, I will leave, with yet one more thing weighing me down.
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Jul 8, 2018
I don't think you're a bad person for wanting this. It really depends on the people around you. If people close to me had abused me, I'd probably want them to suffer too. Fortunately my close ones have been good to me so I would like to spare them the suffering. On the other hand I kind of wish I had nobody. I think then it would be easier for me to die already.
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Sep 16, 2020
Well people who have treated you badly because they are bad people won't feel bad, why would they... Their nature is all personal gain..
You can be happy that will make them feel bad, your death I'm sorry to say will likely help people against you.
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Fat, bipolar, and hairy. (Sorry boys, I’m taken.)
Feb 23, 2019
Well people who have treated you badly because they are bad people won't feel bad, why would they... Their nature is all personal gain..
You can be happy that will make them feel bad, your death I'm sorry to say will likely help people against you.
You're probably right, but at least I won't have to deal with them anymore.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm not in the same situation as you, but I know how cruel people can be. Nobody deserves to experience abuse. I feel ashamed of being human due to the cruelty that one can inflict on someone else. There are also people who are hypocritical, who are not there for you when you are alive, but they make out they care once it is too late, once you have died. It is mostly just to make themselves feel better. I understand why you would feel that way.
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
Yeah, I know that feeling.

However, hatred and resentment will lead you nowhere.

Also, unfortunately, this world is quite unfair and those who make us suffer might have great lives in spite of being the worst humans ever!

I've just given up on karma or things like that.

The thing about karma is that only works when one person is feeling guilty for something... It usually works on good people, because they have conscience.

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