
Mar 22, 2020
I've decided to try and date girls again after so long.
However, this time, I'll be honest and explain to them that I'm suicidal since the very beginning so that we have no problems such as pro-life arguments or psych ward suggestions in the near future.

Thus, I started to talking to a girl and had lots of fun because we really had things in common. Then, we started talking about religion, life, death and that's when I said I might ctb someday because I'm not interested in getting much older and find life absurd.

It was then when I realized I had been blocked.

I guess I'll have to get used to this because I will not pretend anymore. I'm suicidal, it's part of me and if a girl wants to date me in spite of this, I'll be more than happy!

Any thoughts? Have you ever experienced a similar situation?
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Jun 14, 2020
At least you're being you and not pretending to be someone you're not!

It happened to me in quite several times sadly when a girl would just block me out of the blue for no reason because either I message them a bit too much (bit clingy) or they just don't like the way I am. Sometimes I'm a bit awkward.

It sucks.
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My wings were cut and now I can fly no more!
Oct 3, 2020
I've been blocked many times online by many girls for bieng honest with them , yea few times I also mentioned about me bieng suicidal and then they block you , I guess they dont wanna hear the truth , or they simply cant tolerate the truth , dont feel bad
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Jun 14, 2020
I've been blocked many times online by many girls for bieng honest with them , yea few times I also mentioned about me bieng suicidal and then they block you , I guess they dont wanna hear the truth , or they simply cant tolerate the truth , dont feel bad
Some people suck :/
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● I do not live ● ● I exist ●
Mar 6, 2021
I wouldn´t tell people that I don´t know very well about this. This girl might think: why should I waste my time with someone who wants to die soon ?

Edit: I just had another thought. Many people are afraid to talk about death. They are horrified.
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Feb 15, 2020
I'm really sorry. It sucks to lose someone you were having a fun interaction with. I actually really respect that you were honest with her about it. You shouldn't have to hide that part of you, because it's real and it's valid and you're being open and honest right from the get-go, which is more than a lot of people can say.

I guess some people can't handle that or don't want to get involved. Maybe she's going through her own shit and can't handle any more on top of it. Who the hell knows. We can't expect people to just be cool with it, as much as we want that. That's why this place is so great. No judgement, we are in the same boat.

I was chatting to a guy recently and didn't exactly say I wanted to die, but that I'm tired of everything and I just feel like giving up. Of course, I was bombarded with the usual "life is always worth living" bullshit which actually made me kinda pissed because he literally knew nothing about me in real life or my life's potential (or lack thereof) to get better.

Ugh, people.
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Mar 20, 2021
I'm really sorry this happened to you man :( I know exactly how you feel. Every time I would open up about my depression or suicidal thoughts I'd instantly kill the mood or be labeled a "Debbie Downer" so I chose to just keep it to myself. The truth is, I think a lot of people dissociate from people who admit to wanting to ctb because they don't want to be held responsible or deal with the guilt of not saying anything/intervening. I don't understand why they'd feel guilty or responsible. In my opinion it doesn't matter if I intervene and help someone, many people who are serious will find a will and a way to ctb even after you tell them not too, otherwise we wouldn't all be on this site lol. It's inevitable in my opinion. Don't let it get you down. I admire you wanting to be yourself instead of putting on a facade and pretending to be happy all the time. I wish I had the courage to do what you're doing
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Dec 15, 2020
Damn yeah this sounds somehow not surprising. Normal people claim to be empathetic but in reality they often can't actually face tough issues.
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Aug 18, 2020
My last crush refused me because I became paranoid. This really hurt a lot. Even when I think back it hurts me. We had many things in common. She was depressive, had suicidal thoughts and was an antinatalist. She always laughed about my jokes. Life is terribly unfair.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
I told my now GF, that was suicidal, that I'm pro-choice when it comes to suicide before we dated and she said she got more interested in me, and wanted to know more. She didn't become romantically attracted though, but more interested in me, and like me more. We still talk about suicide openly and freely. We talk about how we want to end it in the far future quite casually.

She's no longer suicidal because of me. She wants to live RN and move on with her life because of me. She said I'm the best drug she's ever had. She trusts me more than any of her previous BFs. We plan on ending our lives together in the future when we are old. I've got several peaceful suicide methods ready to go for that faithful day.
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Jun 14, 2020
I told my now GF, that was suicidal, that I'm pro-choice when it comes to suicide before we dated and she said she got more interested in me, and wanted to know more. She didn't become romantically attracted though, but more interested in me, and like me more. We still talk about suicide openly and freely. We talk about how we want to end it in the far future quite casually.

She's no longer suicidal because of me. She wants to live RN and move on with her life because of me. She said I'm the best drug she's ever had. She trusts me more than any of her previous BFs. We plan on ending our lives together in the future when we are old. I've got several peaceful suicide methods ready to go for that faithful day.
Relationship goals
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Jul 12, 2020
I told my ex about it. At first he didn't take it serious but he finally blocked me. After months he came to apologize for everything he told me and I blocked him.
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Jun 14, 2020
I told my ex about it. At first he didn't take it serious but he finally blocked me. After months he came to apologize for everything he told me and I blocked him.
Reverse uno card him LOL
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Nov 27, 2019
This is probably not helpful lol but I think 99% of people will not understand.

So you could say on this site we are ~the 1%~

(That's not how statistics work carrotcake damn it)
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Jan 28, 2021
I respect your honesty and just look it as her loss and she wasn't the right one for you. Good for you being honest about who you are
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Dec 11, 2020
I'm really sorry about that. Unfotuanately the hard truth is that most people don't want to deal with others emotional problems. Or simply doesn't have the capacity too. Hence the blocking. Ignorance, or I guess, Positivity, is a bliss. Its not your fault for this, remember that. It was her choice to do that, the best you can do is move forward and continue on your path. She unfortunately just decided you block you in spite of you guys apparently getting along, that's her loss. Although I understand her POV to, its not easy to have that constantly burden in your chest to deal with, so I guess it takes a certain emotional streaght to be able to endure dating a suicidal person.

Even with that though I still think their are better ways to communicate no longer wanting to deal with someone who is suicidal besides blocking them. Since thats so abrupt and callous way of going about things. I understand her reasons but still. Anyways I'm sorry for what happened and good luck on your journey.
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Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
I've decided to try and date girls again after so long.
However, this time, I'll be honest and explain to them that I'm suicidal since the very beginning so that we have no problems such as pro-life arguments or psych ward suggestions in the near future.

Thus, I started to talking to a girl and had lots of fun because we really had things in common. Then, we started talking about religion, life, death and that's when I said I might ctb someday because I'm not interested in getting much older and find life absurd.

It was then when I realized I had been blocked.

I guess I'll have to get used to this because I will not pretend anymore. I'm suicidal, it's part of me and if a girl wants to date me in spite of this, I'll be more than happy!

Any thoughts? Have you ever experiences a similar situation?
Maybe you should wait a little bit past the courting stage. Most normies don't get it. When They're a little more invested in you it's alot easier to open someone's mind to different perspectives.

You really cant blame someone for not wanting to take that on right from the onset.
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Feb 27, 2021
Suicide is still a taboo topic. Not many people understand it or even want to. Death is scary and any person seeking it is seen as abnormal. Evil depending on what someone's religion is.

Why the girl blocked you we'll never know. But don't think too bad of her. For all we know she could have been once suicidal herself or lost someone close to her to suicide.
I said I might ctb someday because I'm not interested in getting much older and find life absurd.
I felt this.

I will never understand why some people fantasize about living to 100. My grandma almost lived till then and she really didn't have much of a life outside a bed. Not to mention she had pretty bad dementia. She didn't even recognize me when I last saw her. :(

I'm glad she got to die in her sleep in her room though and not in a hospital bed hooked up to a machine like some old people.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I understand you. We don't usually like each other. I never talk about my illnesses with people who are not from my close circle and who already know them. People flee from mental illness.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Imo most of them will block you unless they experience the same thing, i.e. suicide ideation and/or mental disorders.
Good luck, you have guts my friend.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
maybe she is also suicidal and the fact that you told her you were too made her run away
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Mar 23, 2021
Lol if it makes you feel any better, I'm female and I've been blocked by a guy before just because I wasn't reacting to his wonderful pro life advice the way he wanted me to. He told me that he was gonna kill himself, then I was like 'wow me too', and then he started to try talk me out of it and say things like I still had him to look forward too. LOL some people are just so out of the loop.
There are also guys who block me when I politely say no to them after they ask me out.
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Trapped in space and time
Aug 29, 2019
I like the fact that you accept that it is part of who you are and stand up to it. Kind of like saying I'm going to kick life's ass and not be afraid of it. That takes courage. Unfortunately in the world we live in you would just likely have to go through more girls until you find one that won't run away. There are only 2 ways to go here though. Tell them or not. I guess it depends on how it affects you in life. Either way being a suicidal person just has it's drawbacks. There would be some girls that would think it's hot though and not realize the seriousness of the situation. Not really take it serious. Maybe you'll meet one of them idk but if they didn't care then thats no good either.
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Jan 1, 2020
Hats off to you for being open and honest about how you feel. It's unfortunate she ditched you so immaturely but I say good riddance! Better to have an understanding partner than one who runs away at the first utterance of suicidality.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Wow, what an empathetic response from her! Dodged a bullet, OP, honestly.
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All human rights are important
Feb 5, 2021
are people usually fake when they talk with girls?


Feb 15, 2019
Suicide is so heavily stigmatized that people need to see you for the person you are outside of being suicidal in order for it to have a chance of them not being put off by you. It's sad but we wouldn't have this community if it weren't the case.

I understand you wanting to share a part of yourself and your experience with someone but I would wait until you know them better next time, dealing with pro life arguments and psych ward suggestions as they come. I am not telling you to pretend, only to give it more time before you reveal sensitive information about yourself.
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