
Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
So without getting too deep because I honestly would blow my brains out this second if I had a gun in my hand. I thought I finally found my thing which I liked to do, and would've allowed me to move up in life. When I was 18 I got heavy into stock market trading. I found I loved it, but I also couldn't do much since I was extremely poor.

Now.... I've been trying crypto and found I love it. I was able to make a little bit, and honestly I had a bit of hope since I could see how I could afford a normal life. Taxes once in a while given me horrible anxiety problems, and I've been researching this on and off. I ended up asking a few problems and found out basically by trading I'm screwing myself. I nearly have to pay 30% in taxes between local and federal, and I can't deduct any lost below $3k.

My overall gains will be wiped out pretty much from taxes alone. I'm pretty much at square 1, but with a ton of stress. Next year was going to be my last if I couldn't find a way to get into a better life. I think I'm done.

I've tried joining the military, but due to me being autistic I can't. Between workplace harassment and other things I can't work a normal job. I tried art, writing, making my own company, and so on. I think I might die sooner than later.

I'm just so tired of this
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Apr 24, 2021
Sky high taxes are one of those things that make life miserable as well. I see how many taxes people who started their own business pay and it's crazy, I see how many taxes my boyfriend pays... It makes my blood boil. Life is already hard enough, with prices increasing, and the government robs us by inventing new taxes.
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Feb 23, 2019
You can buy and sell crypto without the government knowing anything at all, just FYI.
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Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Trading isn't really a viable way to earn a living for most people.

I'm not doing what I wanted to either in life but it's possible to find other ways to earn a living from your preferred one.
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Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
You can buy and sell crypto without the government knowing anything at all, just FYI.
I don't want to worry about breaking the law and having to deal with that
I'm not doing what I wanted to either in life but it's possible to find other ways to earn a living from your preferred one.

I've tried working a normal job, and can't. I tried going into the military and a policy won't let me. I tried starting my own company multiple on multiple times but I'm still trying.
After I was rejected from the military I found out autistic people with a degree. 85% or us can't get or hold down a job. Only 12% can make enough to live on their own. Autistic people are some of f the highest groups to off themselves. Low function is far lower rate to even want vs high. In fact there is studies of the amount of homeless that are autistic. In many areas its 65%+ while others have if as 30% like Germany. It's extremely higher here in the USA.
This is reality, and yet I kept trying. This looked like a real method of making enough to live on. Like while we are in a bull market, with bots I was able to figure out how to keep my lost low and gains high using grid bots. I have about 20k transactions in total. But I was able to make about $500-$1.5k per month.

And what makes everything worse is it isn't all that much money to start with, but it can crush me. Like I've been put down all my life no matter how I tried, and still a few hundred to a few thousand is enough to royalty screw me in taxes.

Sky high taxes are one of those things that make life miserable as well. I see how many taxes people who started their own business pay and it's crazy, I see how many taxes my boyfriend pays... It makes my blood boil. Life is already hard enough, with prices increasing, and the government robs us by inventing new taxes.

I was reading yesterday how the IRS was going after a couple who owe taxes. It sounded like millions, and to my guess they didn't know they had to. Anyways, the IRS took their home and all their stuff, and due to this the guy ended up offing himself and in the note referenced how he died due to the IRS and the Bank taking your property. The IRS still went after the wife to take everything from her, and she ended up suing the IRS for killing her husband. The IRS settled, forgave the tax stuff, and gave her a million. After which, the IRS put in a policy (which you can read) that if someone threatens to off them over the phone, then to do x, y, z things and get the cops to lock them up. NOTHING about helping the person or doing anything else. Just figure out where they are, don't hang up, and get your manager to call the cops on them so they get locked up in a nut house.
All while many who end up going to a nut house loses their job and what not because they couldn't work while they were in a nut house, and the stigma from that.

When I was growing up I was taught to be proud of my country and what not. But the more I faced these problems like the USA is one of the single worse places to being disabled, there is no help in moving up in society but there is 100% help to push people down and keep them there, and so on. I flat out hate this country. If I could afford it, I would be moving to another country by now. But I can't afford that and I can't afford the damn exit tax too.
I hate it how it seems like no matter what I try, I can't make it and the more I try the more I find there is no point
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Mar 22, 2020
Goddamn taxes. Same happens in Argentina. They invent taxes (and very high) for everything. Nonsense!

Anyway, I'm really sorry about this.

I hope that somehow, things improve.




Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
And my dog just died to top that off. fuck this world
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I lot of people kill themselves due to the IRS.

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