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Feb 8, 2023
I more often have these moments/days where I need to get away/out of my body...where my skin feels tight and I almost get thrown back into early childhood state (I think thats way its more difficult for me to communicate or write like I usually do??)

I dont know why it is getting worse but I need help. I need help so bad, god this is torture, this really is mental agony and I talk so much but they...I have the feeling that they dont believe me? Or they dont care? It feels like torture there is no getting away, how am I supposed to get away from my own body??? Why do I feel small and unable to communicate? help me
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Reactions: leeloosnow, BBBB, Iva and 1 other person


Mar 6, 2023
Who do you try talking to that they don't understand? Apart from here
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Dec 1, 2022
I'm sorry you're hurting so much. A lot of the symptoms you're describing align with my experiences of trauma-related flashbacks. I don't have any advice but I want to let you know I see you and I believe you.
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Mar 4, 2023
where my skin feels tight and I almost get thrown back into early childhood state (I think thats way its more difficult for me to communicate or write like I usually do??)
This screams "coping mechanism" to me. Perhaps trying to cling onto a time when things were better? How was your childhood in general, OP?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There really does seem to be no peace from suffering in this world and it must be so tiring being trapped in that situation. It certainly can be awful when existing just continues to get worse for us but anyway I wish you the best.


Feb 8, 2023
Who do you try talking to that they don't understand? Apart from here
Family and therapist
This screams "coping mechanism" to me. Perhaps trying to cling onto a time when things were better? How was your childhood in general, OP?
Pretty bad
I'm sorry you're hurting so much. A lot of the symptoms you're describing align with my experiences of trauma-related flashbacks. I don't have any advice but I want to let you know I see you and I believe you.
Thank you so much <3
Linty Leans

Linty Leans

all pronouns
Feb 12, 2023
when the familial space becomes a toxic one, i find that therapy rarely helps anyone. the family just pressures their black sheep child to "stop being sad" and pay a professional to medicate and talk you into "not being sad anymore" while the professional gets to sit in their ivory tower of academia and medical research to tell you how you should fix yourself. ugh 🙄. a cycle devoid of care or understanding that's doomed to make the afflicted feel more lost.

i'm sorry that you feel so lost and isolated. i empathize heavily with you. i don't know how to help you in your situation, but i think your strong for living through your trauma and continuing to survive. even if you feel weak, i appreciate the strength that you've shown by even just posting on here and sharing your experience <3
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Reactions: Dayrain, Sulyya and xxAbigailxx


Mar 6, 2023
I hope you are able to communicate here and feel more understood.
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Mar 14, 2023
If you need it I am here to talk, I have been through all horrible traumas as a child. I've found a therapist makes you relive them, and family dont understand.

It sounds like you are trying to protect yourself, by telling yourself no one is listening. I know this cause I do this.

You need to communicate when you are ready, the mind is a shitty complex thing, no one not even yourself can force you to talk.

I feel you need someone who understands you just off little words you say. So one word at a time and let them figure it out. Its a slow road but it will help you make your decisions with clarity
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Feb 8, 2023
If you need it I am here to talk, I have been through all horrible traumas as a child. I've found a therapist makes you relive them, and family dont understand.

It sounds like you are trying to protect yourself, by telling yourself no one is listening. I know this cause I do this.

You need to communicate when you are ready, the mind is a shitty complex thing, no one not even yourself can force you to talk.

I feel you need someone who understands you just off little words you say. So one word at a time and let them figure it out. Its a slow road but it will help you make your decisions with clarity
Thank you for all the advice, can we maybe stay in contact? I am kind of at a point where I feel truly lost and without any idea how to continue/work through my problems. And with every moment like the one I had when I posted this I really believe I am getting closer to ctb...
I just think maybe listening to your viewpoints and experience might help me finally understand whats wrong with me and how I can help myself? I am just scared that it will be too late if I wait for a competent therapist...
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Mar 14, 2023
Thank you for all the advice, can we maybe stay in contact? I am kind of at a point where I feel truly lost and without any idea how to continue/work through my problems. And with every moment like the one I had when I posted this I really believe I am getting closer to ctb...
I just think maybe listening to your viewpoints and experience might help me finally understand whats wrong with me and how I can help myself? I am just scared that it will be too late if I wait for a competent therapist...
We can always stay in contact. I check this site once a day at least and will always try to take time to reply.

I can only say for my own experience and what I have been able to overcome and what I haven't.

Mental abuse - nothing I ever did was good enough and I was the point of contention for every argument in my household. My dad left and started another family. I will always have this feeling of inadequacy, no matter what I accomplish I will still never feel good enough, and in societies eyes I have accomplished a lot.

Physical abuse - I was beaten at home by family, I was beaten in the street, I was bullied at school, until the day I decided to fight back, when I did someone bigger always came along. I remember six people a few years older than me beating the shit out of me cause I defended myself. I have never get over this, cause the things I've seen and done, and how comfortable I am with violence and death, I feel like a monster.

Sexual abuse - I was abused by a family friend, she raped me basically, but gradually built up to it. Now what actually happened I have accepted, I can relive some of these memories without breaking down or having a panic attack. What is destroying me on the inside is when I looked into how abuse effects people, its how it has shaped my whole personality, I went my whole life believing I was stronger than what she did to me, in reality I ended up with every trait that an abused person can have.

I cannot form meaningful relationships with anyone cause of the abuse I had. My most recent one who I loved with everything inside me, was toxic, manipulative and mentally abusive. I believe she did this unintentionally because she was also a victim of abuse. But whereas I went down the self hatred path, she went down the "hurt everyone to make me feel better path".

I cannot talk with anyone, I left my home behind, it was a semi dangerous area, but the things that are natural to us, aren't natural to the middle class and up. If I mention things they find it sick and strange.

I no longer hurt people just myself. I overdose commonly on codeine, cause if I take a high dosage lay in bed and close my eyes I get a few moments of not being in pain. The comedown is worse though.

I have no self confidence. I know I am good looking and a lot of women tell me that I am, but when I look in the mirror I just see ugly, I just see a broken man still unable to heal from his childhood.

I am an ameteur film maker and people love what I make, but I always see the flaws in everything I do.

What helps me?
Routine - exercise, I exercise in the gym every morning. I then go to work, after that I sleep. Whilst it is mimimalist, I find that tiredness makes you want to ctb more. I smoke a lot of cigarettes, I can quit and give up anything just not the little death sticks. Having a pet, I have my cat and she comes to me in times of need always.

When I am ready to ctb, I don't want to be tired or upset, I want my mind to be clear so I know that I made the right decision.

I don't know how much this will help Abigail, I hope your experience relates to some of mine and you can kind of share your pain with me and be clear in mind when we make our decisions.
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