

Jul 27, 2020
Never posted to any forums since possibly 2004, I have engaged in live chats from time to time. I guess I look at it this way, there is no way out other than to ctb, I haven't heard this saying for many years, to simply 'catch the bus' which could be just as easy as being in an accident or fate calling someone to the other side. Like many of you, fate has left me to make a choice at some point to select a preferred act of Sue Uh Side and of course we all prefer it to be peaceful. One thing that we all have to deal with is where are the
others, where are the people like me that wish to find a group or a community if you will that feels this world clawing at them and have this need to talk to others that are in the same boat. I have had that need since I was in grammar school, now days that would be called middle school. I am a middle aged man that has had the unrelenting desire to check out of this miserable reality since childhood. Even with that you can put that desire on the back burner, youth gives you that option, you can lie to yourself most effectively when you are
young, everything to really worry about is so far away, until far away is right in front of you. I always knew I wouldn't have children, it wasn't in me and it isn't in many people. Of course to be a proper human in the United States this is a big 'no! no!' for sure. The "far away" came in the early nineties, my middle brother had his first child, who is now 26 years old, when this happened back in 1994, it hit me hard in the stomach and has only gotten worse when my youngest brother popped one into the world back in 2001. So from then on
starting in 1994 to now the family dynamics is like a rope around my neck. So it is a constant friction and a constant storm of nieces and nephews exploding from childhood into young adulthood. So you might ask why does this affect me to the negative. It affects me because I have been dependent all of my life, I still live with my parents & the oldest nephew, on top of that I have M.S. which was diagnosed in 2010 & starting in late 2017 has been showing its ugly head. I tried talking to others online that have M.S. but most wanted to talk about their kids and slowly they would pull away because I would eventually talk about Sue Uh Side. I did meet others online with M.S. that were talking about ctb but were fearful that would somehow come back on them.

So years go by that there is no one in my reach that I can talk openly about this, I am left with only thoughts of finding a peaceful way to die and the realization that I would most
likely be alone when I did it. One thing I will always believe is that no one should ever have to be alone when they go from this realm to the other, they should have someone they can leave together with. Of course all to often we hear of those that are forced to do it alone with what is complete horror and despair for sure. So I am at a crossroads just like many others before me, what a sad and dreadful pain we all feel carrying this around for most of our lives. So I am reaching out to the others that suffer from this situational crisis,
from this existential crisis that are more often than not made fun of online, it is not something that should ever be made fun of, it is crippling and thoroughly devastating. So I want to hear from others that feel this unfathomable pressure of being on the outside looking in only because they don't fit in the family dynamic box. What I want to find right now is some kind of small community of people that are 100% for the right to die and can talk about it with no judgement and find out how they bend the societal rules in their favor so
they do not suffer from 1,000 cuts. So thanks to all that read this and hope to hear from those that can relate. For people like me and those that can connect to this kind of pain, it is the world we cannot connect to, the system has to many sharp edges and cuts us thoughout our lives. So there is no felief other than those that feel the same, that is what I need, to live with people that are like this, like in a community formed of those smoothing the edges out so people like us can live and go on, that would be a dream come true.

I wanted to mention something that might interest others, that would be something that can be left behind as proof of our existance, a time capsule if you will. I have done this when I was younger, I was able to use PVC pipe to create a sealed enviroment for whatever I was going to bury. Of course it was a like about 5 years ago I discovered that PVC off gasses and will corrode whatever is inside. I have been trying to find a way around this problem. I like PVC because it can last many hundreds of years buried under the ground. You can use
ABS pipe but it becomes weaker over time and can crack, which defeats the purpose of keeping the contents dry and secure. No matter what you use always use desicant to wick away any moisture that can build up. One way I was going to prevent the off gassing was to coat the inside of the PVC pipe with polyurethane to create a barrier between the oxygen and the PVC, let it dry with several coats, then seal up that which you wish to preserve. Round pipe is good for storing things that can be bent and even CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc cylinders. Just use bigger width pipe for items that are square shaped. Of course all pipes must have end caps bonded to each side of the PVC pipes to create the sealed enviroment and coat polyurethane on the inside of the end caps as well. I have included this to this post because some people may wish to leave some evidence of their existance in this physical plain of reality we feel so far removed from. This may or may not mean anything on the other side, but while you are here it may mean something to you.
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May 8, 2020
I'm 48, male, never married, never had kids, watched my niece and nephew grow into adults, and now they don't talk to me anymore. Have 2 more nieces in their teens now that are not allowed to speak to me because I'm a "bad seed". I don't even know them.
All my friends are married with kids and no longer have time for me. I don't fit into the family dynamic, or any dynamic. I am very fucking alone, and I hate it.
Pleased to make your aquaintance.
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Jul 27, 2020
I'm 48, male, never married, never had kids, watched my niece and nephew grow into adults, and now they don't talk to me anymore. Have 2 more nieces in their teens now that are not allowed to speak to me because I'm a "bad seed". I don't even know them.
All my friends are married with kids and no longer have time for me. I don't fit into the family dynamic, or any dynamic. I am very fucking alone, and I hate it.
Pleased to make your aquaintance.

Hello, nice to hear from someone so soon. Glad I came back and checked. He he he, about to run to Taco Bell, while I am still breathing a tortured soul still has to eat. Just so you know, I just started so hopefully I don't screw up to much on here responding to messages, it seems pretty simple so far. Yes indeed , that is a huge dark cloud that doesn't seem to dissipate, that painful dynamic is swift & universal for sure. Nice to make your acquaintance as well, standing together is our connected power that promotes we are normal people just like anyone else even though we are different. My goal is finding a way to stay connected to this particular group to feel human again. People talk about joy & happiness all around me, I hate being the one that really doesn't know what that is like. Just remember eventually they all will feel the sting of this world system, it catches up to even those that do not see it right now. Again, nice to hear from someone that is on the same page.
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Jul 22, 2020
Hope you dont mind me chipping in to your conversation. IM 48 have no children but am still dependant on family through ill health and unemployment. I have my own house which my grandmother left to me but i rely on family for finanical help as i use substances everday to make life bearable. Ihave a step family who i cant abide ( they have pahtological narcissism in their genes). I have become trapped in a very precarious situation. Noone really wants anything to do with me. In the years since 2000 i feel as if ive become an observer of life, watching things happen to other people like having kids, relationships, careers etc. I know that no one has a perfect life and these people will have difficult times. I really feel that my own life has become defined by absence. . Anyway sorry for barging in to your conversation.
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May 8, 2020
Hope you dont mind me chipping in to your conversation. IM 48 have no children but am still dependant on family through ill health and unemployment. I have my own house which my grandmother left to me but i rely on family for finanical help as i use substances everday to make life bearable. Ihave a step family who i cant abide ( they have pahtological narcissism in their genes). I have become trapped in a very precarious situation. Noone really wants anything to do with me. In the years since 2000 i feel as if ive become an observer of life, watching things happen to other people like having kids, relationships, careers etc. I know that no one has a perfect life and these people will have difficult times. I really feel that my own life has become defined by absence. . Anyway sorry for barging in to your conversation.

It's a public forum, you're not intruding.
Welcome to SS.
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Jul 27, 2020
I thought I would pop back to here. Just to mention how I am being affected by COVID-19, this farce of the "New Normal" is on everyone elses plate as well. To start I know no one in my family or extended family that has COVID-19, I have waited in many lines at many stores and outlets like FoodMaxx, WalMart, CostCo & Albertson's & talked to a large swath of people asking them while in line if they knew anyone with COVID-19 and not a one of them knew anybody that had it in or outside their family. It was always someone that knew someone that had COVID-19, but people where very responsive and said they could not confirm if it was true or not, that is what a majority of people are getting turned off by. They are extremely upset that this invisible little bastard upended their lives & most people believe it is a psyop ( psychological operation ) to see how far we can be pushed. Here is the rub with me, is how it has hijacked my family's minds, this unto itself is just another fucking nightmare! I will add what I didn't add before, I love my family and would see it as good death to die for them if I had to, but, yes there is always a but! It is this COVID-19 crap added to an already stressed family dynamic that has pushed me to the very edge of despair, it makes my brain scream that I have to deal with one more thing they come together on that throws salt on an already gapping wound! From now on I will talk about other things instead of this clusterf*#k of new & unbridled anguish, but I am sure this is a shared pain we could all do without. Next subject might be "TIME" & how Sue Uh Side Al people have a different view than all the normies when it comes to looking at a clock or a watch. I would like to hear how the passage of time effects others that wish to address it.
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Feb 13, 2020
Having lost a family member to Covid - 19 I can tell you it is very real. Whatever people want to believe about the government making things up to control us or whatever, yes they make things up and exaggerate things but at the end of the day people are still dying from whatever is happening right now. The world is fucked however we look at it and whoever is in power in whatever country will always try control people for their own gain. People can rebel and say its made up but at the end of the day people are still dying. Either way the world sucks and life sucks.
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Jul 27, 2020
Having lost a family member to Covid - 19 I can tell you it is very real. Whatever people want to believe about the government making things up to control us or whatever, yes they make things up and exaggerate things but at the end of the day people are still dying from whatever is happening right now. The world is fucked however we look at it and whoever is in power in whatever country will always try control people for their own gain. People can rebel and say its made up but at the end of the day people are still dying. Either way the world sucks and life sucks.

Talk about being out of context, this statement would fit the bill, do you direct this sort of statement at all the people talking about committing suicide on this website and how it will effect their families & friends? Just curious. At no time did I make any statement about anyone dying or not dying of anything, not the flu, not cancer, not pneumonia, not botulism & not COVID-19. When someone dies keep that focus on the assholes using this as if we are in a hot war, but it is a virus instead. Just another way to force a more far reaching surveillance apparatus on all of us. We will have TSA type agents everywhere, in the grocery stores, at the DMV, in the movie theatres & at all gathering places. Instead of looking for explosive shampoo bottles, shoe bombs & box cutters they will be checking temperatures, if you have your face mask on or that we are six feet away from someone behind you or in front of you by making contact tracing mandatory, because this is the "New Normal" & "we are all in this together"! To me people dying is never a laughing matter if it be from an infection or from suicide, but in saying that I will always believe in any adults right to choose how they will go, this needs to be a right every adult across the world must have. I will say this, your loss is tragic and certainly painful but I am not responsible for any of that and have the right to make the comment I made without being somehow connected by proxy to the death of anyone. Just to add one more thing, maybe they should send China the bill for all the funerals happening here, at least it would lift the financial cost of their loss off the peoples backs.


Jul 27, 2020
Hope you dont mind me chipping in to your conversation. IM 48 have no children but am still dependant on family through ill health and unemployment. I have my own house which my grandmother left to me but i rely on family for finanical help as i use substances everday to make life bearable. Ihave a step family who i cant abide ( they have pahtological narcissism in their genes). I have become trapped in a very precarious situation. Noone really wants anything to do with me. In the years since 2000 i feel as if ive become an observer of life, watching things happen to other people like having kids, relationships, careers etc. I know that no one has a perfect life and these people will have difficult times. I really feel that my own life has become defined by absence. . Anyway sorry for barging in to your conversation.

Thank God you have a house, that is one great thing. I live in a box of a room for to many years and I am in a mobilehome owned by my parents. They know I am suicidal but they spend more time being mad at me for saying it than trying to get me to some form of resolution. I would love to meet people that are suicidal here that had their own house, I would love to move in and help with the rent or food, plus have someone to talk to and work out the most peaceful way to leave this Earth with, lonliness is a killer of the soul. Hope to hear from you.

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