Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
This is like good news and bad news. The good news is u likely won't die from it, but many people don't realize and are going to storm the shelves so I might at least buy some extra food and order some storable food. I'm more scared of the travel restrictions or people blowing it out of proportion. They are going to use the corona virus to scare the people to distract us from the bigger problem of the coming economic collapse.
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Oct 13, 2019
I reckon it's way, way less than that. How many would have it and pass it off as a cold or normal flu? 10x what's reported? I'd be surprised if the actual death rate is above 1%, or really anywhere near it.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
And climate collapse. And societal. I think it's all linked. Our environment being key to our mental health and all
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I reckon it's way, way less than that. How many would have it and pass it off as a cold or normal flu? 10x what's reported? I'd be surprised if the actual death rate is above 1%, or really anywhere near it.
Ok it's less than 3% risk of death lol! So the Government is trying to blow it out of proportion. The news is going to make it into a huge deal because the mainstream news is a branch of government to stir the population into panic mode.
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
Current numbers from today indicate that over 95,000 people have contracted the virus and over 53,000 people have recovered from it. The amount of fatalities is still low at 3,000. The statistics you are hearing is the peak highest percentage of being fatal. Yet a lot of experts in the field believe that it's less than a 0.2% of causing death. You have to remind yourself that there are cases of undercounted people who experience no symptoms or very mild illness who are not in the statistics.

If you look at your symptoms of COVID-19 you read that they are no less than a common cold. Immune systems play a huge role in this. Lets not forget that the flu has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19.

Edit: Disclaimer that "recovered" does not indicate that those 53,000+ people are fully healthy. It means that they are stable and likely will fight the virus.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
Ok it's less than 3% risk of death lol! So the Government is trying to blow it out of proportion. The news is going to make it into a huge deal because the mainstream news is a branch of government to stir the population into panic mode.
You'll see a higher percentage with new cases in other countries. The fatality rate in China where the most people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 is now at <1%.


If you factor out any provinces surrounding Wuhan you'll see a lesser percentage.
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Oct 13, 2019
Ok it's less than 3% risk of death lol! So the Government is trying to blow it out of proportion. The news is going to make it into a huge deal because the mainstream news is a branch of government to stir the population into panic mode.
Well that and extreme sells, whether it's true or not. Every "crisis" reported in the media is at least 10x overblown for that reason.

If I knew half the population of my local town had coronavirus, I'd walk around exactly the same as usual. It's a bit of entertainment for those entranced by the media but not worth concerning ourselves with.
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Sep 19, 2019
If you take into account age, the death rate is even lower. For 20s-30s the death rate is only 0.2%. For 40s it's something like 0.5%. It's only really a threat to the elderly and immunocompromised.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
If you take into account age, the death rate is even lower. For 20s-30s the death rate is only 0.2%. For 40s it's something like 0.5%. It's only really a threat to the elderly and immunocompromised.
Lol! That's so fucked up how they made it look like this is a pandemic like the Black Plague or something. I was seriously kind of worried because I didn't know.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
This is like good news and bad news. The good news is u likely won't die from it, but many people don't realize and are going to storm the shelves so I might at least buy some extra food and order some storable food. I'm more scared of the travel restrictions or people blowing it out of proportion. They are going to use the corona virus to scare the people to distract us from the bigger problem of the coming economic collapse.

I read more 1 or 2%, either way the media have blown it way out of context, some of could be carrying the virus and it never actually become anything.
I've not seen shortages in my area yet,
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yeah I don't think those who contract the virus will likely die and as someone who's in his late 20's (age 29), the chances of me contracting it is slim, let alone dying from it. I don't consider myself immunocompromised but of average immunity. I also don't go out much at all, so my risk is even lower.
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Jun 19, 2019
Ok it's less than 3% risk of death lol! So the Government is trying to blow it out of proportion. The news is going to make it into a huge deal because the mainstream news is a branch of government to stir the population into panic mode.

In many countries only very sick go to hospital and get tested for the Corona virus. So it makes it seem as the percentage of deaths is very big.
Also we have to see it as the cases/capital. Above is graphic of most cases/capital.

I am bad at math but for example Finland there are about 400 Corona cases and 4 deaths of previously sick and old. That is not 3% even only the sick (under 1000 people) got tested. In Norway there are 3300 cases and 14 deaths. Both countries had people with Corona from Wuhan spreading it before the scare and I bet they both have lots of cases of Corona. Both only tested people with flu of the Corona.

I think that now people are more afraid to go to doctor because of flu fearing they will be quaranteed in hospital. Also nobody wants to be out from work knowing that this whole scare could/will impact the economy and nobody wants to loose their job. So I bet many take the pain meds and keep smiling and hiding their flu and not testing what caused it. Just imagine how small the death rate really is if everyone, or all with minor flu symptom, got tested of it. And usually only previously very sick/old die to it just like to other flus.

But we (you) will see. Now it doesn't seem that bad compared to seasonal flu.

I just wish that all that money were spent to stop hunger deaths, human trafficking and many other suffering and deaths in poor countries and in rich too....
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
Doesn't it depend on the country? For instance Italy as of now has 80000+ cases and 8000 deaths so that's a fatality rate of around 10%? Which is very high. Whereas Germany only has a fatality rate around 0.5% with 40000+ cases. I don't know why they are so different.
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Jun 19, 2019
In North people live far away from each other but businesses run normally.

I bet that Italy has many, many infected people who haven't gotten tested. Italy is mostly made of coast line and has/had many people coming and going daily, it has many foreigners, legal and illegal immigrants etc. They didn't try to stop it well and people didn't take the stay home thing seriously. I heard from people living there that people kept on partying together still at the end of February at least.

I believe that there are much more people who have/had Corona without being tested in Italy. Also many elderly in Italy live with their kids and grandkids getting infected easily.

Below is article about the Italian high death rate to the virus. It says the high age is one reason for many deaths to the virus.

But it's amazing how little deaths there are in Germany due to its location.

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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
In New York City, health officials said Friday that of 1,160 people hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms, one in four were between ages 18 and 49. That squares with what appears to be happening nationwide: Across the United States, about 38% of coronavirus patients sick enough to be hospitalized were ages 20 to 54, the CDC reported last week.

Young people outside the US have also been severely affected. In Spain, about 18% of hospitalized patients are under 50, according to the latest data. And in South Korea, more than half of confirmed cases are under 50, with the ages 20–29 being the largest age group. (The government doesn't break down how many of those cases required hospitalization.) Anecdotal data out of the UK, where demographic data on patient ages has yet to be released by the government, also suggests that young people have needed intensive care in hospitals.

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Hollow Point

Hollow Point

A̵l̷w̷a̷y̸s̷ ̷t̸i̸r̵e̸d̶
Mar 24, 2020
I check the total numbers everyday. As of right now:

383,834 people are currently Infected
95% of them are mild condition
5% serious or critical

148,421 cases have been closed.
Of those closed cases;
84% recovered and 16% died
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
3% is still 30 times higher than the seasonal flu

According to this site it's closer to 5% https://www.naturalnews.com/Index.html
According to the same site the case fatality rate is 72% https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-03-23-coronavirus-case-fatality-rate-usa-72-percent.html

According to Hal Turner 57 million people dead in China from Corona Virus. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/
1 Reason why Hal believes this... https://gellerreport.com/2020/03/21...s-disappear-in-three-months-of-pandemic.html/

Suicide related story...
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Jun 19, 2019
The death rate/capital varies a lot between countries (just like with other viruses).
Also the cases of infections varies very much.

I think that many professionals (and not so much) make estimates of how many might have it without proof. For sure some don't seek help for the mild symptoms.
Many say there are no totally unsymptomatic cases. People are just afraid to say they had flu symptoms and didn't get tested before. Second interviews of people with unsymptomatic cases have showed they did have milder flu symptoms.

Some countries have just 400-3000 cases of it and just few deaths of already sick and old and they test everyone who contact medical care with flu. The weird thing is that they don't close businesses, people don't wear masks outside and in reality many people go out and meet daily.

Now some countries are arguing that should countries use their money to heal and help all who get sick (in serious cases and with risk group hospital stay is a must) plus keep home quarantees (sick get meal service and doctor/nurse checkup daily to home) plus 1 parent must be paid to stay home with minor after closing of schools.
Or should the money be spent to diagnose unsymptomatic cases. I think the first is best. Since many countries couldn't do the second anyways (not even 10%) and there is no cure.

Countries with free health care can't test many anyways and I think that only some from risk groups may want to have the testing. They may fear to get it in hospital in testing place where it can spread easily by air.

Also hospitals have had huge staff shortage for decades in so called welfare countries since nobody wants to work with little pay. And it keeps getting worse.
I couldn't even get anesthesia and surgeon to do surgery in very life threatening situation in hospital. A nurse and normal doctor did surgery on me without anesthesia or pain relief and I was told I lost 4.5l blood and my guts would be ruined forever from butched surgery (after that I had to wait 1,5h to get anesthesia and surgeon to fix me). I was told they only had 1 surgeon at nights in hospital. Rest can die or get butched surgery from nurse/doctor or 1st year medical students or die while waiting one.
Free healt care is for many as good as in Africa.
Where I live people fear public hospitals (all health care is there) Almost everyone has lost family member from medical mistake.

Media often tells what the people in power wants to be told.
All countries just have to keep up the pretty picture outside. So honestly I really don't know how bad it is.

I think it's wise to cover up to outside and disinfect groceries with very strong alcohol etc. and keep safe. After that I would just go to clean nature with dogs and people in same household and enjoy life.:)

I wish all the best for everyone who have to go through with it and the economic effects of it.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Here's some scary statistics. If you count corona virus cases that are closed (recovered or died) the mortality rate is around 30% - 60%



Apr 9, 2019
Here's some scary statistics. If you count corona virus cases that are closed (recovered or died) the mortality rate is around 30% - 60%

Yes but of the active cases, 95% are only mild and the vast majority of these will recover. Thus, it is premature to look at the current closed cases as they stand.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Corona is a fraud, the whole thing is a scam to kill off a bunch of people and to make some people really wealthy, and to install the one world gov, track, microchip everyone, eliminate cash, meaning the gov will have full control over your whereabouts, can lock u out of housing food or anything if the rulers feel like it. We will be incredibly vulnerable to being killed by the government as history has repeatedly shown gov is not your friend. It's there to be your master at the end of the day. Unfortunately human beings don't do well under slavery. You cant have a sustainable civilization if u ignore the laws of nature and human nature.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Corona is a fraud, the whole thing is a scam to kill off a bunch of people and to make some people really wealthy, and to install the one world gov, track, microchip everyone, eliminate cash, meaning the gov will have full control over your whereabouts, can lock u out of housing food or anything if the rulers feel like it. We will be incredibly vulnerable to being killed by the government as history has repeatedly shown gov is not your friend. It's there to be your master at the end of the day. Unfortunately human beings don't do well under slavery. You cant have a sustainable civilization if u ignore the laws of nature and human nature.
It's like the 9/11 and global war on terror fraud they've been using for the past 20 years to advance their evil plans for humanity. They're going to use this virus fraud for as long as it takes to finish what they started which is to murder, rape, pillage and plunder the American people and turn America into some socialist, communist, satanic nation with a very reduced population.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
So far the corona virus is 100 times more deadly than the seasonal flu. At least here in America

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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
So far the corona virus is 100 times more deadly than the seasonal flu. At least here in America

But I still think there is still a lot of confusion over the true numbers of infections. According to the official numbers the fatality rate is around 7% of all official cases right now worldwide (according to Wikipedia) last time I checked. But if it's true that a much larger number of people have been infected that aren't counted in the official figures and shown no symptoms that figure could actually be much much lower... so in that case it could possibly be not nearly as fatal as first thought.
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