I'm too sensitive and broken to be happy
Sensitivity isn't being wimpy. It's about being so painfully aware that a flea landing on a dog is like a sonic boom.'
-Jeff Buckley (I have found his music is really helping me at the moment...that someone as talented and wonderful as him could go through the same things we are going through everyday is such a wonderful comfort...)
'There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in'
-Leonard Cohen (see above, similar to Buckley)
I have really dived into music. Music is the singular healer. Start writing. Or just sing from your heart. Turn the pain of your life into something beautiful. Share that with others so that they may not be alone.
As far as I am concerned, the pain I feel at my past may never ever go away. The only choice I have is to embrace it and let it guide my hand to forge something from the endless mire of existence.
I hope that you may find something similar to make a few minutes in every hour liveable.
Love, always. We are here to listen if you want.