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Nov 13, 2021
I just wanna complain for a bit, maybe it'll make me feel a little better if I do. The whole time I've worked, I've only ever been scheduled weekends. Not my choice, not sure why, but that's how they did it. Now, with the 4th of July coming, I just got scheduled for 5 days, all will likely be around 10 hours or longer.

I don't know, I've never worked a job like this before and I'm not great at it. I'm scared tbh. My mental health is on the decline because of this job, but I need the experience and the extra money certainly wouldn't hurt. I don't know…

I'm also in a program and I feel shitty because I haven't been able to help my teammates much because of this damn job. I have myself scheduled to leave on the 26th, so I still have a little bit left to go, but Jesus, it is very tough.

Any tips to get through this hellish week? I hope this is the only week that's like this
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Jul 27, 2019
Any tips to get through this hellish week? I hope this is the only week that's like this
It might help to focus on doing something after work each day which you look forward to.
So something like watch a film, eat favourite meal/takeaway, favourite chocolate, have a hot bath. Anything which will make you focus on just getting through that one shift rather than having to think about the next day.
Remind yourself that it's only for this week and it won't be like this all the time. Make sure you get plenty of rest at night too.
Also if you do feel extra stress then allow yourself to feel it but know that it isn't caused by something you did wrong, it's completely valid given the circumstances. Once it passes then praise yourself for making it through that bad patch and hope that it makes it easier the next time you feel like that since you know you can survive those feelings.
I hope it goes as well as it possibly can!
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Nov 13, 2021
It might help to focus on doing something after work each day which you look forward to.
So something like watch a film, eat favourite meal/takeaway, favourite chocolate, have a hot bath. Anything which will make you focus on just getting through that one shift rather than having to think about the next day.
Remind yourself that it's only for this week and it won't be like this all the time. Make sure you get plenty of rest at night too.
Also if you do feel extra stress then allow yourself to feel it but know that it isn't caused by something you did wrong, it's completely valid given the circumstances. Once it passes then praise yourself for making it through that bad patch and hope that it makes it easier the next time you feel like that since you know you can survive those feelings.
I hope it goes as well as it possibly can!
This might help. I might try and watch an episode of a show or something after work. I still think this would be rough tbh, but I know I need to try something, otherwise I'll be miserable through the whole week,

I'll try and keep in mind that this is only for this week, that may help. Something else that will help me and what I've been thinking about to try and calm myself a little is that, in 2 weeks, I will take almost a whole week off for a trip I'm taking. This time of the year, according to the bosses, due to the holidays, is the busiest all year. I won't be working super hard alone, I think they will schedule everyone available for those days.

I really hope I make it through this without it taking a huge toll on me mentally :/
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Nov 13, 2021
I honestly think I'm going to miss work tomorrow (Tuesday). I have prior commitments and my managers won't even respond to me, and just bite the bullet with any consequences that brings I guess. I have a meeting in the program that I don't want to miss and it's the last day of the program before our extended break away due to 4th of July. I feel I've covered my own ass to a degree as I reached out to 2 different managers, both on our work app, and one another time via email so I can prove I reached out. I can't prove it through our work app.

It just makes me so angry that they won't get back to me, it's so unprofessional and I don't know how people get so far in a company when they seem unreachable. Maybe I'm just complaining over nothing but I don't know. I feel like I've been complaining a lot more recently, I just feel like recent times have been particularly rough and I'm afraid of getting chewed out if I miss tomorrow.
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Jul 27, 2019
Hope your managers were understanding in the end, I agree it's frustrating when they take so long to reply.
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Nov 13, 2021
Hope your managers were understanding in the end, I agree it's frustrating when they take so long to reply.
One of them finally got back to me one hour before my shift start, the other two, still nothing from them so at least I'm alright on missing today. Now all that's left is making it through the 4 days I'm scheduled and hope next week will be easier


Jul 23, 2022
One of them finally got back to me one hour before my shift start, the other two, still nothing from them so at least I'm alright on missing today. Now all that's left is making it through the 4 days I'm scheduled and hope next week will be easier
Wishing you fortitude. Treat yourself each day after work.
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Nov 13, 2021
Wishing you fortitude. Treat yourself each day after work.
That's what I'm planning. I'm considering starting a show and watching a new episode after work each day, gives me something to look forward to after each shift.
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Jun 17, 2024
Oh dear - regular work stresses me out regardless, but 10h shifts? Yuck, I understand that you feel like freaking out :(
What painoflife suggested with having smth to look forward to, that'd be my approach as well, I guess.
I'm a fatass and really motivated by food (......) so if I'd prepare a nice dish, like a curry or smth, I'd proper look forward to eating it after a long day of work. Or have an awesome piece of cake waiting for me in the fridge.
What also helps, I find, is when you live with a partner or pets - I always looked forward to coming home to the ones I love. It just sucks when you're single again, sigh~

(And another thing that sometimes helps me to get during a stressful day, is wearing my favorite cologne. Scents can be really therapeutic, imho. And smelling smth you love throughout the day, lightens the mood, imho.)

If we were on a videogame, I'd gift you a +10 stamina amulet now ♥
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Jul 23, 2022
That's what I'm planning. I'm considering starting a show and watching a new episode after work each day, gives me something to look forward to after each shift.
TV? I think you'll deserve something a little more substantial!
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Nov 13, 2021
TV? I think you'll deserve something a little more substantial!
I'm blanking on ideas tbh, lol. I'm usually to tired for much else. Any ideas?

Oh dear - regular work stresses me out regardless, but 10h shifts? Yuck, I understand that you feel like freaking out :(
What painoflife suggested with having smth to look forward to, that'd be my approach as well, I guess.
I'm a fatass and really motivated by food (......) so if I'd prepare a nice dish, like a curry or smth, I'd proper look forward to eating it after a long day of work. Or have an awesome piece of cake waiting for me in the fridge.
What also helps, I find, is when you live with a partner or pets - I always looked forward to coming home to the ones I love. It just sucks when you're single again, sigh~

(And another thing that sometimes helps me to get during a stressful day, is wearing my favorite cologne. Scents can be really therapeutic, imho. And smelling smth you love throughout the day, lightens the mood, imho.)

If we were on a videogame, I'd gift you a +10 stamina amulet now ♥
Yeah and tbh, 10 hours might be on the shorter end, I've had 12.5 hour shifts as the longest ones, I know someone who worked nearly 14 hours, I'm just hoping it's not like that lol.

Food is a good motivator but I can't think of anything spectacular to make and usually after my shift, all I want is a shower, food, and rest lol.

My cat is a huge motivator for me and I've used that on my rougher days. I just think, I get to go home ever pet my cat.
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Nov 13, 2021
Hey, just an update. Made it through Thursday, it fucking sucked because I was forced to stay in one area, mostly alone, from 10AM-7:20PM. I hate that they make me do that, and I know its because I'm smaller than my coworkers. Anyways, I don't think they'll do it again (fingers crossed) and I just hope the rest of the work isn't too rough on me. One day down, 3 days to go.

Also the live action Avatar show on Netflix is pretty good so far. I'm like 25 mins into the first episode :)


Jul 23, 2022
I'm blanking on ideas tbh, lol. I'm usually to tired for much else. Any ideas?
I don't know, usually my idea of a treat is food!

Hey, just an update. Made it through Thursday, it fucking sucked because I was forced to stay in one area, mostly alone, from 10AM-7:20PM. I hate that they make me do that, and I know its because I'm smaller than my coworkers. Anyways, I don't think they'll do it again (fingers crossed) and I just hope the rest of the work isn't too rough on me. One day down, 3 days to go.

Also the live action Avatar show on Netflix is pretty good so far. I'm like 25 mins into the first episode :)
I'm glad it went okay. This is only temporary and you would probably be overall unhappier with no money coming in.
Last edited:


Nov 13, 2021
I don't know, usually my idea of a treat is food!

I'm glad it went okay. This is only temporary and you would probably be overall in happier with no money coming in.
I had some pretty good food as well! My family had a cookout today that I had to miss, but my mom made sure to grab me a plate which I promptly ate once I got home!

Thank you, I am also glad it went okay as well. I'm not gonna lie, a big thing pushing me through is the knowledge that it's only temporary. I presume you meant to say I'd probably be unhappy if I didn't have money coming in and that's honestly completely true. It's nice to have a paycheck. I'll probably get a little overtime this week as well, so this next paycheck will be great, especially since I'm used to only about 20 hours per week and this week will probably be 40+ hours


Jul 23, 2022
I had some pretty good food as well! My family had a cookout today that I had to miss, but my mom made sure to grab me a plate which I promptly ate once I got home!

Thank you, I am also glad it went okay as well. I'm not gonna lie, a big thing pushing me through is the knowledge that it's only temporary. I presume you meant to say I'd probably be unhappy if I didn't have money coming in and that's honestly completely true. It's nice to have a paycheck. I'll probably get a little overtime this week as well, so this next paycheck will be great, especially since I'm used to only about 20 hours per week and this week will probably be 40+ hours
Yes in happier should be unhappier

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