
Sep 29, 2023
If someone is interested what my plans are, I explained in my last posts.

This is the strongest antiemetic (as far as i am aware), usually for chemotherapy or strong opiate use.

If I take 3-4 days 3 tabs per day so my body accumulates the antiemetic in the brain (I've heard ppl doing that describing it here),

and then taking the massive OD of GBL (maybe 20ml or more?, maybe up the butt so my tummy doesn't get to irritated? Idk if that's possible or smart. And taking the 12 tabs on day "X" so my brain on that day will hopefully forget, what gagging and puking even means.

Also, isotonitazene (500mg? Will buy an scale today and measure), also up the butt, dissolved in 50ml of "DMSO" which is legal in Europe and safe.

Also, I have a shit ton of xans, 200+ (1mg per tab), valium (also very much, idk maybe 150+ or 200+, 10mg per tab) and zopiclon and zolpidem, each also with the highest legal amount per tab, 7.5 mg and 10 mg. Just for relaxation for the next almost 2 months.

Oh, and rn I ordered 20ml or mg, idk how GBL is measured (it's liquid) and it arrived a few days ago. Very good quality, since I live in Germany and just order from Germany.

Will order 50 ml more of GBL, sell some stuff (almost new expensive v notebook + iPhone 15 pro max) and will live 1.5 months in an cheap neighbouring EU country where an Airbnb apartment for myself, not just a room cost around 30-35€/night, with discounts for living longer there, like almost 2 months instead of just one night. Was thinking to make more contracts for smartphones to live up to 3 months there, just to relax before ending it. Ofc I won't pay for the monthly payment for the smartphone, but what are they gonna do about it? Also, I payed for the meds and other stuff in crypto. I bought the crypto with PayPal, so I could do "direct debit return" and get hundreds of euros back, also with my smartphone contract I could do the same and enjoy my last week's even more.

Also ordered 3g of 4mmc (meow-meow) 7 days ago from Germany to Germany, but of all orders, this has yet to arrive. 70€ for 3g 4mmc, top seller on archetyp. I've messaged the vendor about this, then the changa from Sweden arrived earlier.

But maybe, because he is top vendor, he has so much to send that it is taking a little bit longer. The reviews say that his 4mmc is still the real deal, compared to others, that's why it's more expensive than from other vendors.

Thanks for everyone, who read everything.

I love you, we are one (I hope), in pure, endless love (whatever that's supposed to mean), and we will all find together again (or die and be forever dead, what I believe since my soul couldn't stand me anymore and fled to God, which is the thing before the big bang, big mess from my viewpoint).

Ok thanks :))
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