

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I find it especially disgusting when they try to take away SN sources and support suicide prevention schemes or whatever, basically anything that makes suicide more inaccessible for people. And I know that this offends those people but the person who chose to cease existing had a right to die, they were so cruelly forced to exist in the first place and weren't obligated to continue.

And instead of coming to terms with the fact that the person is now at peace, they just want to force everybody else to suffer instead, it's absolutely repulsive.
I despise anything related to suicide prevention, it's evil, people should be allowed to just die in peace and it's simply not other people's business, it's not their decision to make.

Suicide preventionst type people are selfish and delusional, they want to make people suffer as much as possible for as long as possible, I hate how people who have lost someone to suicide make it all about them, it's all about what they feel. Sorry but we are all going to die anyway and people shouldn't have to suffer so unnecessarily because of you.

All that pro-life people do is cause harm, it's insane to be pro-life in this hellish reality where wanting to die is all that feels rational, existence itself is the true problem anyway. It's delusional to see something so cruel and futile as existence as being desirable, death is the only relief so it's very important to have the option to cease existing on our own terms, if one is anti-suicide they lack any compassion.
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The Songs of Distant Earth.
Sep 18, 2022
The Archie Battersbee case last year really pissed me off.

The kid clearly intended to kill himself, but his parents were in so much denial that they blamed it on a TikTok challenge that doesn't even exist. He had no chance of recovery, yet was kept alive artificially because they refused to let nature run its course, even though his brain was necrotic. They proceeded to get involved with Christian fundamentalists and his mum spouted her pro life spiel all over the media for months.

Somebody else with a chance of recovery could've used those hospital resources. The NHS had to go through the courts to finally withdraw life support. This brain dead kid was used to further an agenda and idiots all over the country bought into it.

Everybody's always looking to point the finger elsewhere when a loved one dies via suicide. Maybe they should look a little closer to home.
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Sep 16, 2020
I am finding less ways to cope with the sadistic nature of the reptilian hissing people who live from snidiness. So many parents are responsible for their childs death.
The ones who complain... If they genuinely cared about the child they would be too distraught to fuss around on petty complaints forms oh coincidentally they usually have financial backing using the deceased memory to fund their materialism. Turning their child into barter.

Or the other way if they genuinely felt strongly that someone encouraged their child to CBT they would be out for revenge (Even if unjustified) but I've just noticed a trend in cowardly.parents whining for money and attention lately. The chance to live ok in Western society has now died the whole cesspit that should wipe for causing so much pain to onr another and the planet.
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Gott, es tut mir leid.
Nov 15, 2023
You cant blame people for getting humbled with their own mortality and realising that life is actually worth living when someone in dire straits kills themselves, justifying that people should be able kill themselves for any reason at all at any time without any intervention is completely psychotic.
You say that people who want to prevent others from killing themselves and inturn help them get back in their lives are somehow... selfish?, they certainly are when they try to talk a Cancer Patient out of it but that is less than what, 0.1% of cases? There are definetely sociopaths using it to gain social clout and make others feel worse aswell as obviously exploitative Institutions but thats an absolute miniscule minority, especially in the West and easy to spot.
Being in favour of preserving life when it can stand and live completely fine on its own even if it needs a little help and be nourished is completely rational, people who are actually suffering genuine untreatable mental or physical issues are already being allowed to commit suicide in pretty much any society anyways. If you have the ability to live a better life and arent afflicted by a genuine cause for suicide then Prevention & Help Groups are literally what you are looking for to attain that better life when you cant help yourself on your own.
People who are genuinely completely gone will inevitably kill themselves but that doesnt mean that you should incentivise it, since youll only nudge people into essentially murdering them.

If life is so bad then why dont you simply do it yourself instead of spending Years on a Forum incentivising others to do so?
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
The Archie Battersbee case last year really pissed me off.
That shit is fucking evil. Forcing someone to stay alive on life support like that... Thinking about the possibility of someone doing it to me if I fail pisses me off. It makes me want out even more.

You cant blame people for getting humbled with their own mortality and realising that life is actually worth living when someone in dire straits kills themselves, justifying that people should be able kill themselves for any reason at all at any time without any intervention is completely psychotic.

Just because someone else thinks their life is worth living doesn't mean they have the right to force me to keep living. Everyone should always be able to access peaceful methods that are guaranteed to work as long as they aren't acting impulsively. That's the only case where I agree that suicide prevention makes sense; when it's impulsive and the methods are unreliable.

You say that people who want to prevent others from killing themselves and inturn help them get back in their lives are somehow... selfish?, they certainly are when they try to talk a Cancer Patient out of it but that is less than what, 0.1% of cases?
Prevention is selfish when it's forced. Why force someone to keep living if they don't want to? There's probably people whose lives are okay now, but they might want out anyway because they know it could change in an instant. What's really psychotic is forcing someone to live until they are terminally ill, when the person wanting out could prevent the illness with an early death. Offering alternatives to suicide and recommending that people try them is fine, but they should still have the choice to exit if they've had time to think about it and they're certain that it's the right decision.

This is what I want for myself too. I don't want to live in a world where horrible things can happen to me. I watched my mom and grandpa die in horrible ways at the hospital and the nursing home. I've wanted to die since then because I never want to go through it. If I can prevent that by ending my life early, then who are you to tell me that I'm not allowed to die when I want to? What authority do you have to tell anyone that?

Being in favour of preserving life when it can stand and live completely fine on its own even if it needs a little help and be nourished is completely rational, people who are actually suffering genuine untreatable mental or physical issues are already being allowed to commit suicide in pretty much any society anyways.
It's okay to be in favor of that, but not to shove that opinion down someone else's throat. Using my earlier example, if someone wants out to prevent future suffering, even if they can be helped now, it should still be their choice. Knowing I have the right to exit any time might make me want to live more.

I think you're mistaken when you say people with untreatable conditions are allowed to commit suicide in any society. Would a nursing home in the US allow an elderly person with dimensia commit suicide before their condition gets too bad? I highly doubt it. Outside of a handful of countries, most people don't have that right, even if they're terminally ill. If I'm wrong about that, then I'd love it if you could prove it.

. If you have the ability to live a better life and arent afflicted by a genuine cause for suicide then Prevention & Help Groups are literally what you are looking for to attain that better life when you cant help yourself on your own.
People who are genuinely completely gone will inevitably kill themselves but that doesnt mean that you should incentivise it, since youll only nudge people into essentially murdering them.

Having the ability to live a better life and wanting to put in the effort to do it are different things. What right does anyone have to tell other people what a "genuine cause for suicide is"? If I've decided for myself that it's the right decision, but the rest of my family thinks I'm wrong, do they have the right to prevent my suicide? I don't think they do.

Respecting the right to choose isn't the same thing as incentivizing people to do it. Most people incentivize it for themselves antway, because only they know what their reasons are for wanting out. Telling them their reasons are wrong and taking their choice away until they agree to keep living is oppression. I would be furious if someone did that to me, and knowing my family, they would do it if they knew about my plan.

If life is so bad then why dont you simply do it yourself instead of spending Years on a Forum incentivising others to do so?

You must not understand how hard it is to actually attempt suicide if you're asking this question. I've been a member for almost 4 years and am actively planning my own suicide, which is probably why I agree with a lot of FC's posts. I came close multiple times but didn't go through with it because I was afraid of failure and the survival instinct is in our DNA. This is also true for a lot of other members too.
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the thorn
Nov 18, 2023
my grandma also died from suicide. lots of people in my family think that she died because of her illness but it's really not the case. she was always suffering because of it and now i hope she is in peace. i didn't tell anyone when she shared that she wants to ctb because i know they will do everything keep her alive just for her to continue suffering.

did it fuck me up? yes of course it took the life of my favorite person. it's just so hard to accept they're not a part of your life anymore. i often crave her sweet loaf but nobody in my family knows the recipe, i burst in tears everytime i realize i'm never gonna be able to taste it anymore.

but afterall she's not suffering anymore, she doesn't spend her day wishing she was never born. i believe she is in peace now, i know she is.

they say suicide doesn't make things better but i think it's better to be nothing than to be suffering all the time.
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Jan 2, 2023
One of the reasons I haven't killed myself yet is because I fear the attempt will fail and potentially leave me severely disabled. When you can no longer move, you have essentially lost the possibility of dying on your own terms, unless a compassionate person takes pity on you and puts you out of your misery. I feel the worst for people who have absolutely no hope of getting better as well as being unable to take their own life. The law is despicable, and anybody who believes that euthanasia is never justified is either evil or incredibly delusional or naive in my books.
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Wait for Me 💙
Nov 1, 2023
It's hope. Hope that makes people pro-life. You look back and think "I could have done more if he was alive" and have the false hindsight believe "I could have cured their suffering if I had done this, this, or that only if they had lived longer." But they didn't live longer and you didn't or couldn't save them. The belief that someone is not irreparably doomed is what makes people pro-life.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think most of the people you are talking about were parents. I expect it's simply too painful for them to acknowlede that their child made a rational decision. They would prefer to blame it on mental illness. Included within that is this idea of vulnerability and even being impressionable. In their minds, I expect they believe that they simply wouldn't have made that decision if they were thinking clearly. Especially since it hurt them so deeply. They probably don't want to accept that their child killed themselves knowing the pain it would inflict on them. Plus- it's going to be hard for them to know that they weren't enough reason to keep that person here. They likely experience it as a massive rejection. Too massive to properly accept so- it's maybe easier to think that the person wasn't thinking clearly.

The pain they are likely experiencing is enormous. They may even be experiencing guilt- if they felt like they hadn't done enough for that person- or worse- if they contributed to that person feeling like that. I agree- it would be good if they could truly acknowledge how much pain that person was in to want to do that and risk putting themselves through it. But- for whatever reason, they see it as being a wrongful death. Something that wouldn't have happened if their loved one hadn't stumbled on something lethal. Because of that, they clearly feel like it's a good idea to go on campaigns to restrict the sale of SN and take down websites like this.

It's almost like when really tragic accidents happen and children die of poisoning through injesting dishwasher tablets or become crushed from climbing on furniture- parents want to stop the tragedy they experienced from happening to anyone else. I don't think they make the distinction with suicide- they seem to be insisting that their loved one wasn't in a fit state to make that decision and that they could in fact have been saved given the right treatment. If they truly believe that- no matter how delluded it is- of course they are going to want whatever killed their loved one restricted.

We don't give people access to weapons when they aren't thinking clearly. The thing about things like SN is the reputation it has as being relatively more peaceful and effective than other methods. Without it and without information about it on the internet- would some of those people still be alive? Quite probably. They may have been too frightened (legitimately) to try the more brutal but well known methods.

Ultimately- people and specifically, parents don't want their loved ones killing themselves. They seem less bothered about the quality of life that person has to endure if they don't.

I do understand your frustration with this world and I get the impression you don't experience grief as deeply as others- from what you've said in the past. Still, I still don't quite get how you don't see it from the pro-life point of view at all. You've said before that you wouldn't tell your parents or family about your ideation- because they wouldn't understand. If you couldn't get them to see it from your point of view, surely you can multiply that for everyone else? I agree it's frustrating but, they simply see things differently. I personally believe the reasons they see it that way are likely dellusions to try and protect themselves. That firstly- their loved one wasn't in a fit state of mind to make that decision- so- shouldn't have had access to lethal chemicals and secondly- that they still had the potential to be happy in life. Quite probably, neither were all that accurate but I can understand why people tell themselves that.
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Orange Cat

Oct 19, 2023
It makes sense that people who lost someone to suicide would support suicide prevention. A lot of suicides could be prevented if people were given the right help. There are people who feel trapped by their circumstances and who wouldn't kill themselves if they could find a better solution to their problems. They should be offered help if they want it. The problem is that the current suicide prevention doesn't do anything to address the root causes of suicide and offer practical help for most people.
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Jul 23, 2022
If life is so bad then why dont you simply do it yourself instead of spending Years on a Forum incentivising others to do so?
This thread reaches new heights even for FC but please don't taunt other users like that.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
Yes, a vent is a vent not a discussion and it's high time people respected that. Agreeing or not is irrelevant.
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Nov 15, 2023
I find it especially disgusting when they try to take away SN sources and support suicide prevention schemes or whatever, basically anything that makes suicide more inaccessible for people. And I know that this offends those people but the person who chose to cease existing had a right to die, they were so cruelly forced to exist in the first place and weren't obligated to continue.

And instead of coming to terms with the fact that the person is now at peace, they just want to force everybody else to suffer instead, it's absolutely repulsive.
I despise anything related to suicide prevention, it's evil, people should be allowed to just die in peace and it's simply not other people's business, it's not their decision to make.

Suicide preventionst type people are selfish and delusional, they want to make people suffer as much as possible for as long as possible, I hate how people who have lost someone to suicide make it all about them, it's all about what they feel. Sorry but we are all going to die anyway and people shouldn't have to suffer so unnecessarily because of you.

All that pro-life people do is cause harm, it's insane to be pro-life in this hellish reality where wanting to die is all that feels rational, existence itself is the true problem anyway. It's delusional to see something so cruel and futile as existence as being desirable, death is the only relief so it's very important to have the option to cease existing on our own terms, if one is anti-suicide they lack any compassion.
commiting a suicide is even more ignorant and cruel towards people that loved you. ive lost many of my dearest people to suicide and i wwasnt being able to do anything about it, do you even know how traumatic it is the same thing repeating over and over again it just gets worse and youre helpless about it? when they text you the last message saying goodbye?
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Jun 19, 2022
The Archie Battersbee case last year really pissed me off.

The kid clearly intended to kill himself, but his parents were in so much denial that they blamed it on a TikTok challenge that doesn't even exist. He had no chance of recovery, yet was kept alive artificially because they refused to let nature run its course, even though his brain was necrotic. They proceeded to get involved with Christian fundamentalists and his mum spouted her pro life spiel all over the media for months.

Somebody else with a chance of recovery could've used those hospital resources. The NHS had to go through the courts to finally withdraw life support. This brain dead kid was used to further an agenda and idiots all over the country bought into it.

Everybody's always looking to point the finger elsewhere when a loved one dies via suicide. Maybe they should look a little closer to home.
That was a horrific case. It was so crazy how no one was allowed to ever point out that he might've put a rope around his neck on purpose, it must've been because of some non-existent challenge. No one wants to look insensitive questioning anything, so the mother got to run with her narrative. It's always the internets fault, he was 12 so there's no way the mum could admit he was unhappy with his home life because she'd have to admit that was her fault. That was such a textbook case in how parents can be in complete denial. Don't forget they called the doctors murderers for wanting to stop life support. This is gonna happen every time now, most parents aren't gonna let their terminal suffering kids go peacefully even when teams of doctors are telling them it's in their best interests.

I have lots of sympathy for parents and family who have lost loved ones to suicide but I don't think we'll prevent suicides by not having honest discussions about it and just blindly believing a parents narrative about what was going on when they might not be seeing everything completely clearly.
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Nov 19, 2023
I find it especially disgusting when they try to take away SN sources and support suicide prevention schemes or whatever, basically anything that makes suicide more inaccessible for people. And I know that this offends those people but the person who chose to cease existing had a right to die, they were so cruelly forced to exist in the first place and weren't obligated to continue.

And instead of coming to terms with the fact that the person is now at peace, they just want to force everybody else to suffer instead, it's absolutely repulsive.
I despise anything related to suicide prevention, it's evil, people should be allowed to just die in peace and it's simply not other people's business, it's not their decision to make.

Suicide preventionst type people are selfish and delusional, they want to make people suffer as much as possible for as long as possible, I hate how people who have lost someone to suicide make it all about them, it's all about what they feel. Sorry but we are all going to die anyway and people shouldn't have to suffer so unnecessarily because of you.

All that pro-life people do is cause harm, it's insane to be pro-life in this hellish reality where wanting to die is all that feels rational, existence itself is the true problem anyway. It's delusional to see something so cruel and futile as existence as being desirable, death is the only relief so it's very important to have the option to cease existing on our own terms, if one is anti-suicide they lack any compassion.
hey funeral cry ive read what u said once and am quoting
Because death means the end to all suffering so how could it ever be bad. We are all just waiting around to die anyway so wanting death on my own terms is rational to escape from all future harms in this existence that was completely futile and meaningless in the first place.

It's disgusting how such a thing as suicide prevention even exists, it's delusional as well, to me ceasing to exist will always be preferable than being enslaved in this existence that just causes suffering and harm.
In my case the true problem will always lie in existence itself, death is the only relief in this hellish reality where there is no limit as to how much one suffer.

One cannot be harmed by not existing so only ceasing to exist is ideal, there's nothing irrational about wanting a permanent release from all suffering.
I cannot stand those who delusionally worship existence to the point that they see death as a terrible thing. No wanting death is all that makes sense to me, there is no point to existing, it just causes so much suffering anyway so it's wrong to be anti-suicide, the decision to die should only ever be respected, anti-suicide people just cause more suffering than there already is.
and i thought abut that clearly

Your hypothesis pursues the same ends as Arthur Schopenhauer's. He claims: 'Death is the aim and ultimate purpose of life, for only in death are we free from the constant cycle of suffering in life.' Suicide is frowned upon because it is widely interpreted as the struggle inherent in embracing certain principles only when conditions align favorably, implying that we aren't encouraged to do so, and that whoever deviates from that standard is a nutcase. Yet without death, there would be no solitude. But who knows? Are you really dying if you're passing your values onto the people that archive them? Life's far too broad for any generalizations. Also, I can sympathize with this; I've been inside of a psych ward before, and I can safely say that I wouldn't wish this fate upon my worst enemy.


Jun 16, 2023
That was a horrific case. It was so crazy how no one was allowed to ever point out that he might've put a rope around his neck on purpose, it must've been because of some non-existent challenge. No one wants to look insensitive questioning anything, so the mother got to run with her narrative. It's always the internets fault, he was 12 so there's no way the mum could admit he was unhappy with his home life because she'd have to admit that was her fault. That was such a textbook case in how parents can be in complete denial. Don't forget they called the doctors murderers for wanting to stop life support. This is gonna happen every time now, most parents aren't gonna let their terminal suffering kids go peacefully even when teams of doctors are telling them it's in their best interests.

I have lots of sympathy for parents and family who have lost loved ones to suicide but I don't think we'll prevent suicides by not having honest discussions about it and just blindly believing a parents narrative about what was going on when they might not be seeing everything completely clearly.
I think it's really unfair and incorrect to blame a child suicide on the parents. We know that some people endure the most horrific suffering at the hands of their parents and don't kill themselves. It is much more complex than that. And although I absolutely do not agree with this ridiculous pro life at all costs agenda, I also think it's unreasonable to hate on parents who just don't understand the complexity of suffering that leads one to end their life.

I personally lost someone very very close to me by suicide. I absolutely did not and still do not blame them, myself or any other family member. Even at the time which was many years ago when I was young, I understood they must have been suffering immensely to go through with it. It has never made me anti suicide at all. I'm anti the state of this society that fails to address the many causes or at least resource the services that might help those who can be helped.
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Nov 20, 2023
I find it especially disgusting when they try to take away SN sources and support suicide prevention schemes or whatever, basically anything that makes suicide more inaccessible for people. And I know that this offends those people but the person who chose to cease existing had a right to die, they were so cruelly forced to exist in the first place and weren't obligated to continue.

And instead of coming to terms with the fact that the person is now at peace, they just want to force everybody else to suffer instead, it's absolutely repulsive.
I despise anything related to suicide prevention, it's evil, people should be allowed to just die in peace and it's simply not other people's business, it's not their decision to make.

Suicide preventionst type people are selfish and delusional, they want to make people suffer as much as possible for as long as possible, I hate how people who have lost someone to suicide make it all about them, it's all about what they feel. Sorry but we are all going to die anyway and people shouldn't have to suffer so unnecessarily because of you.

All that pro-life people do is cause harm, it's insane to be pro-life in this hellish reality where wanting to die is all that feels rational, existence itself is the true problem anyway. It's delusional to see something so cruel and futile as existence as being desirable, death is the only relief so it's very important to have the option to cease existing on our own terms, if one is anti-suicide they lack any compassion.
You're absolutely right. My body, my suffering, my decision. Doesn't matter if it's about ceasing to exist. Nobody owns me. I own me. I'm not causing any physical harm to anyone by ceasing to exist. Let me go away peacefully from all this pain and suffering. You don't know how much I'm suffering.
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Jun 19, 2022
@Jolene79 no I don't agree with blaming parents either in general-but the Archie Battersbee case was an extreme one. I've read up about the mother and she's not a nice person to say the least. I believe she was arrested for GBH at some point. A lot of people have turned against her now because of her behaviour. Plus I've seen a video of Archie doing acrobatics and getting stuck upside down on a pole and calling for help and her not giving a shit and just filming it. So in his case, judging by her behaviour yeah it's possible she was detrimental to his mental health.

I was suicidal at 12 and all through my teen years on and off and that was to do with not being happy in myself and nothing to do with my parents so I know it's not always the parents fault. Although if I was to be overly critical they could've noticed I was becoming more and more withdrawn and unhappy and taken me to talk to someone. I don't blame them for that though, they had never dealt with depression before, and no one really expects their kid to be depressed! Especially if they had no outside reason to be. And it's not like I took myself for help once I was an adult either.

But what I mean is things get sensationalised in the media and stuff like "harmful online content" gets blamed when it's nothing to do with why a person was struggling in the first place-I think more emphasis needs to be put on that. Not to blame family, but to be completely honest about what a person was going through and accept they did actually make this decision themselves. Even the coroner said it was an accident with Archie Battersbee and I don't believe that was the case with all the evidence but it's still so taboo coroners would rather put accident down if there is a tiny amount of doubt. How can we prevent another Archie if we call it an accident?! And blame an internet challenge that doesn't exist. There is no lesson to be learnt from that and that worries me.

I'm very sorry for your loss, I strongly believe in most cases it's no ones fault and the person who left wouldn't want any blame being placed on anyone.


This is a Junly moment
Nov 10, 2023
It's a reasonable response to a traumatic event. As much as I hate it, it makes perfect sense. No family ever wants to go through that pain again.
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