

Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
I quit my remote desk job in late 2022 and have been jobless since. I have many reasons for having quit but it was so long ago I'm just glad to be free from having to deal with callers. I'd rather live under a box in the middle of winter than ever deal with customers again. I've done a fairly alright job keeping my savings, thanks to still living with mom and dad. But in terms of what I'm doing after, I'm not sure.

I thought I found a lucky break signing up for a local band while pursuing nsfw writing (just for the money, mind you) on the side but both didn't pan out. I want to get an ebike/e-scooter so I can actually leave the house on my own and find a job, but I don't know how I can find one that would support my over 6 feet and 270 pound ass. I'm on a tight budget due to having not worked over a year. If I could time travel back to the day I quit, I'd have bought an e-bike right then and there and looked for another job after that.

But these days, while I'm still out doing stuff I'm resigned to what the incels would call: LDAR.

Every plan I have to advance my life doesn't work because I wasn't born with the right brain. I can't take meds to treat my ADHD because of the bad side effects making it not worth it. My biggest issue is the fact that neurotypical society is centered around neurotypicals, and only neurotypicals. So because I'm not neurotypical I have to navigate a world that's confusing and hard to get into at best, but discriminatory and outright hostile to me at worst.
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I just want to sleep...
Oct 20, 2023
Not having a job is a pain in the ass, my last job was a shitty construction worker job, but at least it paid well, even though I hated it I miss it. Only for the money of course, but still.
I get why it's scary to get a job cause there are a lot of shit jobs, with shit people. But you can find something that you don't hate, I am still looking for a new job too, even if I am doing a half assed job og doing so due to having zero motivation at all.
Either way I don't really know what else to say other than I hope it works out for ya, I hope you find a job you like and I hope it pays well.

And as a hefty guy myself. I hope you find an ebike that fits your ass ;)


Love It Or Waste It.
Jan 15, 2024
I don't understand how people have the mental strength to hold down jobs. How do people wake up every morning knowing their day is going to be spent doing something they hate, I tried holding a job but it was unbearable. Mental exhaustion is worse than physical exhaustion. Wishing you good luck op.


Unappreciated artist
Dec 18, 2023
I'm right there with you. The only way I could justify staying alive was by having my dream job, working from home as a software engineer and not having to interact with anyone besides coworkers on Zoom calls. And that was taken away by the mass tech layoffs. 7 months later, I'm realizing I'll never get that opportunity again, and I'm giving up on life early.
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Apr 7, 2023
Right there with you. Had a visa problem when I was supposed to go back to my job in another country 2 years ago. Never had the chance to go back. Been jobless ever since. I would try to apply for jobs in my home country but I've been outdated about the system for about five years now have no idea where to get trainings and such. I fear I'll never find a job ever again.


Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
I don't understand how people have the mental strength to hold down jobs. How do people wake up every morning knowing their day is going to be spent doing something they hate, I tried holding a job but it was unbearable. Mental exhaustion is worse than physical exhaustion. Wishing you good luck op.

I'm the same way. While I did have what many would consider a "dream job", I hated having to explain the same thing over and over to customers over the phone when I knew there were better ways of solving the issue. And I hated it even more when the company tried to fix something that wasn't broken, only to then break the system and I'd have to go through call after call repairing it.

I personally would love it if I had a UBI so I could pursue my interests without the need to work. But America would never let that happen.
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Love It Or Waste It.
Jan 15, 2024
I'm the same way. While I did have what many would consider a "dream job", I hated having to explain the same thing over and over to customers over the phone when I knew there were better ways of solving the issue. And I hated it even more when the company tried to fix something that wasn't broken, only to then break the system and I'd have to go through call after call repairing it.

I personally would love it if I had a UBI so I could pursue my interests without the need to work. But America would never let that happen.
UBI would save so many people from roping it's unreal. But mental illness is an industry, it's too costly to give the cure.


Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
UBI would save so many people from roping it's unreal. But mental illness is an industry, it's too costly to give the cure.

I agree that it would save so many people from roping. But mental illness I'm not so sure can be cured, even if they want to. Since from what I've heard and personal experience, mental illnesses can completely rewire the brain. Neurodevelopmental disorders make it so the brain outright develops incorrectly while in the womb. Autism and ADD are developmental. There's literally nothing I can do to make myself neurotypical, never has been.

Now for things like depression and anxiety, I could see them being treated better if we made weed and other drugs legalized. But an outright one-and-done cure is hard to see. Best case scenario being the symptoms going away entirely so long as the user keeps treatment going.

Other than that, I do agree that psychiatry is a harmful and dare I say predatory industry. After so many attempts at treating my ADD with their "medicine" and only getting bad side effects, even writing about it early on in my time here, I don't wanna touch it with a 10 foot pole. The only semi-promising results I've found are caffeine and L-Tyrosine.

I have a friend online I talk to from time to time. She talked about her adverse experiences with psychiatry and told me religion helped her more than psychiatry ever did. I'm not religious and I have a strong dislike towards organized religion, but in that specific instance I can't say I'd blame her. If I wasn't such a hardcore atheist, maybe I would've picked religion as well. Psychiatry is that bad to me.
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Love It Or Waste It.
Jan 15, 2024
I agree that it would save so many people from roping. But mental illness I'm not so sure can be cured, even if they want to. Since from what I've heard and personal experience, mental illnesses can completely rewire the brain. Neurodevelopmental disorders make it so the brain outright develops incorrectly while in the womb. Autism and ADD are developmental. There's literally nothing I can do to make myself neurotypical, never has been.

Now for things like depression and anxiety, I could see them being treated better if we made weed and other drugs legalized. But an outright one-and-done cure is hard to see. Best case scenario being the symptoms going away entirely so long as the user keeps treatment going.

Other than that, I do agree that psychiatry is a harmful and dare I say predatory industry. After so many attempts at treating my ADD with their "medicine" and only getting bad side effects, even writing about it early on in my time here, I don't wanna touch it with a 10 foot pole. The only semi-promising results I've found are caffeine and L-Tyrosine.

I have a friend online I talk to from time to time. She talked about her adverse experiences with psychiatry and told me religion helped her more than psychiatry ever did. I'm not religious and I have a strong dislike towards organized religion, but in that specific instance I can't say I'd blame her. If I wasn't such a hardcore atheist, maybe I would've picked religion as well. Psychiatry is that bad to me.
agreed 100% it's all so sad. I wish people were more aware of how predatory psychiatry can be. I remember playing gta 5 with michael and jokingly thinking "damn that's accurate lol". Even though it was a joke, michaels psychiatrist isn't too far from the truth for alot of people.

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