

Mar 2, 2024
I hate my mom and I can't stand her being difficult with me anymore. Whenever there's a problem about me and her and when I try to explain it to her she easily gets irritated to the point where she screams and still thinks I'm in the wrong and it's all my fault and she never focuses on her part ever. My mom is very democratic and the one I hate that I keep on telling her not to do that's she's been doing for years and even more now since is whenever she's driving and she sees any pickup truck that made a reckless driving move or just a minor thing that nobody will care she says "that guy is such a redneck and is a Trump supporter" and I keep on telling her to stop saying that because it's an offensive word and you don't even know if this guy is one or not. I've came across many truck drivers that I needed help and none of them acted like rednecks or conservative and even if someone did I would move on and ignore. My mom on the other hand keeps on bragging about it later to me saying how this guy is such a dick and I hate when she vents on me like that and I try to tell her to stop. My mom hates guns. Number one thing she wants more than anything is to ban the assault weapons. While I do agree that assault weapons should be banned and that it can prevent mass shootings from happening again, my mom goes insane how when people say they have a weapon in their house for protection and that when they say it's protected under the right to bear arms, she says whoever thinks that is a redneck and I once again keep on telling her to stop and it's gotten to the point I've had enough. I was going to teach her a lesson by buying a pistol myself and gun pointing at her one day whenever we have an argument just to prove how much she has been hurting me and that I also have my own freedom and rights as well. It will tell her how much she easily gets mad at people that do nothing seriously wrong like someone driving in a pickup truck or if someone was not being nice so she has to brag on me about it saying the he/she is a dick and a redneck. I'm not a murderer or a killer so there's a chance I won't buy a pistol and even if I did my mom will intervene and won't let me get one. I was thinking about an airsoft pistol since some of my friends that I know has one that are for a fun toy and she still gets shocked to hear that. One thing that I'm really good at is computers and doing house repairs since I'm really handy. Whenever my mom has an issue whether it's something in the house that needs to be fixed or a computer issue, she has to watch me thinking I might break something even though I know what I'm doing and I think she has OCD anxiety too. My main point is that I want to CTB and once I do, I know that will teach her that she failed as a mother to me because I've been telling her what's bothering me and it's becoming like she's bullying me and the bullying never stops no matter how hard I try!


Jul 11, 2024
I was going to teach her a lesson by buying a pistol myself and gun pointing at her one day whenever we have an argument just to prove how much she has been hurting me and that I also have my own freedom and rights as well.
This is called brandishing a weapon and is a crime. God forbid you scare her enough that she calls the police and they are forced to confront you with guns drawn unless suicide by cop is your objective. The bare minimum of gun education is discipline in handling a firearm. Along with not pointing one at others, even if presumed unloaded, it is bad form to even have your finger on the trigger until ready to shoot.

A gun is not a toy nor a tool to flash around to make a point during domestic disputes. This is how senseless family arguments escalate to homicides and accidents happen. Do not even joke around about this or fake it with an airsoft. If your mom is triggering you to the point of thinking like this, it's time to move away. If that can't be done anytime soon, major attempts should be made on your part to not get pulled into these discussions. My experience with parents that "need to be taught a lesson" is that they're already too entrenched in their ways to learn it no matter what the consequences end up being for not doing so, even the loss of a child.
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Sep 12, 2024
This is called brandishing a weapon and is a crime. God forbid you scare her enough that she calls the police and they are forced to confront you with guns drawn unless suicide by cop is your objective. The bare minimum of gun education is discipline in handling a firearm. Along with not pointing one at others, even if presumed unloaded, it is bad form to even have your finger on the trigger until ready to shoot.

A gun is not a toy nor a tool to flash around to make a point during domestic disputes. This is how senseless family arguments escalate to homicides and accidents happen. Do not even joke around about this or fake it with an airsoft. If your mom is triggering you to the point of thinking like this, it's time to move away. If that can't be done anytime soon, major attempts should be made on your part to not get pulled into these discussions. My experience with parents that "need to be taught a lesson" is that they're already too entrenched in their ways to learn it no matter what the consequences end up being for not doing so, even the loss of a child.

I find it extremely sad when someone thinks they have to resort to such things in an attempt to make someone care. But just like expressing suicidal thoughts to a partner that has left or wants to...it's almost definitely not going to work at all, and will instead backfire and only make things worse, no matter how genuine those emotions are.
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Sep 5, 2024
Call social services.
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Sep 14, 2024
She's abusing you. Call social services.
Don't CTB to teach her a lesson. All you need to do is get out of that house and cut contact with her. Social services will help you. Not all moms are good and supportive some are just evil.
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Mar 2, 2024
This is called brandishing a weapon and is a crime. God forbid you scare her enough that she calls the police and they are forced to confront you with guns drawn unless suicide by cop is your objective. The bare minimum of gun education is discipline in handling a firearm. Along with not pointing one at others, even if presumed unloaded, it is bad form to even have your finger on the trigger until ready to shoot.

A gun is not a toy nor a tool to flash around to make a point during domestic disputes. This is how senseless family arguments escalate to homicides and accidents happen. Do not even joke around about this or fake it with an airsoft. If your mom is triggering you to the point of thinking like this, it's time to move away. If that can't be done anytime soon, major attempts should be made on your part to not get pulled into these discussions. My experience with parents that "need to be taught a lesson" is that they're already too entrenched in their ways to learn it no matter what the consequences end up being for not doing so, even the loss of a child.
I would like to move out and live on my own like an apartment but unfortunately since my community college that I'm in right now is very close to my mom's house, she won't let me be on my own and I have to live with her for a couple more years before I can move out. I tried everything even asking her if I can live with my grandmother instead and see her on the weekends and she said no way that's going to happen. I do want to CTB and I know that will make her a different person if I was gone in this world but even if I did live on my own, I struggle with the everything like passing my college classes, failing to understand materials and just having to pay taxes and insurance is all too complicated. Feel like it's too late for me to get better and I was going to setup my SN plan soon and living in my heaven will be where I'm going to live next.
She's abusing you. Call social services.
Don't CTB to teach her a lesson. All you need to do is get out of that house and cut contact with her. Social services will help you. Not all moms are good and supportive some are just evil.
She's not evil she has done everything for me that other parent's wouldn't do. She paid for my tuition, made sure I got everything that I wanted and took great care of me ever since so I am grateful about the positive part but there's another part of her that's the negative which is something I cannot cope with anymore since I've been telling her what I'm saying right now and she doesn't seem to learn from it. My therapist keeps telling me that I can't control what she thinks so it seems like she has more priority over me and can do whatever the fuck she wants me to do.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
If you are an adult (which you should be or you can't be here) you do not have to get her permission to move out. You can get together a plan and a place and leave whether she likes it or not. Threatening her with a gun is not only illegal, but is absolutely horrifying. Going to those lengths to "prove a point" is way too far. Especially trying to just show that you disagree with her political views that is getting 12 steps ahead of yourself. Get a stable job if you don't already have one, get an apartment, and leave. Do not buy a gun or attempt to do the same thing with a fake one. That is horrifying.
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Jul 11, 2024
she won't let me be on my own and I have to live with her for a couple more years before I can move out.
It's hard to get a read on your situation without knowing a lot more. But if the quoted text above is factual, that would mean that you are being held hostage or prisoner. However, as you have said she's paid your tuition and you go to community college. "Explaining" yourself and points of view isn't working. Some people are just thick headed, set in their ways or something like a NPC and just going with their program. I don't think you should ctb over this nor buy a weapon. I'm not sure what you should do but taking a step back and educating yourself certainly won't hurt. There's a book I've linked below that gave me a lot of insights into my own parent's strange behavior. Obviously this relationship is giving you a lot of stress, I hope you can navigate through it successfully. You sound articulate so I think you can.


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