

waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Maybe I am just broken but I don't understand how people can be so happy all the time. At best I am just completely indifferent. Happiness is such a foreign concept to me.

Existence itself is annoying and I hate almost every human interaction I have. I want to CTB to escape this bleak reality and I cannot handle the mundaneness of life. The fact that I want to die so badly but was cursed with a strong subconscious instinct to survive is some sick cosmic joke.

I curse my ancestors every night before bed for ultimately causing me to exist in this hell.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
most people pretend, I sometimes force myself to appear happy and satisfied, but deep down I'm in a lot of pain, we'd be surprised to find that most people do. society forces us to show an image of ourselves that does not correspond to reality
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Sep 4, 2018
They aren't. Usually only the bliss and happiness are shared for all to see, and the rest is well hidden behind a carefully crafted facade.

It's 1% bliss, 4% happy, 40% whatever, 40% meh!, 10% shit, 4% horrible and 1% total misery.
The bliss and the happy make everything else bearable. Take those two away, add a bit more horrible and misery and it's a ticket down suicide alley.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
They aren't. Usually only the bliss and happiness are shared for all to see, and the rest is well hidden behind a carefully crafted facade.

Okay if this is true why do they treat suicidal people like lepers? Every time I am forced to interact with other people I feel a small part of me die on the inside.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I know what you mean, I don't understand how people have the energy to fake it all the time even if they aren't happy. Its also the thing where if someone is suicidal those thoughts are always seen as wrong by some people and need to be changed when sometimes in extreme suffering those thoughts are a rational response to the situation like when someone has no quality of life. I forget that people exist who dont want to ctb as those types of thoughts control my life. Some people just haven't been through it.
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Sep 4, 2018
Okay if this is true why do they treat suicidal people like lepers? Every time I am forced to interact with other people I feel a small part of me die on the inside.
Until you're really down shit alley there's no understanding of it. Everyone shuns what they don't understand and/or fears.
Then there's the cultural aspect that suicide is wrong and a taboo. Not many are willing to deal with that, and even less know how.
I wouldn't see ill will behind it, other than having enough to deal with without taking on other's problems. Your reaction to that, while not your fault, is still your responsibility to deal with. And it can be very painful. Been there.
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Mar 22, 2020
If you're referring to people on social networks, they're not as happy and beautiful as they look.

For instance, if you're having a bad day and go to instagram, you'll just end up feeling worse than before because you'll see lots of pictures of beautiful people (because they chose the best filter, clothes, maybe make-up, and angle), smiling (because putting a sad face doesn't give you many likes), and basically looking happy when you're not. You'll just ask yourself: "Why am I ugly and unhappy? Why am I not like them?"

Now, if you're talking about "normies" (normal people) on the streets for example, with their lovely families and smiling.

Well, happiness is something quite simple for most of them. I mean, they don't have existential crises and don't ask themselves deep questions such as "what is really this universe? What's the meaning of life? what is sadness? What is happiness? What happenes when we die?"

They're just like..."Okay, I'll study, work as a slave, get married, have children, keep on working as a slave until I'm a sick old grey man/woman and then die".

That's it. That's happiness and life for them. Just pay your taxes, work and enjoy your time with your family. For that reason, they look so "happy".

If being a normie like that means being happy, sorry but, I pass.
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vegan jesus
Nov 30, 2020
Maybe I am just broken but I don't understand how people can be so happy all the time. At best I am just completely indifferent. Happiness is such a foreign concept to me.

Existence itself is annoying and I hate almost every human interaction I have. I want to CTB to escape this bleak reality and I cannot handle the mundaneness of life. The fact that I want to die so badly but was cursed with a strong subconscious instinct to survive is some sick cosmic joke.

I curse my ancestors every night before bed for ultimately causing me to exist in this hell.
It is their mindset, brain wiring, and environment. I am like that actually. I used to be suicidal and overall unhappy a few years back and I could compartmentalize my sadness at times and be very happy. That's an example of mindset


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
The happiest people I know practice some form of stoicism. Many people disagree of the actual definition, and versions may vary. Stoicism is essentially focusing on the present and not worrying of the future troubles. Anxiety is complete nonsense in their view since it's out of his or her control because it's in the future, and future is unpredictable. Past is past; it's out of his or her control, so there's no point of thinking about it over and over again. The best thing you can do is focus on the present, and only the things you have control over. Make the best out of it. I suggest to listen to stoic YouTube channels. There's a chance that I butchered the definition.

I know that I'm not the one to talk because I have almost crippling depression. But it could help you.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Okay if this is true why do they treat suicidal people like lepers? Every time I am forced to interact with other people I feel a small part of me die on the inside.
They get mad at people who break the illusion.
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Apr 12, 2021
I personally don't think most people are actually "happy", or at least happy all/most of the time, but they pretend to be because our social norms demand that we act that way to gain acceptance. Which honestly confuses me even more. I don't understand why people are strongly repulsed by negativity. I find it comforting to know someone feels the same as me and wants to change things and it drives me bonkers to listen to almost everyone else act like life is always so good, all the time, that you have to be literally insane to want to leave it.

That's actually one thing that makes me want to CTB is that the thoughts of others are so bizarre and alien to me, and their idea that life is fun and overall worth living for is one of the greatest brick walls between us. If we could just sit down and talk about our problems without being dismissed or pushed away... well I would still probably want to CTB but at least I'd find comfort in my last moments that I was validated to not be crazy. And I would probably even be able to freely discuss and get assistance in CTB to make it much less difficult and drawn out.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
That's actually one thing that makes me want to CTB is that the thoughts of others are so bizarre and alien to me, and their idea that life is fun and overall worth living for is one of the greatest brick walls between us.

It is very difficult for me to relate to people as well. It is pretty clear that there is something wrong with me mentally/personality wise. This inability to understand people along with the sheer monotony of daily life makes me want to CTB that much more.

There is nothing this world can offer me.
Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
I know of a lady who claims to be happy, her insta feed is just full of laughter and smiles, her whole social media makes me want to throat punch her happiness out of her ass, she de-friended me because of my negative attitude, yet I know her happiness is a front, she has had a shit storm of her teenage years folding into adult hood, eys she got treatement, claimed 3 months of therapy has *cured* her and in her eyes there is nothing to be sad about... !
Yet when I used to meet her in person she was a miserable shit!
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