
Aug 27, 2020
I've wanted to CTB since I was 13 years old and I had a couple of half hearted attempts throughout my life. At age 28 I was ready to drive my car into something hard at max speed, a terrible plan I know but my best friend stopped me and saved me. We fell in love and it I entered into the happiest and most beautiful time of my life where I thought I wouldn't CTB until I was a sick and lonely old man.

The love of my life has Borderline Personality Disorder Type 1 so she idealized me into her favorite person and put me onto a pedestal I could never maintain. During the honeymoon phase she poured so much love into me that I was walking on air. Suddenly I wasn't the broken one and she needed me. She was addicted to snorting Adderall and her Klonopin was keeping her zombified to the point she hadn't seen her kids in a long time because her ex was abusive and she feared him.

I carefully and meticulously picked up the pieces of her life and put them back together again. I got her strong enough to fight for her kids and one day she even got her BPD diagnosis and finally found a direction to go in. She asked me to give up on college and my career because she didn't want to be alone while I pursued entry level developer jobs abroad.

3 years into our relationship we got custody of her kids and we were a happy family. It was just what I'd always wanted to complete me ever since my family fell apart as a boy. It was 3 years of bliss and I got to be daddy because their father went to prison for life. Her daughter had several medical complications(cerebral palsy, muscle spasticity, paraplegic with compromised immune system) and was close to death. I researched everything I could to help her and we made her healthier than she'd ever been and she went 3 years without a doctor's visit for the first time in her life.

A few days after my 35th birthday my love began to split and disassociate from me. She started seeing someone secretly and began to paint me "black" and paint them "white". Which means her mind fragmented and she could only view me and everything I'd ever done was toxic. She asked me to leave a month after my birthday so we could work on us. I came back 2 days later for my things and he was already living there.

I've known her since 4th grade.. and I watched 25 years of close friendship and 7 or years of love dissolve overnight and she took everything she was feeling for me and placed it into him like I never existed. Through this long process she wished me dead, threatened to kill herself and said she hated me. She was so sick I sympathize with her illness because I understand it so well but it devastates me to be on the outside now.

I thought it was fine for me to come get some things I desperately needed because we never stopped talking and she was pouring here heart out about how I saved her and she loved me. How she wanted to get better and continue what we had. She said I she would always love me and we were still best friends She said she was trying to get me a car because she knew she ruined me and left me broke and homeless.

When I was there in front of her new man though she said she didn't mean any of it and she was just being nice. I was polite and I didn't want to cause any problems I just wanted to say goodbye to our dog, her son and our little girl. She said I would upset them and I had to leave without saying goodbye.

The very next morning our little girl died 8 days before her 14th birthday. She aspirated to death and choked on her own fluids. My love called me hysterically crying but she wouldn't let me come out because he was there.

She came to find me in person the next day and collapsed in my arms crying and apologizing for not letting me say goodbye to her. I had to console her that it wasn't her fault even though I wanted to blame her. We held each other and sobbed for 45 minutes before she had to go meet for funeral arrangements.

At the funeral she was cold to me again..ice cold. And I overheard strangers talking about me being just some crazy ex stalker while I watched her new man comfort her and kiss her beside the coffin. I was beside myself with grief and I sobbed uncontrollably which she got mad at me for and said I needed to pull it together. I tried to say goodbye to her one last time but I was told I wasn't welcome by her aunt and that I had to leave. The funeral was at the home.. that was my home only a week ago. I wasn't welcomed there and my name wasn't even in the obituary.

She kept texting me to talk about our shared loss. But her texts were really hurtful but I persevered because I felt like she needed me even though she destroyed me. The texts stayed hurtful and became less frequent. Pretty soon it was a text at 3:30am with only a few words then a couple days of 5:30am texts telling me she didn't care about my hurt. She would only communicate with me when he wasn't giving her what she needed or she was alone.

There is no contact now.. no closure, no I'm sorry I ruined you. I couldn't sleep or eat until I got so exhausted I started passing out. Now when I dream.. I dream of the happy family I lost. I dream of her telling me we'll be together forever. I wake up to so much loss and agony it's unbearable. I've been a long time lurker of communities like this and I would usually not advise someone to CTB with a broken heart because there is so much so sort through.. but I just can't bare to wake up to this nightmare anymore. And I don't know what to do.

I'm staying with family and they are watching me like a hawk. I'm struggling to overcome the grief I will cause my family especially my mother who is staying with, my little sisters, older sisters and nieces. They have a fantasy that I'm going to come back from this and I don't know how. I read stories about people CTBing who are old and so terminally ill they only have a few methods available to them. I almost feel bad coming here to complain when I know there are those who have it worse imprisoned in their own bodies. I just don't care because my pain is so overwhelming. When I realized my love was lost I had aspirations to put myself together and get back to my little girl.

Now I'm struggling with all of the things some of us struggle with. Is there an afterlife.. if so can I go where she went? Can I overcome my survival instinct?

TL:DR, my heart was broken and my little girl died.
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I just want this to end
Jul 11, 2020
I am so very sorry for your loss.

I weep often for the lives I have lost but try to find some respite from the sorrow imagining they are in a better place, away from this phucking hellhole we are trapped in. I actually begin to feel slightly better as I focus on the hope that they have escaped this place and will not experience the suffering and pain that we must endure.

I hope this can help you in some way. Peace.
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Aug 27, 2020
Thank you for even replying... My post was so long but I'm screaming inside and I had to get it out even though I think it's too long for most people suffering to sit through. She was a perfect little girl and if there ever was someone deserving of a better place it was her. I long to join her but feel I have so much to overcome before I can and this has weakened my resolve.
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
nobody knows for sure whether or not there's an afterlife. the possibility isn't zero, though.

you can overcome survival instinct, it just takes some time to accept death and realize that it's nothing to be afraid of.

i'm terribly sorry for your loss and what you've been through. i'm hoping you find peace, no matter what you decide.
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ya you know luv is rage
Nov 21, 2019
So so so sorry for everything you've been through. Hope you can get better whether it's by pushing through or ctb whichever helps with your seemingly immeasurable pain.
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I just want this to end
Jul 11, 2020
nobody knows for sure whether or not there's an afterlife. the possibility isn't zero, though.

you can overcome survival instinct, it just takes some time to accept death and realize that it's nothing to be afraid of.

i'm terribly sorry for your loss and what you've been through. i'm hoping you find peace, no matter what you decide.
has nothing to do with an afterlife. non-existence is a gazillion times better than living in this phuckhole.

so yes, death is a better place.
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Jul 26, 2020
Holy fucking shit, dude. There are no words. It sounds like you're living inside of a nightmare. I cannot offer advice but you're in my thoughts.
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Jun 22, 2020
im so sorry,, i know this doesnt mean much but just know you are an amazing and strong person for making it this far.. im not going to bs you and say its going to get better but i hope for the best for you. im here if you need to vent if you need to, thats the least i can do for someone going through this much of a loss. i hope the best for you dude.
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Aug 21, 2019
nobody knows for sure whether or not there's an afterlife. the possibility isn't zero, though.

you can overcome survival instinct, it just takes some time to accept death and realize that it's nothing to be afraid of.

i'm terribly sorry for your loss and what you've been through. i'm hoping you find peace, no matter what you decide.

The chance of a religious afterlife is not non-zero, it is zero. The only afterlife possibilities that are non-zero are computer simulated ones or eternal recurrence (god forbid!)

I'm sorry that you had to go through that, OP. That is atrocious! I would've been very weary at the bi-polar and drug abuse (crazy) but I understand, you had a history with this girl and emotions were high. I hope you don't blame yourself, you honestly tried to be the best man you could be and were betrayed by an awful, manipulative person.
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Life sucks and then you die.
May 10, 2019
I'm sorry. I have BPD, and I had true love. I lost my true love, so I know how you feel. It was my love of 7 years, we went through everything together.

I know that when I die, I will have my love back. I know that what happens after death is eternal peace, and it's only love and no pain. I've seen it.
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Nov 7, 2019
Me neither. I had everything in the right place till I was 21. After that everything went to shit. I don't want to live anymore. Hope I die while sleeping
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Sep 1, 2020
Omg this is the worst thing I've read here. This will ruin everyone but a psychopath. I understand she's mentally sick but she's a monster. I'd kill her or myself in your place most likely at this point. I hope you find peace in life or death
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Jun 3, 2020
I've wanted to CTB since I was 13 years old and I had a couple of half hearted attempts throughout my life. At age 28 I was ready to drive my car into something hard at max speed, a terrible plan I know but my best friend stopped me and saved me. We fell in love and it I entered into the happiest and most beautiful time of my life where I thought I wouldn't CTB until I was a sick and lonely old man.

The love of my life has Borderline Personality Disorder Type 1 so she idealized me into her favorite person and put me onto a pedestal I could never maintain. During the honeymoon phase she poured so much love into me that I was walking on air. Suddenly I wasn't the broken one and she needed me. She was addicted to snorting Adderall and her Klonopin was keeping her zombified to the point she hadn't seen her kids in a long time because her ex was abusive and she feared him.

I carefully and meticulously picked up the pieces of her life and put them back together again. I got her strong enough to fight for her kids and one day she even got her BPD diagnosis and finally found a direction to go in. She asked me to give up on college and my career because she didn't want to be alone while I pursued entry level developer jobs abroad.

3 years into our relationship we got custody of her kids and we were a happy family. It was just what I'd always wanted to complete me ever since my family fell apart as a boy. It was 3 years of bliss and I got to be daddy because their father went to prison for life. Her daughter had several medical complications(cerebral palsy, muscle spasticity, paraplegic with compromised immune system) and was close to death. I researched everything I could to help her and we made her healthier than she'd ever been and she went 3 years without a doctor's visit for the first time in her life.

A few days after my 35th birthday my love began to split and disassociate from me. She started seeing someone secretly and began to paint me "black" and paint them "white". Which means her mind fragmented and she could only view me and everything I'd ever done was toxic. She asked me to leave a month after my birthday so we could work on us. I came back 2 days later for my things and he was already living there.

I've known her since 4th grade.. and I watched 25 years of close friendship and 7 or years of love dissolve overnight and she took everything she was feeling for me and placed it into him like I never existed. Through this long process she wished me dead, threatened to kill herself and said she hated me. She was so sick I sympathize with her illness because I understand it so well but it devastates me to be on the outside now.

I thought it was fine for me to come get some things I desperately needed because we never stopped talking and she was pouring here heart out about how I saved her and she loved me. How she wanted to get better and continue what we had. She said I she would always love me and we were still best friends She said she was trying to get me a car because she knew she ruined me and left me broke and homeless.

When I was there in front of her new man though she said she didn't mean any of it and she was just being nice. I was polite and I didn't want to cause any problems I just wanted to say goodbye to our dog, her son and our little girl. She said I would upset them and I had to leave without saying goodbye.

The very next morning our little girl died 8 days before her 14th birthday. She aspirated to death and choked on her own fluids. My love called me hysterically crying but she wouldn't let me come out because he was there.

She came to find me in person the next day and collapsed in my arms crying and apologizing for not letting me say goodbye to her. I had to console her that it wasn't her fault even though I wanted to blame her. We held each other and sobbed for 45 minutes before she had to go meet for funeral arrangements.

At the funeral she was cold to me again..ice cold. And I overheard strangers talking about me being just some crazy ex stalker while I watched her new man comfort her and kiss her beside the coffin. I was beside myself with grief and I sobbed uncontrollably which she got mad at me for and said I needed to pull it together. I tried to say goodbye to her one last time but I was told I wasn't welcome by her aunt and that I had to leave. The funeral was at the home.. that was my home only a week ago. I wasn't welcomed there and my name wasn't even in the obituary.

She kept texting me to talk about our shared loss. But her texts were really hurtful but I persevered because I felt like she needed me even though she destroyed me. The texts stayed hurtful and became less frequent. Pretty soon it was a text at 3:30am with only a few words then a couple days of 5:30am texts telling me she didn't care about my hurt. She would only communicate with me when he wasn't giving her what she needed or she was alone.

There is no contact now.. no closure, no I'm sorry I ruined you. I couldn't sleep or eat until I got so exhausted I started passing out. Now when I dream.. I dream of the happy family I lost. I dream of her telling me we'll be together forever. I wake up to so much loss and agony it's unbearable. I've been a long time lurker of communities like this and I would usually not advise someone to CTB with a broken heart because there is so much so sort through.. but I just can't bare to wake up to this nightmare anymore. And I don't know what to do.

I'm staying with family and they are watching me like a hawk. I'm struggling to overcome the grief I will cause my family especially my mother who is staying with, my little sisters, older sisters and nieces. They have a fantasy that I'm going to come back from this and I don't know how. I read stories about people CTBing who are old and so terminally ill they only have a few methods available to them. I almost feel bad coming here to complain when I know there are those who have it worse imprisoned in their own bodies. I just don't care because my pain is so overwhelming. When I realized my love was lost I had aspirations to put myself together and get back to my little girl.

Now I'm struggling with all of the things some of us struggle with. Is there an afterlife.. if so can I go where she went? Can I overcome my survival instinct?

TL:DR, my heart was broken and my little girl died.
I'm sorry for your loss. You're an incredible person to sacrifice yourself so much. Amazing story. I was diagnosed with BPD. Ended up not being a right diagnosis but I did have some traits. What she did is inexcusable, part of her knows and that's how it's going to be most likely. Classic BPD behaviour so you shouldn't blame or punish yourself. You sound like a great guy and someone more stable and appreciative will thank their lucky stars to meet you.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
I'm so sorry for your loss and the way you've been treated. As someone with BPD is pains me to know that we can behave this way. Please don't think we are all like this, because we aren't. I do hope you find some courage to over come your situation and move forward. Again, I'm so sorry.
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Aug 27, 2020
@BPD Barbie I know it's not everyone with BPD I'm well versed in BPD.. I used to coach clients in how to put it in remission. I had a lot of success especially with my ex she was doing so well before it all came crashing down. I lost so much in a week that I can't recover. I don't even hate her.. my worst fear is that she will cycle and re-idealize me some day and by then I'll have CTB. I know she will blame herself because we've been best friends since 4th grade and she won't be able to paint me black forever. When she starts to devalue her current partner and the cycle continued again I fear what her re-idealizing me will do to her when she realizes what she did.
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fat feet

Throw away.
Sep 1, 2020
I've wanted to CTB since I was 13 years old and I had a couple of half hearted attempts throughout my life. At age 28 I was ready to drive my car into something hard at max speed, a terrible plan I know but my best friend stopped me and saved me. We fell in love and it I entered into the happiest and most beautiful time of my life where I thought I wouldn't CTB until I was a sick and lonely old man.

The love of my life has Borderline Personality Disorder Type 1 so she idealized me into her favorite person and put me onto a pedestal I could never maintain. During the honeymoon phase she poured so much love into me that I was walking on air. Suddenly I wasn't the broken one and she needed me. She was addicted to snorting Adderall and her Klonopin was keeping her zombified to the point she hadn't seen her kids in a long time because her ex was abusive and she feared him.

I carefully and meticulously picked up the pieces of her life and put them back together again. I got her strong enough to fight for her kids and one day she even got her BPD diagnosis and finally found a direction to go in. She asked me to give up on college and my career because she didn't want to be alone while I pursued entry level developer jobs abroad.

3 years into our relationship we got custody of her kids and we were a happy family. It was just what I'd always wanted to complete me ever since my family fell apart as a boy. It was 3 years of bliss and I got to be daddy because their father went to prison for life. Her daughter had several medical complications(cerebral palsy, muscle spasticity, paraplegic with compromised immune system) and was close to death. I researched everything I could to help her and we made her healthier than she'd ever been and she went 3 years without a doctor's visit for the first time in her life.

A few days after my 35th birthday my love began to split and disassociate from me. She started seeing someone secretly and began to paint me "black" and paint them "white". Which means her mind fragmented and she could only view me and everything I'd ever done was toxic. She asked me to leave a month after my birthday so we could work on us. I came back 2 days later for my things and he was already living there.

I've known her since 4th grade.. and I watched 25 years of close friendship and 7 or years of love dissolve overnight and she took everything she was feeling for me and placed it into him like I never existed. Through this long process she wished me dead, threatened to kill herself and said she hated me. She was so sick I sympathize with her illness because I understand it so well but it devastates me to be on the outside now.

I thought it was fine for me to come get some things I desperately needed because we never stopped talking and she was pouring here heart out about how I saved her and she loved me. How she wanted to get better and continue what we had. She said I she would always love me and we were still best friends She said she was trying to get me a car because she knew she ruined me and left me broke and homeless.

When I was there in front of her new man though she said she didn't mean any of it and she was just being nice. I was polite and I didn't want to cause any problems I just wanted to say goodbye to our dog, her son and our little girl. She said I would upset them and I had to leave without saying goodbye.

The very next morning our little girl died 8 days before her 14th birthday. She aspirated to death and choked on her own fluids. My love called me hysterically crying but she wouldn't let me come out because he was there.

She came to find me in person the next day and collapsed in my arms crying and apologizing for not letting me say goodbye to her. I had to console her that it wasn't her fault even though I wanted to blame her. We held each other and sobbed for 45 minutes before she had to go meet for funeral arrangements.

At the funeral she was cold to me again..ice cold. And I overheard strangers talking about me being just some crazy ex stalker while I watched her new man comfort her and kiss her beside the coffin. I was beside myself with grief and I sobbed uncontrollably which she got mad at me for and said I needed to pull it together. I tried to say goodbye to her one last time but I was told I wasn't welcome by her aunt and that I had to leave. The funeral was at the home.. that was my home only a week ago. I wasn't welcomed there and my name wasn't even in the obituary.

She kept texting me to talk about our shared loss. But her texts were really hurtful but I persevered because I felt like she needed me even though she destroyed me. The texts stayed hurtful and became less frequent. Pretty soon it was a text at 3:30am with only a few words then a couple days of 5:30am texts telling me she didn't care about my hurt. She would only communicate with me when he wasn't giving her what she needed or she was alone.

There is no contact now.. no closure, no I'm sorry I ruined you. I couldn't sleep or eat until I got so exhausted I started passing out. Now when I dream.. I dream of the happy family I lost. I dream of her telling me we'll be together forever. I wake up to so much loss and agony it's unbearable. I've been a long time lurker of communities like this and I would usually not advise someone to CTB with a broken heart because there is so much so sort through.. but I just can't bare to wake up to this nightmare anymore. And I don't know what to do.

I'm staying with family and they are watching me like a hawk. I'm struggling to overcome the grief I will cause my family especially my mother who is staying with, my little sisters, older sisters and nieces. They have a fantasy that I'm going to come back from this and I don't know how. I read stories about people CTBing who are old and so terminally ill they only have a few methods available to them. I almost feel bad coming here to complain when I know there are those who have it worse imprisoned in their own bodies. I just don't care because my pain is so overwhelming. When I realized my love was lost I had aspirations to put myself together and get back to my little girl.

Now I'm struggling with all of the things some of us struggle with. Is there an afterlife.. if so can I go where she went? Can I overcome my survival instinct?

TL:DR, my heart was broken and my little girl died.


Mar 23, 2018
So sorry for your loss and everything you are going through. :hug: If you can you should stay as far away from her as possible. Change your phone # or block her. If for some reason it doesn't work out for her and the other guy ... do not take her back. There will only be more pain down the road. Just my thoughts.
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fat feet

Throw away.
Sep 1, 2020
Sorry I am new I may be making some mistakes on how to post.
First and foremost I want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss of the child that you loved and helped care for. That is a devastating thing for anyone to go through.
You are very lucky that you have such loving and caring people surrounding and protecting you. What ever you do, take a minute.

For me personally, I found that I needed to make my decision when I had looked and tried all of the options afforded to me before I made my choice. I suggest be clear of all of the emotion. When you are done that you will know if this life is what you can tolerate.
Just my thoughts, not anything you need to take to heart.
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Aug 27, 2020
Thank you @not-2-b-the-answer you are right about the no contact especially in a BPD breakup it just won't work. I've given up on her I'm not waiting for her back, I don't plan to be around for her to even try. I've been going through this for 2 weeks and I don't want to make it a month, ty
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I fear what her re-idealizing me will do to her when she realizes what she did.
It can be a disaster to be in a relationship, while at the same time acting as rescuer and therapist and it seems inevitable that in some situations the rescued one gets tired of that setup and resents the rescuer. I've seen this play out over and over.

I hope you can do some introspection to see how your own life can be put back together and not focus on her quite as much.
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Jun 25, 2020
This is very sad. I'm sorry OP. This community is here for you.
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