In addition that if your overdose leads to permanently damaging you, you may not have any capacity of making decisions on your own.
I've already researched the risks involved ect ect, however, this is pretty much the only method I can resort to due to my set of circumstances. I've seen various ways within the thread already such as SN and the night night method, but I likely will not be able to pull this off without others noticing.
Sorry that you are desperate to end your life.
What pills were you planning to O.D. on may I ask?
Have you ever heard of plugging?
My dad has various pills he uses for his heart and I'm considering taking a bunch of those since he's always fully stacked.
Also never heard of plugging.
You've already received useful advice - ODs almost never work. Really.
The ability to swallow pills has nothing to do with being able to CTB.
We're not about giving direct advice here, especially on your first couple of posts. There is tons of information here, but you need to do your own reading and research. The search box (by the magnifying glass) is a great place to start. There are also compilations of methods that you'll want to browse through.
We are generally a pretty friendly and supportive group. Expect to be asked what brought you here, how you found us and why you've decided to end your life.
Speaking of which, what brings you to this point in your life?
Since I'm tired and need to go to bed, I'm just going to list them:
- My parents locking me away from society all my life
- Used to be an A star student, have failed everything and have repeated years after certain things that happened. This has really affected my confidence
- Having no friends due to my family not allowing me to hang out, go drinking ect
- Being watched 24/7
- Just in general being bored of life and laying in bed all day with nothing to do
- General frustration at myself for causing most of my problems
I don't like to go into depth about my life since I don't like showing people my weak side, but these are my main grievances with life in general
don't even try it, I can't swallow pills, I tried crushing quietipeine last year, just no!! doesn't do anything, I only wanted sleep, but couldn't even do that
Not sure why you can't swallow pills but for me its a fear, my fear took over and refused to allow my body to even think about it! Managed to take around 40, but no where near enough to even doze!
The swallowing of pills is partly psychological, partly physical as I have weak throat muscles. However it's mostly due to a fear of swallowing.
Also sorry if I sound insensitive, just trying to write this quick as I have to go to bed. Thank you for the advice.