
Low intelligence . Bad English
Sep 1, 2024
Hello, I had no friends and almost no libido in the past,

but I was always full of depression and hopelessness.

So eating, washing, changing clothes, taking care of myself everything felt like work or punishment.

Then i get sick And I had surgery at the hospital, and every day

I had blood and pus coming out of that area, which was painful.

Then suddenly my libido grew. I was severely depressed and had never experienced anything like this,

so I thought about why this is happening in such a painful situation

I thought this was a curse on humans. It felt like someone was forcing my brain to order it,

and I felt like a computer game mission, "Pregnant someone before you get sick and die." Because if

it were in the past without medical advancement, I would have suffered for a long time and died

It was so disgusting and disgusting. I looked it up on the Internet to see if it was just me, and I wasn't the only one with it

What do you think about libido?

Why do humans and animals get caught in this disgusting curse?
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Having a libido isn't a curse. We reproduce sexually because of evolution. Sexual reproduction does a better job at driving evolution compared to asexual reproduction (more genetic variation for natural selection to act on) and allows us to decrease the amount of/get rid of deleterious alleles.

For a lot of people, their sexuality is something that has been with them throughout all of their lives, with there even being evidence that some people start masturbating as early as when they are still in the womb. There isn't anything wrong with having a libido. I don't think that sexual urges should be demonized. It's much healthier to accept the fact that you are a sexual being and to find ways to explore that aspect of yourself (whether by yourself or with others) in a manner that is healthy and safe.

If you didn't have much of a libido in the past then it makes sense that you find having one now to be stressful, since you aren't used to it. I've had one for most of my life so for me it's kind of just whatever.
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Low intelligence . Bad English
Sep 1, 2024
Having a libido isn't a curse. We reproduce sexually because of evolution. Sexual reproduction does a better job at driving evolution compared to asexual reproduction (more genetic variation for natural selection to act on) and allows us to decrease the amount of/get rid of deleterious alleles.

For a lot of people, their sexuality is something that has been with them throughout all of their lives, with there even being evidence that some people start masturbating as early as when they are still in the womb. There isn't anything wrong with having a libido. I don't think that sexual urges should be demonized. It's much healthier to accept the fact that you are a sexual being and to find ways to explore that aspect of yourself (whether by yourself or with others) in a manner that is healthy and safe.

If you didn't have much of a libido in the past then it makes sense that you find having one now to be stressful, since you aren't used to it. I've had one for most of my life so for me it's kind of just whatever.
Isn't the reason for having sexual impulse after all for breeding? Contraceptive tools are made by humans, Isn't it disgusting that part of the human being designed to eventually feel sexual impulse for breeding even in painful situations?


Apr 15, 2024
Yeah, I remember when I started puberty (totally normally), I felt disgusted by what my body started excreting and confused and shocked by what my brain suddenly found interesting to look at, whereas before I would find it disgusting to look at.
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Aug 31, 2024
Humans have instincts, drives, emotions, of all sorts besides libedo don't we? Hunger, thirst, sex, etc.. Just like other animals. But as humans we also have the cognitive ability to not act on instinct, but with reason and willpower. I don't blame my nose or find it disgusting for smelling gross stuff. But I suppose I can see how one might.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Isn't the reason for having sexual impulse after all for breeding? Contraceptive tools are made by humans, Isn't it disgusting that part of the human being designed to eventually feel sexual impulse for breeding even in painful situations?
Sex can also serve as a way to bond with others and as a form of stress release. In reality, sex and the reasons behind sexual behaviours goes beyond just breeding, especially for certain species like bonobos, dolphins, and, of course, humans. For example, bonobos use sex to relieve tension in certain social situations and dolphins will engage in sex purely for pleasure. Humans also use sex for purposes beyond breeding.

Not all sex is done purely out of an impulse to breed. There also isn't anything that is inherently disgusting about people feeling the urge to "breed" (a lot of people have sexual urges and don't have any actual desire to procreate, btw). Sex is only about as disgusting as you subjectively choose to view it. Just like with most things, the feelings that you have towards it are based mostly on your perception of it.
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Jul 4, 2023
I take drugs which dampen my sex drive. Honestly as I get older the human body just disgusts me. It's a weird squishy machine for turning food into shit, piss and gas.
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Low intelligence . Bad English
Sep 1, 2024
Sex can also serve as a way to bond with others and as a form of stress release. In reality, sex and the reasons behind sexual behaviours goes beyond just breeding, especially for certain species like bonobos, dolphins, and, of course, humans. For example, bonobos use sex to relieve tension in certain social situations and dolphins will engage in sex purely for pleasure. Humans also use sex for purposes beyond breeding.

Not all sex is done purely out of an impulse to breed. There also isn't anything that is inherently disgusting about people feeling the urge to "breed" (a lot of people have sexual urges and don't have any actual desire to procreate, btw). Sex is only about as disgusting as you subjectively choose to view it. Just like with most things, the feelings that you have towards it are based mostly on your perception of it.
I m talking about humans and animals being made and designed like that of course sex in modern society can be used for pleasure and stress relief but its possible because contraceptive tools were created by humans. Thats not the intention of something that designed and created humans, and it's not our choice to feel sexual desire..


Sep 2, 2024
I don't think breeding is what drives people to have sex anymore. I honestly think it has become just another way to hurt another person/ gratify oneself at another's expense.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I m talking about humans and animals being made and designed like that of course sex in modern society can be used for pleasure and stress relief but its possible because contraceptive tools were created by humans. Thats not the intention of something that designed and created humans, and it's not our choice to feel sexual desire..
Even prior to the modern society sex was being used for other things, like pleasure and stress relief. Along with that, the examples that I used with other animals would still apply, whether we are talking about the modern era or the past. Also, most bodily desires aren't a choice. You don't choose to feel hungry or thirsty, for example. Sex isn't anymore special than any other natural desire. We don't have much control over them.
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Jan 1, 2024
It disgusts me the vile things people do just for sex. I understand it can be a way to bond but I've had bad experiences of a lot of men just coming at me for sex . Western civilization is over sexualized
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Low intelligence . Bad English
Sep 1, 2024
Even prior to the modern society sex was being used for other things, like pleasure and stress relief. Along with that, the examples that I used with other animals would still apply, whether we are talking about the modern era or the past. Also, most bodily desires aren't a choice. You don't choose to feel hungry or thirsty, for example. Sex isn't anymore special than any other natural desire. We don't have much control over them.
intention of something that created and designed humans is to ultimately reproduce humans and animals, which is why it instilled pleasure and stress relief in sex this is to eventually reproduce

Sexual desire does not kill me like hunger or thirst

Other natural desires are also disgusting, but feeling more sexual impulses in painful situations seems to represent a human purpose, which is disgusting
It disgusts me the vile things people do just for sex. I understand it can be a way to bond but I've had bad experiences of a lot of men just coming at me for sex . Western civilization is over sexualized
Most men just want sex, but after having sex, they want sex with a new woman. Infinite iteration
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
intention of something that created and designed humans is to ultimately reproduce humans and animals, which is why it instilled pleasure and stress relief in sex this is to eventually reproduce

Sexual desire does not kill me like hunger or thirst
First off, the pleasure argument literally applies to most instinctual desires.

Secondly, whether something kills you or not isn't the point. The point is that having a libido is not anymore special in comparison to any other bodily desire.
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Low intelligence . Bad English
Sep 1, 2024
First off, the pleasure argument literally applies to most instinctual desires.

Secondly, whether something kills you or not isn't the point. The point is that having a libido is not anymore special in comparison to any other bodily desire.
In the modern society sexual desire is very unimportant and unspecial compared to other bodily desires, but if humans fail to give meaning to their lives and only see the purpose for which humans exist, in the end, there are only two: survival and reproduction.
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Jul 8, 2023
It's defintely a curse. We are here because of this curse.
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Jul 25, 2024
In the modern society sexual desire is very unimportant and unspecial compared to other bodily desires, but if humans fail to give meaning to their lives and only see the purpose for which humans exist, in the end, there are only two: survival and reproduction.
Can't people simply have fun?
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Jan 1, 2024
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Jul 8, 2023
gift for parents own satisfaction and comfortable old age

If my mom had aborted me we would have been happy with each other
Exactly. I am burdened with having to take care of mine. With no children of my own, I will not burden anyone to have to take care of me if I see old age. Wish I probably won't. I hope to off myself long before then.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
You might lie somewhere on the spectrum of asexuality. But also, pain, pleasure and trauma can be incredibly intertwined. It's an aspect I've always hated about sexuality as well, mine never developed normally, and I was put on heavy doses of SSRIs as a young teenager that stunted everything further. It is possible that being depressed also impacted your libido, and the adrenaline of a terrifying and uncomfortable situation resurrected any dampened sex drive. It happens, unfortunately.

If you identify more as an asexual sort of person, the entire concept does sort of feel like an alien ritual, especially if you frame it through the lens of being an urge to reproduce as you're not getting pleasure from it. My own views of sex were inevitably tainted by loads of trauma and realising that many men would sexualize me and pretend to care about me in a personal sense, but then act like I'm public enemy number one when I don't want to have sex with them.

If your libido is linked to the traumatic experience of being in the hospital, it makes sense why you'd find it off putting and be grossed out by the whole affair when that's what you associate with it. I don't really have any sage wisdom to offer and can only commiserate with you that others are in the same boat. It's been over 20 years at this point since I first developed any conception of what arousal was and it was also from being humiliated (and violated) in a medical setting and now it's hard coded into my brain.

With time though, the trauma may become less fresh and your relationship with sex could change.
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DXM !!!
Dec 12, 2023
I kinda relate, I've never really felt much like that for most of my life either
And the few times I have it always feels disgusting
Not in a shame/ guilt way, but just because the human body and sexuality makes me feel so repulsed
Even knowing when other people find my attractive makes me feel disgusted, there's nothing I hate more. It's gotten to the point where even romance in general makes me extremely uncomfortable lol
Weird feeling
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Jul 29, 2021
Sex Animal instinct to propagate species.
An evolutionary trick to compel people to breed
Not only is it primitive but it's the very fucking thing that brought me into existence and the root of all my suffering, misery, struggles and all the unnecessary bullshit!
It's mind-boggling how just simply fucking for who knows how many minutes of pleasure it gave my fucking biological parents would cause a goddamn lifetime of suffering!
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