

Sep 13, 2018
dr Nitschke is pro-euthanasia, but from my observation he's mostly aimed towards ill and elderly. How would he feel if he knew there are so many healthy people in their 20s and 30s (primary demography on this forums) using his resources in order to die peacefully?
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Oct 5, 2018
He always says that suicide is a fundamental right. I'd assume that would include everyone, not just the elderly/seriously ill. I could be wrong though.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
dr Nitschke is pro-euthanasia, but from my observation he's mostly aimed towards ill and elderly. How would he feel if he knew there are so many healthy people in their 20s and 30s (primary demography on this forums) using his resources in order to die peacefully?

I reckon he'd feel very comfortable indeed with the members who bought the N testing kit and the Max Dog nitro equipment, much less so with regard to free access to the PPH.
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
He has said that if life is a gift that you cannot return than it is not a gift but more a curse. Paraphrasing. I believe the pro euthanasia groups are trying to protect themselves by focusing on the elderly and terminally ill.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
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Apr 8, 2018
dr Nitschke is pro-euthanasia, but from my observation he's mostly aimed towards ill and elderly. How would he feel if he knew there are so many healthy people in their 20s and 30s (primary demography on this forums) using his resources in order to die peacefully?

He has directly said in interviews, blogs etc he supports the right to die for EVREYONE, he is not going to stop them. The age restriction on the PPH is their to protect the group.
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Oct 26, 2018
He seems pretty set on giving access only to the terminally ill, not any mentally ill. Incould be wrong, that's just what I've seen.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
He has directly said in interviews, blogs etc he supports the right to die for EVREYONE, he is not going to stop them. The age restriction on the PPH is their to protect the group.

Just the personal impression l get from PN, but l strongly suspect that he would personally inject N directly into each of our eyeballs without a second thought if the price was right and he could get away with it, regardless of age or any other qualifying criteria.
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Oct 26, 2018
Just the personal impression l get from PN, but l strongly suspect that he would personally inject N directly into each of our eyeballs without a second thought if the price was right and he could get away with it, regardless of age or any other qualifying criteria.
Man, i like your whit and sense of humor. That was one of the first things to go for me when I got seriously depressed.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Man, i like your whit and sense of humor. That was one of the first things to go for me when I got seriously depressed.

Cheers, although it's more a sense of the ridiculous l have as opposed to a sense of humour, and this often gets more acute as l sink lower.
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Sep 19, 2018
I don't think he would find anything wrong with it. He has asserted that euthanasia is a right. Focuses on older people to try and keep people off his back.
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Sep 30, 2018
I think it's legal thing and like most people he doesn't want to influence anyones own personal choice and decisions.

People who have no hope for better life and suffer make eventually peace with it and in the end think very positivily about going home to God (or sleep or what ever they believe) and may have had nde's and know how great life beyond is.

Their talk could influence some normally happy sensitive kid who is sad or had some issues that usually turn good.

So I totally understand it.

Of course anyone can take a picture of their grandmoms id or get one fake one from internet proving they are old enough (you have to be pensioner age or terminally ill and send prove of it to get to chatrooms) and say it's him/her and get recipe for making nembutal (which people have spread in internet already for all to see) in those very known chatrooms.

Going to his meetings in Australia to make nembutal one would just have to get fake medical record if they don't look close to 80.

I get him. Also he has many times almost lost his permission to work as a doctor for his work in promoting euthanasia. So I bet his lawyer have advised him as well.
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Sep 30, 2018
I mean here are also some who have no other choice and have made peace with that and are happily going back to their eternal home.

Then there's people who suffer unjustly (like many off the above) and hope things will change and need that to happen and support and friends who understand and love them as they are.

So there are seperate chat rooms for both kind elsewhere in Internet.

Anyway I can see all people here as genuine, caring and good and I wish all the best for all of you. I have never met this honest and open people even I haven't met any of you.

If everyone would be like you there wouldn't be unjustice and suffering from other people in this world.
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Sep 20, 2018
He wouldn't like it much as the PPeH is free here which takes away a big chunk of his income plus he doesn't believe in the right to ctb for those in mental suffering ( but if the dosh is there, he might very well change his views).
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Oct 8, 2018
I think he wrote the book to help elderly people to finally die in their own terms.

The book was not meant to those 14 year old heartbroken kids who just found out their girlfriend was gangbanging the entire football team at school
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
He wouldn't like it much as the PPeH is free here which takes away a big chunk of his income plus he doesn't believe in the right to ctb for those in mental suffering ( but if the dosh is there, he might very well change his views).

In his BBC talk he says. He believes all people, including those suffering with mental illness who are capable of understanding the decision that they are making, have the right to choose .
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Aug 31, 2018
He probably wouldn't like that his book is for free, but he'd probably be supportive of this website. As others have pointed out, he probably talks about the elderly and terminally ill since that's more socially acceptable.
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Sep 30, 2018
Read in Wikipedia etc. about him and what he and others have had to endure by authorities. It makes you sick.

Old people had nembutal in safe for the day when they can't cope from old age's illnesses and suffering from it. Invading their home by force and harassment by authorities was so bad they killed themselves right away after for fear they will come back by force again and prison them. That case in wikipedia was by far not the only one.

Dr Nitschke's and his wifes detention reason in airport said as a reason "changes to British society".

Just in case I think it's better to use vpn and prepaid card for Internet when talking here and elsewhere about Euthanasia.
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Sep 30, 2018
Police and authorities make people kill themselves. I believe that the actions by police and authorities to people in Exit chatrooms and community have made many others in that community euthanise themselves right away for fear they will be next whose home will be invaded by authorities and who could get prisoned.
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Oct 3, 2018
Police and authorities make people kill themselves. I believe that the actions by police and authorities to people in Exit chatrooms and community have made many others in that community euthanise themselves right away for fear they will be next whose home will be invaded by authorities and who could get prisoned.

Jackbooted thugs. I hate these people. We're already under so much pressure, and these fucking pro-lifers and government stooges make you pay dearly for everything.
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Sep 21, 2018
@Gainax ,

Care to summarize ? I have Facebook blocked, on purpose.
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Sep 18, 2018
@Gainax ,

Care to summarize ? I have Facebook blocked, on purpose.
Younger people tend to be more ideological about suicide when he argued about it being demedicalized since they haven't seen first hand the suffering of old age(nursing homes and deaths of friends). He also states he doenst believe the younger group and maybe younger people that want to do die haven't thought about their death too much. Another important thing he mentions is a doctor he met recently told him alot of patients have asked the doctor to euthanize them Instead of taking the pills themselves. He feels you should take responsibility for your death and not place that burden on other people.
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Sep 21, 2018
@voool ,

He is not completely wrong in the sense that some young people want to commit suicide basically for lack of understanding of the situation or because they are on psychiatric drugs ! Well, I'm pro-choice.
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