
Aug 18, 2020
Maybe this is kind of a morbid question. But I am genuinely interested in the answer. I have some ideas.

Maybe suicide forums will remiain the same for a long time. Suicide forums have no advertisers and noone really wants to invest his money on them. Okay maybe some people but this is only a small amount of people.

So my first theory is for the near future there will be not much changes. I think the metaverse would first had to prove financial success on platforms like Facebook etc. Suicide forums won't we modernized this fast.
But I also have to emphasize I am no expert about the metaverse. Maybe it is all mostly only a cash grab. And might implode.
On the other hand I think suicide forums were also part of the internet soon after it was invented. Seemingly porn and suicide are two things the people are really interested in on the internet. I assume because both is associated with shame in our societies. Both is pretty stigmatized.

Now another idea. I know it sounds really morbid. But death or suicide simulators could become common. Honestly I don't need them. I think for me it would only increase the anxiety. I can remember sometimes when I played Battlefield for the first time I was a little bit overwhelmed because the sound was so immersive. But I got used to it. Though I still don't like the concept of such simulators. But who am I to judge that? Maybe it would be a good use for assisted suicide organizations.

I am not all that excited about the metaverse in general. But before I did not know the internet I also would have never thought it could improve my life quality so much.
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Jul 29, 2021
The Metaverse is Overhyped; Silicon Valley has been anticipating virtual reality for more than three decades, and keeps running into the same problem: people mostly like actual reality The concept of the metaverse was coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science-fiction novel Snow Crash, which was set in a near future in which the virtual world and the physical world are inextricably interconnected

The "metaverse," for those who don't know, is a still-mostly-hypothetical virtual world accessed by special virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology. The idea is to create a sort of next-level Internet overlaid on our physical world. People plugged into the metaverse exist in our physical world like everyone else but can see and interact with things that others can't. Think The Matrix or the Star Trek Holodeck or the Fortnite-esque brandscapes of Ready Player One.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I tried to enter the metaverse several times... but the problem is that they are obsessed with money, just to enter they ask you to make a virtual wallet that you link to I don't know where... the truth is that I don't understand anything .
The problem I currently have is that if you don't have a bank card, as is my case, you have no chance of entering.

Now, if they make me a metaverse of free access, for everyone, whatever their economic position, and I will enter willingly. Otherwise it only serves to increase the schism between rich and poor.


He intentat entrar al metavers diverses vegades... però el problema es que estàn obssessionats amb els diners, només per entrar et demanen que et facis un moneder virtual que vinculis a no se on... la veritat es que no entenc res de res.
El problema que li trobo actualment es que sino tens targeta bancària, com es el meu cas, no tens cap oportunitat de entrar-hi.

Ara bé, si em fan un metavers de lliure accés, per tothom, sigui quina sigui la seva posició económica, i entraré de bon grat. En cas contrari només serveix per augmentar el cisma entre rics i pobres.
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