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Sep 30, 2018
do you get bullied? or do you bully people yourself?

where you popular? hated?

was it pleasant? helll?

i particapted in bullying but also got bullied myself if you may call it like that

all it wasnt pleasant but compare to my life now it was heaven
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I'll See You Guys On The Other Side Of The Rainbow
Aug 26, 2018
I was not bullied. I did not bully.

I was popular. I was liked.

The people were okay. The tests, homework, and studying were hell.
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Jul 27, 2018
I was not bullied. I did not bully.

I was popular. I was liked.

The people were okay. The tests, homework, and studying were hell.

this sounds familiar, but was bullied sometimes
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I've made up my mind.
Sep 23, 2018
I was bullied quite often in my earlier years. High School sucked. I wasn't popular and I was an outcast, the few things I had done and the rumours that were spread had kinda separated me from a lot of people. High School was where i had started to notice my Social Anxiety. I had one good friend and we hung out every day at school, we would hang out by ourselves during lunch. I guess the benefit to that was that we could literally speak about anything and not give a fuck. He went off to college and we don't speak now, I don't blame him.

People thought I was intelligent because I was quiet. I was actually stupid and suffering, and got by my tests and exams from mostly pure luck and cheating. Yea it wasn't nice at all. Glad I'm out of that shit hole, though not much is going on in my life now which also sucks. To summarize, it was all hell. Every aspect of it.
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Jul 20, 2018
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I've figured it out
Sep 20, 2018
I *was* and possibly still am popular amongst the other outcasts or popular kids. Either out of concern for me or to make sure I'm okay. School was rough besides having those few people I didn't get bullied I got left alone which is arguably worse since I had nobody to come and defend me.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I wasn't bullied myself, but I think I did pick on some of the geekier kids at times. Nothing serious, just some teasing. I was quite popular and had several decent friends at school. I hung out with them while there, but as soon as I could leave for the day, I was done. At nights and weekends I just wanted to be alone, I was terrible with the social aspect and just felt like I had to recharge by isolating myself. I have always found being around other people to be completely draining.
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Earth’s Parasite
May 11, 2018
Elementary: I was picked on, not so much "bullied" bullied. My Grade 4 teacher hated my guts for no reason. And I also did some bullying - I hit someone because they tripped me and laughed at me.

Junior High or Middle School: I was bullied. I had random kids I hardly even know hate my guts. I was jokingly trash talking with one of my friends one day and one of the kids I hardly knew started to pick a fight with me because I was joking with my friend. It made no sense.

High School: I was randomly thrown in a lot of high school drama. I was blamed on shit that I didn't even know about and I didn't even get involved in.

University: A gongshow since the beginning. A shitshow in the final two years. Suicidal.
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
Bullied AF.
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
I was constantly friendless and bullied incessantly. Fucking never ended. Lesbian but even sorta get bullied by gay guys who are shallow (you know, the whole fat and ugly shit). Only married once to someone who put me through hell. Weirdly I seem to get along with people now...of my choosing. For the most part. Like at work stuff...even though I'm usually a square peg in a round hole...I get along great with them. But I don't really trust regular people.
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May 20, 2018
Some of the worst years of my life. Bullying is one of the reasons i developed social phobia.
Now i look back and feel a lot of anger, wonder how different would be things if i reacted more violently. However, i only hope this people has grown up instead of being assholes
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
do you get bullied? or do you bully people yourself?

where you popular? hated?

was it pleasant? helll?

i particapted in bullying but also got bullied myself if you may call it like that

all it wasnt pleasant but compare to my life now it was heaven
I was an outcast and did experience some bullying though nothing really extreme. It was a terrible experience and I had a pretty severe case of ADD, I was bored, could hardly stay awake. Did badly in public school. I had to go to summer school 3 times to graduate lol! Woohoo! Because if u don't graduate all you really lose is being indoctrinated a little less. Doesn't say shit about wether you are intelligent, or anything really. The only thing school tells people about you is that you were good at following orders and obedient mostly. I did even worse in private school because 3 times the homework they give u in public school.
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Oct 4, 2018
It was oodles of fun!
No but seriously it was fucking shit. Actually I did have a good experience at school from k --> 8th grade and then we moved. started high school at a new place, didn't know anybody, shy awkward alone.
I was bullied a bit although tbh I never really resented the bullies because even then I could tell something was wrong with them, they had their own issues they were dealing with and nobody else in school seemed to think much of them anyways.

It was just watching everybody have a blast while i was alone that sucked. Being treated like I didn't exist. constantly rejected (girls, sports etc..). I just stopped going to class one day and then that turned into two days and then two weeks. Finally they had a parent teach conference and the school asked my parents if i was sick or something, lol. Nobody knew what i was doing; i was just running away.

the worst part of high school was when i couldn't find a table of people to sit and eat lunch with, so i just went to the bathroom and ate in a stall. pretty humiliating.

don't recommend it.
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can't help myself
Sep 7, 2018
bullied, loner, always moved around and I have severe social anxiety so that didn't make things any better. Summed up it was pretty dreadful, always tried to fit in but I was always the kid who sat alone, hoping no one is judging them, glad to be out of there.
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An Angel’s Broken Wings
Sep 26, 2018
I was the kid to pick on up until 4th grade, where I moved out of town. I had glasses, buck teeth, a lazy eye, a knee that even still to the day slips out of socket easily, and a super sensitive personality. So the kids liked to make me cry and then teased me for crying.

Middle school was a little better, I went to a private school and I wasn't bullied nearly as much, and it was an escape for abuse at home.

High school was that and more, it became more pleasant, more of an escape, and far less bullying compared to elementary school.
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Sep 2, 2018
I got bullied. I can say without a doubt that it was the worst experience and greatest source of unnecessary prolonged suffering in my life.
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Dec 14, 2018
do you get bullied? or do you bully people yourself?

where you popular? hated?

was it pleasant? helll?

i particapted in bullying but also got bullied myself if you may call it like that

all it wasnt pleasant but compare to my life now it was heaven

I was bullied relentlessly and stopped going after 8th grade. I did better in college.
I was also mistreated at home and work quite a bit.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Absolute hell during primary school. Secondary school was alright in some cases, but generally mundane and boring. I was bullied during my middle school and early high school years. I was not popular and yes, you could say that I was hated by certain groups of people, alienated by almost everyone, not many friends, etc. The bullying problems stopped when I was in my senior year of high school, but also due to my social ineptness (owing it to Aspergers and social anxiety), I'm helplessly fucked in that aspect. There is little I could do because I've already lost before I even had a chance... As a result, I just remained lonely and friendless for most of my life.
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That Ghost Lady on the Hill
Dec 14, 2018
I wasn't bullied. From 4th to 7th grade we lived in a culturally very different country to my own, and I was a bit of an outcast initially. The foreigner, the "gringa" (even though I'm not American). The first year there was a bit rough, but later it was OK. High school was good to me, I was relatively popular, good student, with friends and boyfriend.

I also never bullied anyone, though there was a classmate of mine in freshman year with whom we mutually disliked each other at first sight for some reason, so we picked on each other verbally whenever an opportunity presented itself. It was silly, and ironically he became my best friend in later years. In my case, Hell on Earth arrived in my late twenties.


Nov 1, 2018
In primary school I had very very low self esteem. Incredibly shy.
I had horrible teeth and a speech problem and it affected me a lot. I also thought I was over weight (I wasn't at all) and I started starving myself when I was 6. Im suprised I wasn't bullied.
I think how I looked seemed worse in my head.
I was really good at maths though so I was the only kid at school doing secondary school maths work. So at least I had something going for me.

Then I got braces and speech therapy. I went into secondary school. I had developed an eating disorder by this point. I became very underweight. Nearly lost all my teeth. Started self harming.

I was shy at first but slowly came out of my shell and ended up being really popular.
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La vie est tout sauf un rêve
Jan 24, 2019
I was popular with the kids who liked drugs cause I sold to them. Only good thing that happened to me was basketball, and my wife.
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Dec 17, 2018
I wear a mask to fit in but in reality I'm incredibly lonely. One of the parts I like most about school is when I can sneak to the bathroom for a quick cut.
I used to get bullied, but not anymore. I guess I just bully myself now lmao
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
I was bullied, never popular, and close to hated.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
I'm going to keep it short. It was shit...
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Mark Edward

Mark Edward

Jan 19, 2019
I went to a boys-only secondary school in London in the early 70s.
Relentless bullying, cruelty and malice. Five years of lt.
Then more of the same at home from my alcoholic father and neurotic, suicidal mother.
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Oct 8, 2018
It is a truly remarkable achievement of public education,that the vast majority of people remember their years in schools as mostly a bad experience.
We need a new model of schooling or a lot of people are going to be home-schooling their kids.
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Impulse will takeover one day...
Sep 17, 2018
It is a truly remarkable achievement of public education,that the vast majority of people remember their years in schools as mostly a bad experience.
We need a new model of schooling or a lot of people are going to be home-schooling their kids.

Have to agree with the model of schooling needs to change. I wouldn't say my experience was bad but by the age of 12 I had an epiphany and no longer cared. My memory is quite good so I soon realised I could revise a day before the exam on past papers and more or less ace it... which a lot of my teachers hated as I wouldn't show up to most classes.

The education system is corrupt and teaches monkeys how to peel bananas but not necessarily how to get them ( bad analogy I know but I'm fucked up atm) when was the last time I used the periodic table? Or used Kirchhoff's law? Or used algebra all pointless information to me.
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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
It was really bad for reasons I can't specify.

However, when I got to high school it got better. I was only bullied freshman year and the food in the cafeteria was actually super duper tasty and I would always read manga on my phone or watch baseball while I ate.

I always sat in the same chair in the corner. It was comfortable.
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