How to order N safely ?
1/ How to make the payment not linked to our bank account ?
2/ How to order at a different address than ours ?
here is the steps to ordering N as simple as I can explain:
1. Get $700 of bitcoin (this is what he charges for N)
2. get a protonmail account (N only accepts people who use protonmail
(optional) use a VPN & virtual machine or a disposable computer or phone with a VPN when emailing A (this is so its harder to track you down if things go south)
3. get A's email (Download the latest version of the PPeH and go to the nembutal section, you should find it there)
4. contact A saying you want to order N and you have the bitcoin ready
5. when he replies (may take some time so be paitent) he should reply with the bitcoin address and ask where to ship it too
6. send the bitcoin and reply with the address you want to ship the N to
7. pray the N does not get confiscated by the authorities when going through customs
8. it the N gets confiscated then the cops show up to the address you wanted the N shipped to, if it doesnt then congratulations you successfully ordered N from A