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Feb 18, 2019
Is there a way to od using benzos, alcohol?
I can't get access to n here. I tried sn and it was terrible.
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Feb 15, 2019
What happened when you tried SN?

You can look up the amitriptyline cocktail in the PPH if you want something that involves benzos.
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I Liked Ike
May 11, 2019
What happened when you tried SN?

Yes, it is important and instructive for those who have failed to give accurate, honest and detailed feedback.
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Feb 15, 2019
Yes, it is important and instructive for those who have failed to give accurate, honest and detailed feedback.

Philip Nitschke said that you need to take a lot of SN. There is an enzyme that converts your altered hemoglobin back to normal and you have to take so much that you're body can't keep up. I think that is why we have people testing SN and complaining about things like terrible headaches.
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Jun 13, 2019
Is there a way to od using benzos, alcohol?
I can't get access to n here. I tried sn and it was terrible.

What means od?.
You do not get anything using benzos and alcohol. It is very insecure and quite reliable.
No you can not. N is on markets. Just looking for it.
I am really sorry about your experience.
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Jul 12, 2019
Is there a way to od using benzos, alcohol?

In theory you can OD on any CNS or respiratory depressant like benzos or opiates especially if you take a cocktail of them as they tend to amplify the effect of each other. Benzos for example are strong contraindicated for use with opiates for that very reason. A fatal dose of either is calculated by body weight but there are many variables like the purity of the product, and even more if you're taking them orally; keeping them down is a big one, the time they take to dissolve and digest is another, and some people's livers are just better at filtering stuff out than others so you just never know. Right off the bat though very few people can even think about eating a hundred or more pills without throwing up, and a hundred probably isn't going to do it with most readily available meds. Try two or three hundred. Meanwhile people who are trained pill-poppers and can keep them down tend to have an extremely high tolerance for CNS depressants. Dissolving the pills in water might seem like a solution, but to be brutally honest the resulting liquid is so disgustingly bitter it would cause most people to vomit instantly, and unless you have access to high quality pinwheel filters it will be full of crap which makes throwing up even more likely, while if you're used to using it to the point where you can handle the taste and keep it down then again you probably have a huge tolerance. Opiates and alchohol also tend to cause vomiting under the best of circumstances, but doxylamine succinate (usually an OTC sleep-aid, anti-hystamine or car sickness med) is a good way for preventing throwing up due to opiate-related nausea and is a common OTC medicine. It's also known for enhancing the euphoric effects of some opiates. Which might make things more pleasant.

If you can get your hands on strong benzos and opiates and prep them for IV use and have access to a decent sized fit though, and you know how to inject, and over-estimate the amount you'll need by a hefty margin this should be a fairly reliable method. Reasonably peaceful as well The one issue is that the effect hits you so fast and so hard that you'll often be left out cold with the needle hanging out of your arm. Sometimes before you've even depressed the plunger completely. I've seen this happen to opiate users a lot. Also it takes time, so you need privacy and to not be discovered. Possibly for many, many hours.
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Sep 28, 2018
you can get some other lethal drug to the combination of benzos and alcohol.. then it may be reliable.
i am not very sure if benzos, booze alone will do it. some people die with it, some dont.
there are some reliable cocktails (drug cocktails).. in PPeh. may be you can check them and see if you could get your hands on any drug there.
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Jun 13, 2019
Sorry, I forget it.

So important is use a plastic bag, with benzos is really important to suffocation.
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May 31, 2019
Is there a way to od using benzos, alcohol?
I can't get access to n here. I tried sn and it was terrible.
What was your SN experience like? What dose and did you use anti-emetics?
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"Existence is pain."
Dec 19, 2019
How much clonazepam would tip the ratio with 101 proof granddad or high alcohol content?

I'm prescribed, but don't really have enough supply of clonazepam other than I take 3mgs a day. Already predosed now. Would alcohol, clonazepam and 10mg zolpidem (***got enough to 120mgs or more***)

If I CTB tonight, can I successfully get on with this concoction?

Cons: been on benzos long term (2014 to present).
Alcohol makes me chuck. I'm also allergic to it in some way.
Might bail out on CTB due to the panic response.

Any help would be appreciated because I feel like I got the strength to step on the bus.
Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob

Jan 30, 2020
How much clonazepam would tip the ratio with 101 proof granddad or high alcohol content?

I'm prescribed, but don't really have enough supply of clonazepam other than I take 3mgs a day. Already predosed now. Would alcohol, clonazepam and 10mg zolpidem (***got enough to 120mgs or more***)

If I CTB tonight, can I successfully get on with this concoction?

Cons: been on benzos long term (2014 to present).
Alcohol makes me chuck. I'm also allergic to it in some way.
Might bail out on CTB due to the panic response.

Any help would be appreciated because I feel like I got the strength to step on the bus.
Nowhere near lethal, sorry pal.
From experience I've taken 10 grams xanax + alcohol + opioids and was fine
It's almost impossible to od on benzos alone, they don't depress your respiratory sytem that heavily
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"Existence is pain."
Dec 19, 2019
Thank you for the heads up. Would rather successfully depart than be messed up or pump my stomach etc.

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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
According to PePH, you can use benzos to CTB but combining with other meds. Here's the instruction:
First take 20mg Metocloptamide and 2 mg Haloperidol one hour before
10gm of morphine
x50 of 10mg tablets Valium (500 mg total)
x25 of 80mg tablets Propranolol (2 gm total)
x2 bottles (200 tablets) Digoxin (total 25 mg)
Crush the tablets into one pile of powder and mix with water/juice/alcohol.
Then swallow
Very reliable and very peaceful.
But need to break some sweat to purchase everything


"Existence is pain."
Dec 19, 2019
Good gosh, I thought ambien would and alcohol would be sufficient. Thank you for the information. It is greatly appreciated. ❤❤❤❤
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
There is one more option acc to PePH
3x10mg metoclopramide 40 minutes before
"Follow this with 10 or more benzo sleeping tablets, finish by taking alcohol to potentiate the action"
put 200 of 50 mg tablets of Amitriptyline in a glass, add water, allow to dissolve
after drinking amitr.. drink some alcohol to hide the taste.
Then take 20x30mg tablets of oxazepam (Serapax)
Allow 24 hours of do-not-disturb.
Relability 8/10
Peacefulness 7/10
Or using Propoxyphene+Oxazepam
Take 3x10mg Meto 40 minutes before
100x100 mg capsules should be cut or pulled apart, powder put in one glass
10 or more 30mg oxazepam tablets in another glass and cover with water.
Have sth light to eat
Add water to propoxyphene, stir so that would be able to drink (or stir with a spoon)
Stir glass with oxazepam
Reliability: 9/10
Peacefulness: 7/10
Please, read the instruction on Meto on this forum, 3x10mg might be not for you!!!
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