Some quick questions. Do you have a healthcare plan? Insurance? Do you still have Sertraline(Zoloft). What diagnoses did you receive(I'd assume depression + anxiety).
If you do have a plan, then simply send a message to your general physician making the request. Otherwise, you can go to a local mental healthcare clinic, and come to some financial agreement for plan or visit.
Also, they can absolutely lock you up, however, it's easy to avoid. So long as you aren't intending to take your own life or do extreme harm to yourself or others, you're fine. I do want to not that I have been threatened with 5150 for mentioning that I have a few specific suicide methods. I was offered the hospitalization or IOP(which is also BS lmao). Basically, you just need to tread around that whole aspect, which is definitely important, but also unnecessary to share for medication or diagnosis(in most cases since some have criteria for police reports).
All that said, ideation, substance abuse, and even SH(so long as it's not extreme) will not get you locked up. It might get IOP thrown as a recommendation but that's really it.