
Sep 7, 2024
Falling asleep permanently is the best outcome when we have the threat of earth being a prison planet, forced reincarnation or some afterlife.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I'm very sure after Death is non-existence forever.

Many reasons out of hundreds.

One is that this 3 pound brain is all a human is . To power this brain requires constant eating of other dead animals and plants. Where is the power source to continue to power this consciousnes and the 100 billion other humans for trillions of Years? For what reason would something power a consciousness that can suffer long lasting unbearable pain . Where is this power source ? Why has nothing ever been detected? BeCause there is nothing.

I'm 100% sure after Death is non-existence forever
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Jun 9, 2024
Falling asleep permanently is the best outcome when we have the threat of earth being a prison planet, forced reincarnation or some afterlife.
reincarnation doesn't sound too bad, I mean think about it. You won't be you if you reincarnate. You're a product of your DNA and past. In case of a reincarnation you'd live as another person, literally. Maybe you'll be a happy girl living on the countryside with a bubbly personality and loving parents. Maybe everything will be easier. It could also be even worse than now, but in that case you'd have new energy that you don't have anymore in this life. I mean what change would it make if you found out you'd lived a 100 lives before this one? Would it change anything about the present if you were a prince a few hundred years ago?
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Apr 15, 2022
From all that we know and understand about a "living" being, once the heart stops pumping blood and the brain ceases to function, there is no life. The idea of a "soul", or something else, that inhabits the body, which is released upon death of the body into some other "realm" of existence, is purely a construct of the human mind meant to make some kind of sense out of what life is, and to help still-living others continue on with life in the absence of their loved ones.
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Jul 29, 2021
Both possibilities—eternal nothingness and rebirth in some form—tap into deeply existential questions that have puzzled humanity for centuries.
If life ends in nothingness, then every experience, relationship, and achievement is ultimately temporary.
life, or the universe, could repeat infinitely in cycles. In this case, while an individual life ends and returns to nothingness, the pattern of existence might repeat in some form, offering a kind of rebirth. However, it doesn't guarantee continuity of personal consciousness.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'd personally also see never existing again as the best outcome, in fact it's all I wish for, all I've ever wished for is the peace of an eternal, dreamless sleep where I cannot suffer in any way and all is finally forgotten about for me. I'd never wish for the cruelty and torment of suffering in this existence rather only non-existence could ever be desirable to me, in my case the only peace could ever lie in never suffering again, to me existence just feels like a terrible, tragic mistake.
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Mar 11, 2019
All you are is just a pack of neurons. I'm very open minded to other avenues of spirituality or experience, but all the decades of brain research, point to the 3 pound piece of jelly in our head. But in the end who knows
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Sep 24, 2024
Pretty confident, obviously no way to know for sure, that we just cease to exist. Without thoughts in the brain, I don't think there is any form of existence. Not a believer in the soul or spirit or whatever. It's a cool idea about reincarnation but also I personally don't buy into that. But what a middle finger to me would it be that after I CTB I end up reincarnated back on this POS place, that'd be a real kicker. Hopefully if I was reincarnated it'd be like a tiny bug that just gets devoured by a bird immediately and painlessly go out. I'll stick with my original notion that after death, we just do not exist anymore. Nothing in my experience or rational science based mind proves to the contrary. However, whatever you believe is 100% valid and everyone is very entitled to their own belief systems which I fully respect!
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Sep 19, 2024
Dying and sleeping I do not think is the same feeling. It will most likely be like being anesthetized, with some possible dreams.
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À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
There will be no sleep and no rest. Death does not exist in reality. There is only one existence as a laughing stock of the homo sapiens species. Once existence is over there will be no consciousness and therefore there will be nothing. Living was simply inconvenient.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
We aren't. No one knows for sure. All we can do is hope that whatever we wish to happen is the case. I really hope it's simply eternal non-existence, i.e. a permanent dreamless sleep or anesthesia.
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cold as ice
Jun 2, 2024
I like to think about it logically with no other bs. I did not exist before my birth and I will no longer exist after my death, which means that only logical thing to happen is to be born again thus completing the cycle of life.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
I don't know but reincarnation would be horrific, who even knows what kind of atrocities you might experience in that case. Over and over again.
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Jun 17, 2024
Loosh farm theory says God/archons/demiurge created everything just to extract Loosh (our energy) from living beings kinda like a parasite. I have videos that explain it better than I can. but it makes alot of sense (if want priv message)

kinda hard to believe becuz why wouldnt "god" just create infinite amount of loosh for himself somewhere else, but evidently it can only be created by Physical beings and plants
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
We can't be "sure" about anything that happens after death in that sense. The only people who know what true death is like are the dead, and obviously they can't tell us anything. We can speculate and take experiences from those with near death experiences all day, but ultimately you will only truly know when your time comes.
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Aug 18, 2024
I'm pretty sure it will be just like before we were born. Non-existence.
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Betrayed and Broken
Apr 30, 2024
I'd like to think that there is just nothingness. The very thought of being reincarnated just to go through the same shit all over again is my worst fear.
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Jul 18, 2024
It will never be a sure thing. You don't know if there was anything before birth if we were purposely designed not to know about it.
It sucks but you may have been someone else before this or some type of soul for all you know.

The problem with afterlife theory and whatnot is that it would also be designed in such a way that humans would not be "supposed" to figure it out.

It's just impossible to tell.
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Sep 7, 2024
reincarnation doesn't sound too bad, I mean think about it. You won't be you if you reincarnate. You're a product of your DNA and past. In case of a reincarnation you'd live as another person, literally. Maybe you'll be a happy girl living on the countryside with a bubbly personality and loving parents. Maybe everything will be easier. It could also be even worse than now, but in that case you'd have new energy that you don't have anymore in this life. I mean what change would it make if you found out you'd lived a 100 lives before this one? Would it change anything about the present if you were a prince a few hundred years ago?
I wouldn't want to be born as a woman in this life or any life.It was only in the last 50 years women have been recognized as human.

It would change everything I think, living 100 lives before this hell.If we are trapped here,then where is the escape?
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Sep 7, 2024
Loosh farm theory says God/archons/demiurge created everything just to extract Loosh (our energy) from living beings kinda like a parasite. I have videos that explain it better than I can. but it makes alot of sense (if want priv message)

kinda hard to believe becuz why wouldnt "god" just create infinite amount of loosh for himself somewhere else, but evidently it can only be created by Physical beings and plants
I am just afraid of this happening.It was very convienient that I found prison planet theory just recently,when I was planning to ctb.

Imagine being pushed into another reincarnation with much worse circumstances.