In my point of view, yes, because upon jumping there are so many variables and what ifs. What if one lands body flat? What if one lands headfirst, BUT on something? I have seen folks in wheelchairs that have to blow into them to move do anything. They ARE a prisoner in their own body.
I am 100% pro-choice on everything, HOWEVER, I do NOT want to see someone obtain a lifelong debilitating injury that leaves them so extremely poor shape.
Take me, I have 24/7 chronic pain AND I am starting to lose control on the right side of my body from a car crash where I was driving and another driver blew through a stop sign, did NOT even slow down and I t-boned him. I turned 69 today, 03.12 and if I live long enough, I will go into a wheelchair and then that is when the ctb ritual starts.
I live with the feeling of having the entire right side of my body being pulled apart, VERY nasty and VERY demoralizing.
I care about everyone on here, and I just do NOT want to see someone suffer.
Best wishes and caring thoughts to you.