

Oct 20, 2020
For me I think it causes a lot of problems. Its common to say that 'I wish I was born in a different era' but I literally do. I think society these days is just morbid and rotten. The reasons aren't easy to explain but I think most people generally agree that while many things about the modern era are better, there have become some very serious problems which causes massive amounts of deep problems for people's psychology. EG, loneliness is rampant these days for a lot of people as there has been an eroding of many natural social systems like a sense of community and natural closeness due to lack of technology.

I think technology and its enabling of more fluid socializing is ultimately something that can backfire as it takes away the strength of relationships due to them no longer being essential, which many people are finding when they talk about 'social media ruining things'. Its not really that so many people compare each others lives and feel bad thats the problem as most people dont do this - only some do.

Something that makes me feel most vulnerable to suicide is this lack of secure relations with others, as well as my health and others things.

I don't feel like my experience of society is humane or natural. It all feels very artificial and exclusionary
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Jul 2, 2018
I agree. That's why I'm on this site. I feel I don't belong to the society. I've felt like this since I was 14y. Almost 30y later I feel more lost than ever. The only difference is that I cope better now. I've learn to behave "normal", and I mostly act according to people's expectations. Sometimes I give myself some days off, to do whatever I want. That's what's keeping me going.

Lots of loveS
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Sep 11, 2020
Personally, I just wish society today was not so pressurised ,selfish and image obsessed.
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Apr 5, 2018
I find it appalling that infanticide is not a thing anymore, for example. Weaklings are kept alive, against their will, or under a custody of capable people. Tons and tons of strangers who have no selfish interest in caring about each other. The government seems to function like an abusive, overbearing mom. Tries to protect everyone by taking away their power and challenges. Things seem to change real fast with relatively weak selection. All of this feels so absurd, but not in a funny sense.
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Sep 21, 2020
it is truly demonic to be promoting certain kinds of demographic/population changes for a selfish purpose...these people are are the lowest of the low and they've got most proper members of society completely brainwashed and conditioned to support their horrible behavior. yes, society is a factor for me as well. my parents were a bigger factor but they only exist together with children because of said society.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
For me I think it causes a lot of problems. Its common to say that 'I wish I was born in a different era' but I literally do. I think society these days is just morbid and rotten. The reasons aren't easy to explain but I think most people generally agree that while many things about the modern era are better, there have become some very serious problems which causes massive amounts of deep problems for people's psychology. EG, loneliness is rampant these days for a lot of people as there has been an eroding of many natural social systems like a sense of community and natural closeness due to lack of technology.

I think technology and its enabling of more fluid socializing is ultimately something that can backfire as it takes away the strength of relationships due to them no longer being essential, which many people are finding when they talk about 'social media ruining things'. Its not really that so many people compare each others lives and feel bad thats the problem as most people dont do this - only some do.

Something that makes me feel most vulnerable to suicide is this lack of secure relations with others, as well as my health and others things.

I don't feel like my experience of society is humane or natural. It all feels very artificial and exclusionary
This video hits on many of your points. Made a lot of sense to me watching it.
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Aug 19, 2019
One problem is, even if you can see that the scum people you deal with are not worth caring about, main problem remains: then what IS worth caring about?

Another is, the family structure has been being systematically dissolved. You can smell the stink of rot from catshit from single people's prison cells and the mass murder of old people who were trashed into homes like mass-produced chicken to die together in the case if a pandemic. Which is working great! Those people spent their lives hysterically dancing salsa instead of keeping up a functional marriage so that they wouldn't be herded into isolation like this.

The worst problem is the mass-drugging of society. It used to be abrahamic pills, which were not gaslightint enough to subdue people even in their own heads. Now it ia b*ddhism that makes people voluntarily police their own minds against any rebellion. Getting raped in the ass? Unclench and be mindful, chant a mantra, control breathing. You did lots of assraping in past lives, so be grateful for this immensely kind opportunity to learn and grow.

So on and so forth.
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May 31, 2018
One of my favorite English sentences: Hell is other people.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
No way I could be this comfy in another society. Guess I'd be stronger and more of an adult if I grew up in a less advanced place, but idk if it's even worth it. I can basically chill and try my best, when it doesn't work I'm still comfy and then I can kill myself. Whatever.
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Apr 5, 2020
I think that society affects us all a lot objectively speaking, both positively and negatively, and in different ways. By now I've heard several distinguished neuroscientists talk at length about how the brain and all its neuronal connections are so heavily influenced by its environment. Society BEING our environment to a large extent, the brain will think about and be shaped by the society in many ways. And of course there's an ocean of other variables which means that each brain will respond to/think about society in a way that's essentially unique.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Agree with Hidden Base here. One's perception of society highly depends on their environment and circumstances that have shaped many years of brain development. A farmer in a rural Indian village is going to have a very different conception of society, compared to a European businessman who has spent his whole life in the city.

For me, personally, I think I am completely incompatible with modern society and the socioeconomic factors at play which basically dictate that disabled people like myself either stay poor or rely on others to get by, then treat us like garbage for requiring any sort of help.

While I do have multiple disabilities making my life hard, autism in particular has demonstrated to me that if you can't emulate certain social behaviors and expectations, you will be outcast and treated as worthless by the society.

The way in which autistic people become downtrodden through years of social rejection, isolation, and exclusion when searching for academic or job opportunities is a truly disgusting phenomena that is conveniently ignored by the vast majority of people. Out of sight, out of mind.

The fascination with money, power, and climbing the capitalist ladder has corrupted many facets of society. Coupled with social media and an increasingly isolated and distressed population, it is not hard to see that a recepie for disaster is brewing for humankind. I have seen several people that I care about be consumed by their greed and conquest of money, always desperate to get promoted or find other job, even when they have more cash than they know what to do with.

I became disillusioned with lifescript long ago, and this has only increased my loneliness, because I can't relate to most people. They refuse to accept how society can be corrupt and unfair, don't want to change anything, then want to act like you're the problem if you are not consistently succeeding in life.

It seems like people who got theirs so to speak become complacent and content with how society operates. Do I blame them? Not really. It works for them, so they cannot extrapolate that other people weren't as lucky when it comes to fitting in and accomplishing the tasks of the life script.
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Apr 5, 2020
Agree with Hidden Base here. One's perception of society highly depends on their environment and circumstances that have shaped many years of brain development. A farmer in a rural Indian village is going to have a very different conception of society, compared to a European businessman who has spent his whole life in the city.

For me, personally, I think I am completely incompatible with modern society and the socioeconomic factors at play which basically dictate that disabled people like myself either stay poor or rely on others to get by, then treat us like garbage for requiring any sort of help.

While I do have multiple disabilities making my life hard, autism in particular has demonstrated to me that if you can't emulate certain social behaviors and expectations, you will be outcast and treated as worthless by the society.

The way in which autistic people become downtrodden through years of social rejection, isolation, and exclusion when searching for academic or job opportunities is a truly disgusting phenomena that is conveniently ignored by the vast majority of people. Out of sight, out of mind.

The fascination with money, power, and climbing the capitalist ladder has corrupted many facets of society. Coupled with social media and an increasingly isolated and distressed population, it is not hard to see that a recepie for disaster is brewing for humankind. I have seen several people that I care about be consumed by their greed and conquest of money, always desperate to get promoted or find other job, even when they have more cash than they know what to do with.

I became disillusioned with lifescript long ago, and this has only increased my loneliness, because I can't relate to most people. They refuse to accept how society can be corrupt and unfair, don't want to change anything, then want to act like you're the problem if you are not consistently succeeding in life.

It seems like people who got theirs so to speak become complacent and content with how society operates. Do I blame them? Not really. It works for them, so they cannot extrapolate that other people weren't as lucky when it comes to fitting in and accomplishing the tasks of the life script.
I agree. I think there is a lot of 'survivorship bias', as I hear some call it - "it worked for me so it should work for everyone else". I think this is a common thing. If a brain experiences repeated losses when engaging with a system, it will ultimately grow to dislike that system, and the opposite is true. So there is probably a 'loser bias' - e.g. I have repeatedly had terrible experiences with job interviews and as a result, I despise job interviews and believe they need to be rethought.

My experiences validate my feelings - of course I'm going to hate interviews after the repeated shitty experiences I've had with them. Although, it doesn't mean that my next interview will necessarily be a bad one, or that job interviews actually need to be revamped. At least, these are the counter-thoughts I try to reassure myself with to avoid slipping into resentment.
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Nov 4, 2019
It affects me very much. The pressure to conform will be my bane.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
How much? much. Hard not to smell the cheese if you live inside it.

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Mar 22, 2020
Thinking about societyonly makes me more depressed.
I mean, where are the good people at? I see so much evilness in this world. I know, I have my flaws too but at least I don't do any harm to other individuals.

Still, I have to deal with society every day if I wanna work, exercise, study (well, I'm self-learning japanese now lol), have dates, etc.

Anyway, human beings are bound to destroy themselves in a couple of centuries unless they evolve and can leave hatred and greed aside. (I'm talking as if I was not a human. Well, I'm a freak, does that count as human?)
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
One of my favorite English sentences: Hell is other people.
For me, this is so true.

I hate society and the nature of humans.

Sadly, having grown up in western society, I'm too used to modern conveniences and so I can't just run to the woods in a cabin away from human contact like I wish I could. And even if I could, I would sti be beholden to the laws of whatever corrupt goverment lands I occupy.

Society and human civilization are a mistake. Gaining intelligence was the worst thing that evolution has ever done.
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Mar 19, 2021
Man, do I have a story about technology and society affecting me.
I opened up to 5 people about a traumatic experience on a private voice call a month ago. I was lead to believe that everyone there had been victimized by the same person. Most were, and it was a really healing experience. I could've sworn I begged them not to tell a soul and that it had been settled.
One of them thought it would be a great idea to tell as many people as possible what had happened to me, until word got around to my abuser.
My abuser, of course, threw false allegation after false allegation at them, and they ate it up. Not a single person talked to me about it, when there was quite literally screenshots, a consensually recorded conversation, and a police report from 7 months prior where he admits every allegation was false. No one bothered to ask me.
Hundreds of people knew about my trauma, sucked up to my abuser, and I was banned from 3 servers.
It's not the lies themselves that bother me so much as that people believed them and spread them to as many people as possible. Not a single one bothered to say a word to me about it.
I know he is trash, he is not the one I am hurt by. I am hurt by the people who told me I could trust them, and said they were safe to open up to, and then completely threw me under the bus for the sake of their own entertainment because they thought it was funny to fear-monger my abuser into freaking out because he would think I was trying go ruin his life by privately opening up about my trauma.
I was told by my district attorney that if I was harassed again charges would be pressed. When I went to police they refused to let me file a report. The same officer who had argued with me for 4 hours last time I was there until I read the laws out loud to him did not budge on letting me file a report, claimed he totally understood what harassment felt like because someone once graffiti'd his name on a sign calling him a d-word, and then confessed that a woman once came to him saying her ex was coming to kill her, and that he sent her home and refused to let her file a report too, like it was a good thing.
I don't feel like I can trust or open up to anyone about what happened to me anymore. More than anything my abuser wants me to keep my mouth shut and never tell a soul. In a way, he kind of gets his wish. I no longer trust a single human being with what happened to me. If I get a new therapist I'm not saying a word. People are disgusting.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Today's modern era society is way too much for me to handle. The internet has transformed the worlds social media stage to a gigantic toxic cesspool. I've thought about how I'd feel if I grew up where technology isn't the dominant force behind everything you do in everyday life. Everyone has the means to be nasty to the highest level behind a screen with some to very little consequences. The further we invest into technology the further away from humanity we get.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Society affects my life a lot - because of the pressure to perform and abide accordingly - just like everyone already mentioned.
I have serious doubts that there ever was a era where any of this was better though. Of course in the past (with less technology) people in a town were forced to work together to survive and thus had a bigger sense of community but besides this - people always were very selfish and sometimes even downright barbaric (murder and war are as old as time) and always tried to make the most only for themselves (and their family).

The only thing that would have made my life a lot better is to have lived it completely detached from society meaning as far away from everyone as possible.

I literally hate (most) humans.
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Jul 14, 2018
For me I think it causes a lot of problems. Its common to say that 'I wish I was born in a different era' but I literally do. I think society these days is just morbid and rotten. The reasons aren't easy to explain but I think most people generally agree that while many things about the modern era are better, there have become some very serious problems which causes massive amounts of deep problems for people's psychology. EG, loneliness is rampant these days for a lot of people as there has been an eroding of many natural social systems like a sense of community and natural closeness due to lack of technology.

I think technology and its enabling of more fluid socializing is ultimately something that can backfire as it takes away the strength of relationships due to them no longer being essential, which many people are finding when they talk about 'social media ruining things'. Its not really that so many people compare each others lives and feel bad thats the problem as most people dont do this - only some do.

Something that makes me feel most vulnerable to suicide is this lack of secure relations with others, as well as my health and others things.

I don't feel like my experience of society is humane or natural. It all feels very artificial and exclusionary
I completely relate. I grew up under unnatural, chaotic, isolated and damaging circumstances that are only possible in a secular welfare state.
Modern healthcare has crippled me and can't heal me.
If I lived in a tribal society I'd have died at 30 but my life would have been awesome compared to this.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Society has a way of bringing out the worst in people, and there's no glass ceiling to stop it. You want to buy a car, you saved up enough money to buy it outright, but the dealer doesn't want your money, he wants you to finance or lease so that you end up paying hundreds in interest fees even though you don't need to because you already have money upfront that they can take but won't because they're greedy.

You were told that if you went to college, you would get a good paying job after graduation. Society is so competitive, that it's cheaper for corporations to offshore their workforce to other countries not because the people are smarter, but because you can pay them pennies to do the same work while the CEOs and directors make bank. Secondly, if you wanted that job, you would have to have years of working experience to get an entry level position, while you swim in college debt for the rest of your life on a degree that is equally worthless cause now every company wants someone with 5 years experience.

Society is built upon who you know and how much ass-kissing you can get away with. You have to sacrifice part of your values and dignity to get somewhere. If you rebel against that notion, you end up in poverty or homeless. Jailed or imprisoned by puppet governments. Killed for voicing your opinion. After typing all this, I don't think it's really society as the root cause, it's humanity. This is what humanity is all about. Screwing over others to get to the top which doesn't exist.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
The only thing that would have made my life a lot better is to have lived it completely detached from society meaning as far away from everyone as possible.

I literally hate (most) humans.

I'd do this too if it was actually plausible but that'd require a obscene amount of money and being able to avoid losing your sanity from lack of human contact.
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Dec 11, 2018
At the moment society doesn't affect me at all. I don't care anymore.


We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
I wished I was born in one of those natural tribes in Africa or South America. I'd much rather craft spears than try to meet everyone's expectations in this dense society every day. I can't meet these expectations because I am a failure at life so it constantly frustrates me and everyone is disappointed in me. It's a doom circle.
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Trans Magus

Mar 8, 2021
Agree with Hidden Base here. One's perception of society highly depends on their environment and circumstances that have shaped many years of brain development. A farmer in a rural Indian village is going to have a very different conception of society, compared to a European businessman who has spent his whole life in the city.

For me, personally, I think I am completely incompatible with modern society and the socioeconomic factors at play which basically dictate that disabled people like myself either stay poor or rely on others to get by, then treat us like garbage for requiring any sort of help.

While I do have multiple disabilities making my life hard, autism in particular has demonstrated to me that if you can't emulate certain social behaviors and expectations, you will be outcast and treated as worthless by the society.

The way in which autistic people become downtrodden through years of social rejection, isolation, and exclusion when searching for academic or job opportunities is a truly disgusting phenomena that is conveniently ignored by the vast majority of people. Out of sight, out of mind.

The fascination with money, power, and climbing the capitalist ladder has corrupted many facets of society. Coupled with social media and an increasingly isolated and distressed population, it is not hard to see that a recepie for disaster is brewing for humankind. I have seen several people that I care about be consumed by their greed and conquest of money, always desperate to get promoted or find other job, even when they have more cash than they know what to do with.

I became disillusioned with lifescript long ago, and this has only increased my loneliness, because I can't relate to most people. They refuse to accept how society can be corrupt and unfair, don't want to change anything, then want to act like you're the problem if you are not consistently succeeding in life.

It seems like people who got theirs so to speak become complacent and content with how society operates. Do I blame them? Not really. It works for them, so they cannot extrapolate that other people weren't as lucky when it comes to fitting in and accomplishing the tasks of the life script.
If we overthrew capitalism nearly all of my problems would be solved. Not all, but nearly. It's incredibly difficult when you don't fit into the ideal 40-hour-a-week mold society throws at us. It's so fucking hard. I'm hoping something breaks soon because this simply is not sustainable.
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May 27, 2020
I wished I was born in one of those natural tribes in Africa or South America. I'd much rather craft spears than try to meet everyone's expectations in this dense society every day. I can't meet these expectations because I am a failure at life so it constantly frustrates me and everyone is disappointed in me. It's a doom circle.

You should not care about the expectations of others who do not care about your own welfare.


Jun 6, 2020
Lol "i dont fit into society" is the mantra for every user here
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Dec 4, 2020
To the point I want to remove myself from it.

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