

Dec 21, 2020
It has been 5 years since I have been wanting to kill myself.
My first attempt was overdosing on sleeping pills, family found me took me to hospital was unconscious for about two days.
Second attempt again overdosing on sleeping pills but this time my body vomited that shit out, horrible experience.
After this decided never going for method which requires consuming anything, the vomiting experience was horrible even taking normal medicine for fever scares me at times.

Next time tried to hang myself to a fan, but felt like fan will fall backed out midway.
Next went to bridge to jump dad found me.

Started doing serious research after this only to realise how hard it's going to be to kill myself and the fear of failure of kept me going.
There have been number of times I have even thought of going to jungle and hanging myself or drowning myself in centre of ocean, but this all has been fantasy.

Again tried to hang myself recently but thought of family discovering me like this made me stop.

I'm tired of this shit wish I could just fucking sleep and never wakeup again.
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Dec 20, 2020
I want to CTB at the moment mainly due to covid. Before i never really wanted to CTB urgently, although i figured I would CTB one day in case of terminal illness
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Dec 21, 2020
I want to CTB at the moment mainly due to covid. Before i never really wanted to CTB urgently, although i figured I would CTB one day in case of terminal illness
What about covid makes you want to go?
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Dec 20, 2020
What about covid makes you want to go?
Shut in, not being able to enjoy retirement in the way I want to enjoy it, friends and family infected/dying due to government mismanagement and increased spread due to LOW IQ individuals in my country
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Sep 30, 2020
Probably 7-9 years so far.
I've really only tried once.
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Apr 5, 2020
Desires for ctb began around 3 years ago, and I have made one attempt - when I stopped eating with the intention to starve to death, that was around 7 months ago now. I resumed eating after being pressured into it, but I don't know if I would've truly been able to stick it out all the way. I still consider it despite how unpleasant it is, because it requires absolutely no resources, just pure willpower.
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Dec 21, 2020
Desires for ctb began around 3 years ago, and I have made one attempt - when I stopped eating with the intention to starve to death, that was around 7 months ago now. I resumed eating after being pressured into it, but I don't know if I would've truly been able to stick it out all the way. I still consider it despite how unpleasant it is, because it requires absolutely no resources, just pure willpower.
How many days did you go through without eating?
I kinda of think of waking into some jungle and starving to death
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Mar 16, 2018
11 years. I've had more attempts than I can remember, though not all were fully serious. Some were just impulsive.
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Lulu Land

Lulu Land

Dec 22, 2020
It's been about four years that I've been suicidal, and I've tried overall about six times(?) Three for blood loss, and the other three trying to OD on pills. I fail everytime because it either wasn't enough, or my parents caught me before I could continue.
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Freedom Believer

Freedom Believer

Forever alone.
Dec 23, 2019
Just a little over a year ago. I attempted it twice. Once in December 2019, once in January 2020. Then things got better, somehow. I'm sad as fuck still but not enough to CTB anymore.
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Jun 12, 2020
20. First attempt at age 9. Last attempt October 11th.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
It's been a year and a half since my last attempt. Before that one, it was 10 years.
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My wings were cut and now I can fly no more!
Oct 3, 2020
Suicidal thoughts began 4 years ago for me, I've been wanting to die ever since, my attempt was silly at the time, I read somewhere that they give potassium chloride as a lethal injection, so at the time I was desperate to die so I thought of getting some potassium chloride from a chemistry lab and injecting it myself but then later changed my mind and never went through it, gave life a second chance , also I dunno if potassium chloride would have even done the job for me now that I think about it, and after some years I had my second attempt which was to die by partial hanging, I attempted that but never got unconscious because of survival instinct, it gave me a panic attack and so I stopped the process, and my third and probably my final attempt would be full suspension hanging which I haven't done obviously not just yet , waiting for the right time


Apr 5, 2020
How many days did you go through without eating?
I kinda of think of waking into some jungle and starving to death
Only three days, which is barely any way into the alleged ~70 days required for death. I had been eating very little in the weeks preceding though so I had already become quite skinny at that point. I don't live alone, so my family quickly noticed and they began panicking, which made me feel bad, but I don't really feel bad about it anymore. I'm really considering SN more now, because I think it would be a lot less painful overall. It's just that I really don't want police or my family finding out about it and bothering me. Though, they'll probably do that anyway if I try to starve, so I guess it's a moot point. I think in most countries they force-feed you parenterally if you try it, so it may be impossible, unless you can really isolate yourself, like in a jungle as you mentioned. That is too frightening for me though, I want to at least be able to enjoy the comfort of being indoors. If that appeals to you though, then by all means.​


Nov 11, 2020
Only three days, which is barely any way into the alleged ~70 days required for death. I had been eating very little in the weeks preceding though so I had already become quite skinny at that point. I don't live alone, so my family quickly noticed and they began panicking, which made me feel bad, but I don't really feel bad about it anymore. I'm really considering SN more now, because I think it would be a lot less painful overall. It's just that I really don't want police or my family finding out about it and bothering me. Though, they'll probably do that anyway if I try to starve, so I guess it's a moot point. I think in most countries they force-feed you parenterally if you try it, so it may be impossible, unless you can really isolate yourself, like in a jungle as you mentioned. That is too frightening for me though, I want to at least be able to enjoy the comfort of being indoors. If that appeals to you though, then by all means.​
As someone who can't eat due to really severe anxiety. It starts to get really bad at the 5 day mark. (I also wasn't eating much beforehand, so it could be further along if ate well beforehand.)

If you are that determined prob should just use another way.
Honestly don't even know when the suicidal thoughts started. I have one and a half attempts I guess? My half attemptI ordered SN but my parents found it in the mail and dumped it.

My second attempt was a few days after they found the SN I tried to partial hang but I couldn't do it because of SI and I couldn't get the sweet spot so I just felt pressure in my head and neck.
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May 13, 2020
About 10 years. 3 serious, almost successful suicide attempts, several more that weren't well planned or I couldn't go through with for whatever reason.

First of the 3 was an attempted overdose on prescription medication, but I'm not great with pills and threw up almost immediately.

Second was an attempted jump with hypothermia as a backup plan, I got found with stage 3 hypothermia, slipping into stage 4. That happened last year.

Third was plastic bag over the head, but because of bad planning my hands got free and I ripped it off. I guess this one kind of counts as 2, because the next thing I did was try to make my way to the train station where I got found by police. That was earlier this year.

Guess I'm just really bad at dying.
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Oct 31, 2020
It's only been since August I've felt this way and I've never had these feelings before so have found it completely confusing. I haven't made any attempts, but believe it will be soon.
I just have a feeling inside me that I won't be here next year.


Jul 2, 2020
Since I was 13 I'm 38 now. 2 attempts both with ingested substances both horrific. Now I'm leaning towards in my garage from a workout station, thinking about hanging myself from it with some resistance bands but I haven't ironed out the details. Only thing keeping me here are my parents and daughter. The guilt of them dealing with my exit eats away at me every day. Damned if I and damned if I don't.
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Dec 8, 2020
What about covid makes you want to go?
I've been actively wanting to ctb for 2 years, but I've had suicidal thoughts since I was 10 years old (I'm 21 now). I've only made 3 attempts, and luckily ended up in the hospital only once (such a sucky experience). I am so tired, and I don't know how much longer I can stay here. At the moment, I am only trying to stay alive for my family (my mom has depression, and I'm terrified of triggering her). Sorry for the long rant, and thanks if anyone's read this. Sending y'all much love ❤
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
About 10 years. 3 serious, almost successful suicide attempts, several more that weren't well planned or I couldn't go through with for whatever reason.

First of the 3 was an attempted overdose on prescription medication, but I'm not great with pills and threw up almost immediately.

Second was an attempted jump with hypothermia as a backup plan, I got found with stage 3 hypothermia, slipping into stage 4. That happened last year.

Third was plastic bag over the head, but because of bad planning my hands got free and I ripped it off. I guess this one kind of counts as 2, because the next thing I did was try to make my way to the train station where I got found by police. That was earlier this year.

Guess I'm just really bad at dying.
Damn, sorry you've been driven to such measures. What was the hypothermia experience like? And plastic bag suffocation must be an awful experience.


May 13, 2020
Damn, sorry you've been driven to such measures. What was the hypothermia experience like? And plastic bag suffocation must be an awful experience.
Getting yourself to stay in the cold at first is hard, but once you reach the point that you start to stop shivering, it's not actually that bad. There's a point where you actually start to feel really warm and want to take off any warm clothing. Towards the point I started losing consciousness it was really peaceful. My mind just felt cloudy, my vision started closing in and I felt really tired. If I could have gone then, it would have been everything I could have wanted for my death. Frostbite isn't fun though, luckily mine was only very minor but I lost some of the feeling in my fingertips. Warming up is absolutely horrible and very painful, you go through the whole freezing cold and shivering part all over again.

Suffocation definitely isn't a good way to go. I was probably only struggling to breathe for about 5-10 seconds, but it felt like forever. My lungs hurt, I was terrified, and every bit of my brain was screaming at me that I needed air. And you'd be surprised how quickly you run out of oxygen, there's not much time to prepare for it. Definitely do not recommend it.
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May 27, 2020
My desire to end my own life started around 9-10 years ago and it has not stopped. The thought has been gnawing at me - and still does - every day, every week, every month and every year since it began. Suicide started as an minor annoyance in the back of the mind, but has become increasingly louder over time. The current climate of the society that I live in, and the state of my own life has only reinforced it. Every part of my being has become weaker; the only part that has strengthened is the wish to die.
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Mar 22, 2020
I've wanted to CTB since I'm 12 so, it's been 20 long years and I'll probably die next year, 2021, after 21 years of waiting (what a coincidence!)
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May 15, 2020
I'm surprised I didn't do it this year. I've been depressed since 12, made attempts at 17, 26, and two within the past year. Attempts are getting closer together now and are much more planned out. I have seen some beautiful things within my lifetime, and I am grateful for them. They just don't outweigh the rest of it enough to keep going.
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Goodnight and always remember that’s life
Nov 5, 2019
depression began 6 years ago it went away after 2 years and then about 2 years ago it flared back up as anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts. Made about 1 attempt.


Oct 4, 2020
Back when I was about 14 I remember telling my friend that once my dad leaves then it'll be my time too. ( have old parents, dads 83 I'm 23) But suicide was foreign to me.

Fast forward a few years..At the stage I'd always be wrekless at Uni overdoing reccy drugs, not caring yet somewhat hoping along with the ideation that I'd OD

But the first actual time was last year. I was clue-less, saw a 'sketch' of the helium exit bag method.

Idk what I was doing, I just ordered a cpap mask and 2 canisters of helium from eBay. (Still in cupboard). After finding&lurking around this place, I realised how clueless I was on that method lol

Cruised and plodded on with life, for a year to this point. Where, fast forward to now, I now have SN in the cupboard and feel confidently knowledgeable of everything
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Jun 14, 2020
It has been 5 years since I have been wanting to kill myself.
My first attempt was overdosing on sleeping pills, family found me took me to hospital was unconscious for about two days.
Second attempt again overdosing on sleeping pills but this time my body vomited that shit out, horrible experience.
After this decided never going for method which requires consuming anything, the vomiting experience was horrible even taking normal medicine for fever scares me at times.

Next time tried to hang myself to a fan, but felt like fan will fall backed out midway.
Next went to bridge to jump dad found me.

Started doing serious research after this only to realise how hard it's going to be to kill myself and the fear of failure of kept me going.
There have been number of times I have even thought of going to jungle and hanging myself or drowning myself in centre of ocean, but this all has been fantasy.

Again tried to hang myself recently but thought of family discovering me like this made me stop.

I'm tired of this shit wish I could just fucking sleep and never wakeup again.
It has been 5 years since I have been wanting to kill myself.
My first attempt was overdosing on sleeping pills, family found me took me to hospital was unconscious for about two days.
Second attempt again overdosing on sleeping pills but this time my body vomited that shit out, horrible experience.
After this decided never going for method which requires consuming anything, the vomiting experience was horrible even taking normal medicine for fever scares me at times.

Next time tried to hang myself to a fan, but felt like fan will fall backed out midway.
Next went to bridge to jump dad found me.

Started doing serious research after this only to realise how hard it's going to be to kill myself and the fear of failure of kept me going.
There have been number of times I have even thought of going to jungle and hanging myself or drowning myself in centre of ocean, but this all has been fantasy.

Again tried to hang myself recently but thought of family discovering me like this made me stop.

I'm tired of this shit wish I could just fucking sleep and never wakeup again.
It's minimum 15 years for me. I've had a single attempt, it was ten years ago. I was in my spot of choice with the gun in my mouth, couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I was holding on to a lot of resentment at the time, I think that's what kept me here on earth. With the year we have all had (Covid) and being in the midst of the holiday season, I believe that I'm ready to make that walk again. The mix of pornography, pot pens, and financial distress have numbed me to the point where I cannot enjoy anything anymore. I'm ready to be at peace.


a stranger in a strange land
Dec 23, 2020
Technically the thought of not wanting to live exists since I was a kid, maybe 5 or so. The thought of actively killing myself came around six or seven years ago. I didn't really do it as I was a perfectionist so I was always looking for the right place the right time the right way to do it. Yet not long ago life was getting worse so now I am kinda go with the flow. I'll just do it whenever I feel the pain is unbearable. In fact I just tried it yesterday.
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Mar 17, 2018
About 4 and a half years, since I was 18. Have yet to make an attempt.


Nothing lasts
Oct 31, 2020
About 11 years, tried in 2018. Backed out because I made a friend cry and they revived me at the hospital, regret not just staying dead

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