
Jan 31, 2022
It's clear that a lot of them are, but it's hard to come up with an estimate about a number. Just look at the amount of people who get separated 1-2 years after having their first and only kid. I bet most of them have regrets.

When people are "in love" or whatever, hormones in their bodies cause them go crazy over each other and that really affects rational decision making and reasoning. And you don't really even have to be in love either, just be intoxicated and/or horny enough. People are selfish by nature. In today's society there is little to gain by having children. Sure, a lot of people have this psychological need to procreate, but the need to be free and concentrate on other passions is equally strong.

As a man, it's kind of difficult to give estimates, since we have only so much control over people getting pregnant, and over what happens afterwards. Let's say you begin to suspect that you are pregnant, you do the test and its positive. Do your maternal instincts or whatever kick up straight away? Are the hormones already fucking with your head at that point? Female comments would be welcome.
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Sep 28, 2020
I'm a "female" don't like that therm very much, and I'm not eager to be a mum. Or have any desire of it. And I'm in the right age for that. But I will never put a child in this world for 2 reasons, number one afraid my baby will inherit my mental problem, and the world is getting to cruel to put a baby on it, almost a selfish act in my personal opinion. I would however if mentally stable and feeling better would adopt one of my bf was ok with it. Adopt a child that needs a loving family and his alone and needs a home.
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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
I only got pregnant once. I was always on birth control. After I broke things off with a toxic bf I had to travel out of the country for a few weeks for work and my pills ran out. I figured I'd get more upon my return. My ex bf knew when I was coming back and we met up to talk and of course had sex (just once). I didn't think much of it. Weeks later my migraines were acting up in a bad way and I went to a walk in clinic for a very strong IV painkiller. They had a policy to do a pregnancy test before giving the iv. Well it was positive. The doctor said "You are so blessed" and I'm looking at him like this is fucking horrible. I was 38 and the 1st time I got pregnant from sex 1 night after 15years of being on birth control. What luck. All I thought of was the worst - the toxic bf would be a deadbeat yet probably tied to my life forever, I'd be stuck doing all the work and paying for everything, my career would suffer, I wouldn't have family support, I would have to stop taking all my medications during pregnancy which would be unbearable since my migraines are so bad. I booked an appointment to get an abortion. They did an ultrasound and I was pregnant with twins. God really? I know plenty of women who can't get pregnant would love to be in my situation and I sound like an ass for not wanting it. But I have no maternal instincts. I don't want to be a mom. I don't want the responsibility. And it's not fair to the kids to bring them into this world when I know I won't be a great mom. They deserve that.
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