

🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Is there a way to guess this? Imagine the paradise earth would be if the only people alive loved life. I would give my life for those people to have their heaven as long as I can have my hell (eternal destruction). The bible teaches annihilationism.


Jul 29, 2021
i'm willing to bet there is 2 billion people alive who wish they was never born
Hunger levels are rising around the world. As many as 828 million people – or 10 percent of the world's population – go to bed hungry each night
that almost 1 out of every 8 people go hunger around the world everyday i don't know about you but i hate being hungery

More than 700 000 people die due to suicide every year, 1 out of 20 suicide attempts succeeds, thats 14,000,000 attempts per year, or 1,120,000,000 attempts per 80 years one lifetime, 56,000,000 people would of died via suicide within the average lifetime but over 1 in every 8 of us would of attempted suicide at least once during our lifetime

How much of the population is disabled?
Key facts. An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This represents 16% of the world's population, or 1 in 6 of us.

24% of the world's population, which equates to 1.9 billion people, live in fragile contexts, characterized by impoverished conditions and dire circumstances. By 2030, more than half of the world's poor will live in fragile contexts.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
i'm willing to bet there is 2 billion people alive who wish they was never born
Hunger levels are rising around the world. As many as 828 million people – or 10 percent of the world's population – go to bed hungry each night
that almost 1 out of every 8 people go hunger around the world everyday i don't know about you but i hate being hungery

More than 700 000 people die due to suicide every year, 1 out of 20 suicide attempts succeeds, thats 14,000,000 attempts per year, or 1,120,000,000 attempts per 80 years one lifetime, 56,000,000 people would of died via suicide within the average lifetime but over 1 in every 8 of us would of attempted suicide at least once during our lifetime

How much of the population is disabled?
Key facts. An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This represents 16% of the world's population, or 1 in 6 of us.

24% of the world's population, which equates to 1.9 billion people, live in fragile contexts, characterized by impoverished conditions and dire circumstances. By 2030, more than half of the world's poor will live in fragile contexts.
Wow. My country is one of those destitute open sewer shithole countries.
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Jul 4, 2023
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It disgusts me the thought of someone "loving" something so cruel and harmful as existence, the fact that life exists in this world is such a horrific mistake to me as after all existence is just an endless loop of suffering and torture that tragically continues to repeat in a futile cycle.

There's no beauty in how existing beings have been forced out of the ideal state of non-existence just to be tormented so unnecessarily, it's disturbing how much suffering exists here and there's nothing desirable about having the ability to suffer, existence truly is something so repulsive that just causes harm. I think for someone to truly love existence they must be blinded by delusions as there is nothing lovable about this hellish reality.

And in general existence is just a burden and a chore, it's a meaningless process of waiting to decay from age, I see existence as being completely unappealing in every way. I think rather than "loving" existence many people don't ctb either for the sake of other people or because suicide is so unnecessarily difficult.
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Apr 15, 2022
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Cursed by God
Dec 9, 2022
I loved life. I had a great life before my affliction.


Jan 16, 2021
I would say that most simply don't think about it. In my opinion, the existential dread that humans suffer from is maladaptation of evolution. It is not in a species interest to have its members ponder the horrors of existence, and indeed, I think that most humans don't do this. "Normies", if we may use the term, likely just go through life and take each day as it comes.

As to the question of happiness, well that's harder to say. IF you're struggling for survival, you probably aren't happy, but you're also unlikely to be depressed. Having to constantly struggle is a good way of keeping the mind busy.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
People who can't get their basic needs met are pretty much guaranteed to be miserable. You won't be having a great time if you're hungry and shivering in a refugee camp. For these people, more food, better shelter, and better access to medical help makes a clear and enduring improvement in their level of happiness.

Something starts to shift at the point where neediness gives way to "enough." From then on, greater prosperity only drives higher expectations, ensuring a permanent subjective state of unfulfillment. Other than literal starvation, it's hard to visualize a purer state of stress and misery than that caused by going bankrupt over your second vacation home on Mars.

So nobody's happy. Or at least no one's happy for very long. People actually develop a tolerance to their own "feel good" hormones—dopamine particularly. They start to need greater and greater amounts of dopamine in order to get the original effects—exactly as if it were an addictive street drug. This kind of tolerance is called the "hedonic set point," and once you've raised yours unsustainably high, it's difficult and very unpleasant to lower it again.

So does anyone love life? Some do, for fleeting amounts of time. Mostly we're all somewhere between miserable and agreeably apathetic, though.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
People who can't get their basic needs met are pretty much guaranteed to be miserable. You won't be having a great time if you're hungry and shivering in a refugee camp. For these people, more food, better shelter, and better access to medical help makes a clear and enduring improvement in their level of happiness.

Something starts to shift at the point where neediness gives way to "enough." From then on, greater prosperity only drives higher expectations, ensuring a permanent subjective state of unfulfillment. Other than literal starvation, it's hard to visualize a purer state of stress and misery than that caused by going bankrupt over your second vacation home on Mars.

So nobody's happy. Or at least no one's happy for very long. People actually develop a tolerance to their own "feel good" hormones—dopamine particularly. They start to need greater and greater amounts of dopamine in order to get the original effects—exactly as if it were an addictive street drug. This kind of tolerance is called the "hedonic set point," and once you've raised yours unsustainably high, it's difficult and very unpleasant to lower it again.

So does anyone love life? Some do, for fleeting amounts of time. Mostly we're all somewhere between miserable and agreeably apathetic, though.


Aug 8, 2023
People who can't get their basic needs met are pretty much guaranteed to be miserable. You won't be having a great time if you're hungry and shivering in a refugee camp. For these people, more food, better shelter, and better access to medical help makes a clear and enduring improvement in their level of happiness.

Something starts to shift at the point where neediness gives way to "enough." From then on, greater prosperity only drives higher expectations, ensuring a permanent subjective state of unfulfillment. Other than literal starvation, it's hard to visualize a purer state of stress and misery than that caused by going bankrupt over your second vacation home on Mars.

So nobody's happy. Or at least no one's happy for very long. People actually develop a tolerance to their own "feel good" hormones—dopamine particularly. They start to need greater and greater amounts of dopamine in order to get the original effects—exactly as if it were an addictive street drug. This kind of tolerance is called the "hedonic set point," and once you've raised yours unsustainably high, it's difficult and very unpleasant to lower it again.

So does anyone love life? Some do, for fleeting amounts of time. Mostly we're all somewhere between miserable and agreeably apathetic, though.
People must stop breeding - this will solve all problems of humanity.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
I'm of the belief most people actually are sad. From what I've seen anyway people never hesitate to throw in their and talk about their problems when I even mention mine a little so no way their happy.

I think it's less of a love of life and more of a fear of death that's keeping them alive
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Jun 22, 2022
I tend to think that most people don't like life, they just carry on, not grasping much. Also I read some article about woman who had metastatic cervical cancer, the way she suffered left me crying, but in the end she wrote that she loves life and God — I was speechless.
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Jan 1, 2024
I think there is a lot of people who still find joy and meaning in suffering. I'm not one of those people I feel it's all a waste


Jan 14, 2024
I'd say a good majority of them are not satisfied with the life they're living, but I'm not sure if they necessarily hate life. From a realistic standpoint, The real number of people who actually really dislike living is within the neighborhood of maybe 10-20% of the population of earth.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I think that many people do enjoy life but not to the extent that they claim to enjoy it in
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Exhausted Human
Oct 12, 2022
A lot of them from what I can see


Dec 2, 2023
I was actually looking into this today.

In terms of people who are satisfied with their personal life, the number is around 90%+, at least in Canada and the US. The number who are extremely dissatisfied would be around 3-4%, disability increases this number.... To be honest I thought this would be higher, especially given that depression hovers between 10-20%.

I think it's just more reason to end it all, if I can't see this world as satisfying what's the point