
Aug 18, 2020
Maybe I should not make useless threads like this.

Today I wanted to reward me. My ex-therapist said I have to reward me when I am eager and follow the plans. I am obsessed by weight so I cannot reward me with chocolate or stuff like that.
Moreover I try to save money, so it should not be that expensive. But I had the wish to a buy playstation 5 for a long time. I have enough money for that. Though the price for one is insane I might would have bought one but they increased the price recently and it is so much money. At least for me. I probably cannot work in the future.
I had to spend way more than the usual price. So I said to myself fuck it I buy a new phone. My current one is 4,5 years and has a lot of issues.
But it should not cost much more than 200 euros. I know one cannot expect very good phones for that price but I don't really know the quality of high-tech phones so maybe I cannot really say whether they are worth it.

I stressed myself a lot today. Compared prices phones, models etc. in quality tsts they say Xiaomi phones would be the best for phnoes with low budget. Maybe I am a little bit too much into politics. I still remember the trade war with China. I thought this might could return. I mean there a lot of global crises, the supply chain, Taiwan, return of the Republicans in the oval office. Okay I thought google returned for Huaweii phones but it did not??? Not sure about it.

Like the best phnoes in this price segment come from China. My friends have Samsung. So I thought what about Samsung. I think the chinese phnoes might have slight better quality but I am someone who ruminates a lot. And the notion google support could stop scares me. I don't want to waste money. The pirices were similar. The ratings for chinese phnoes a little bit better. But I don't know...maybe this was a bad decision.

Not sure how irrational this thinking is. And whether I made this decision due to a bias. To emphasize I don't care about values of chineses companies or stuff like that. I don't think western companies would be morally superior or stuff like that.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
No more irrational than not wanting to buy a phone made by google or apple. Nobody has our best interests at heart and will exploit every opportunity they can.

I don't think I'd go with xioami or the likes but I have to say that Oneplus had great phones early on. Not sure what their latest phones are like. They kind of left their affordable but high quality roots behind it seems. When they ran cyanogen OS by default I loved them. Wasn't so keen once Cyanogen disbanded.

I get the impression you're not concerned for the same reason as I am. Privacy and autonomy. If not then you could probably do okay with the brands you mentioned. Obviously if your google apps aren't going to work any longer then maybe avoid those brands.

There are so many phones now it's insane and terribly unenvironmentally sound. It's such a ballache sifting through specs and prices too. It's just saturated. Have you considered getting a preowned phone? They only get slow when they're full of stuff. As long as they're in good condition and the battery still has life in it you can get a nice phone preowned or refurbished. There's a bit of a treasure trove of old phones in your 200 price range depending on what you expect of the specs. Even phones that can handle a bit of gaming can be bought for that money though.
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Aug 18, 2020
No more irrational than not wanting to buy a phone made by google or apple. Nobody has our best interests at heart and will exploit every opportunity they can.

I don't think I'd go with xioami or the likes but I have to say that Oneplus had great phones early on. Not sure what their latest phones are like. They kind of left their affordable but high quality roots behind it seems. When they ran cyanogen OS by default I loved them. Wasn't so keen once Cyanogen disbanded.

I get the impression you're not concerned for the same reason as I am. Privacy and autonomy. If not then you could probably do okay with the brands you mentioned. Obviously if your google apps aren't going to work any longer then maybe avoid those brands.

There are so many phones now it's insane and terribly unenvironmentally sound. It's such a ballache sifting through specs and prices too. It's just saturated. Have you considered getting a preowned phone? They only get slow when they're full of stuff. As long as they're in good condition and the battery still has life in it you can get a nice phone preowned or refurbished. There's a bit of a treasure trove of old phones in your 200 price range depending on what you expect of the specs. Even phones that can handle a bit of gaming can be bought for that money though.
Your post gives me vibes I should have consulted experts in this forum before buying. Like I did with my notebook.
I think privacy and autonomy is important. I don't have not much knowledge and I should care more about stuff like that. But I have the notion to privacy is extremely difficult to get. One had to take some disadvantages for that. I tried to persuade my friends to more secure messagers. Some don't want that. I think if I wanted to be more secure concerning this issue I had to take energy into convincing my friends who are not convinced.

I don't know much about surveillance. But I have the feeling it is almost everywhere and very hard to avoid. I have some measures but I have the feeling due to the fact I am not an expert I probably don't know many loopholes.

I know VPN is useful, some browser extensions, some browsers are better than others, etc. But I there are probably a lot of things which I don't know that thwart my safety measures.
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