
Aug 18, 2020
I read a newspaper article about it recently. It is a huge topic in my country and probably a huge challenge for the world.

My lefty friends care more than me. They are scared how future will look like. How the planet and humankind will be affected.

For me this is rather a luxury issue to think about. I am extremely anxious about poverty, unemployment and extreme psychosomatic pain. And most things will be a big problem in the near future. The climate crisis seems for me to be ahead of us. I am not even sure whether I will exist in the next decade so I don't spend much time on it. But it is true there are already big warning signs.

It is probably a huge challenge for humankind. But I know that some people are suicidal just because of the climate crisis. I don't want to scar these people further. I rather wait and see what will happen. I probably cannot change anything. I think societal you could call me a free-rider. I don't put huge efforts to change the world for the better. Damn I barely have any capacity to steer my own boat without crashing into an iceberg like a couple times within a month.

At the same time I think my carbon foot print is probably better than most average people. And I am proud about that. Everybody can contribute something. But in the end I rather feel powerless. I don't like travelling or journeys, I don't fly, I use often trains for transportation, I don't buy a lot of stuff, due to my lack of money I only buy new things if I really need them, I barely eat meat and I won't procreate.

There gonna be probably refugee crises, climate migration because of climate change. But the country where I live the worst things won't happen. Of course there will be more deadly natural disasters but the countries with the biggest problems are the ones which are surrounded by water. Like little islands. Probably the countries which already carry the biggest weight will be the ones with the biggest problems.

But I would wait and see what happens. If I had to buy stocks I would invest in renewable energy and similar things. But I would not be 100% that humankind will face a disaster. Maybe we will find a way to cope with it. I think it would be smarter to take preventious actions rather than the hope that technology will save us. But I would not say that technology could never find a solution. It is a true possibility.

I cannot really imagine being still alive in 20 years. So I don't think too much about this future scenario. I don't want to scar people. But there are uncertainties concerning the prognosis. Variables we don't know.

Just to be sure I won't procreate. Lol. Like a safetymeasure. As if I could ever find a partner. But there is also this antinatalism related to the climate crisis. I think it is even more popular than he antinatalism movement centered around the notion of life is full of suffering. The ecological antinatilism gains a lot of followers in my country. Not fully sure what to think about it. I think the birth rate in my country is already low as fuck. And society and the pension system will collapse soon anyway. Yeah but all of this does not fully matter to me. I cannot change anything. I can contribute my own little part. But I will never be influential. As a teenager I wanted to become a politician and shape the world. I will never be one. Honestly I am not rotten enough to become one. Other people will have to carry the game. People who are smarter and more resilient than me. I only can watch the game. And try everything so that my own private world won't collapse. And I cannot even prevent that. So I don't have much aspirations to save the world.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I know the situation is bad. Just not much I can do about it, and thankfully the effect on me is marginal. Worst case is a few British heat waves and wild fires. The rest of the world will suffer worse. I can't afford an electric car, and there aren't many choices I can make to do better.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I recognize that I am part of the problem, but I think climate change is inevitable, and I also believe we may reach peak oil. The easy deposits of oil are long gone. We are having to expend much more energy to get shittier oil. Unless we make some technological breakthroughs with, say, nuclear energy, we will not be able to enjoy the standard of living we have now.

I see lots of farming in the future. Folks like the Mennonites, the Amish, and the remaining hunter-gatherer peoples will weather the storm if we manage to avoid complete ecological collapse.


Nov 4, 2020
I can't afford an electric car, and there aren't many choices I can make to do better.
Please don't tell me you actually think electric cars are any "greener" than ice vehicles...

This is what it looks like to mine for lithium, and the batteries are not recyclable:
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Please don't tell me you actually think electric cars are any "greener" than ice vehicles...

This is what it looks like to mine for lithium, and the batteries are not recyclable:
View attachment 97736
Alex is that you?? Mr Summers?? Damn well I won't be getting one then :) Damn sorry if I just doxxed you!


Nov 26, 2020
Well I want to die so the near future (?) of the earth is not very important to me anymore than if I did in the fifteenth century. Once I'm gone my nonexistence is timeless.
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Nov 4, 2020
Alex is that you?? Mr Summers?? Damn well I won't be getting one then :) Damn sorry if I just doxxed you!
Not sure who Alex is, but that's not me. I'm not telling you what to do or drive - buy whatever makes you happiest and you can afford. I will say, the "greenness" of EVs is debatable. They do emit less toxins, even accounting for coal burning powerplants. I'm just pointing out that the overall environmental impact of EVs is not a minimal as most people think.

It's like saying hydrogen fuel cells are greener than ICE vehicles. In some regards yes, and in others no. Same for e10/e15 vs no ethanol fuel. Just saying nothing is perfectly green, and very few things are cut and dry.

Personally, until EVs improve their charging time and stations are more available and the infrastructure can handle the fact that fast charging an EV is equivalent to adding about 67 single family homes to the grid, I think the best option for the majority of people are PEH vehicles.

Math for where I got the number of houses:
Average house in the US uses 900kwh/month / 43200mins/month = 0.021kwh/min (https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=97&t=3)
Tesla model 3 - 80kwh. Supercharge 10%-80% = 56kwh/40mins = 1.4kwh/min (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=how+many+kwh+tesla+model+3+extended)
1.4 / 0.021 = 67 houses for the 40 minutes the car is supercharging. This does not account for any losses, which of course are there.

We already have blackouts when too many houses run a 120v air conditioner. What's going to happen when you have a bunch of superchargers all being used at the same time? Just 10 superchargers (which is less pumps than most big gas stations) is like adding 700 houses all at one location.
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