

This is the only place where you can say “kys”
Aug 4, 2023
I just say to myself "If so so so many people before me can die so can I"


Jan 18, 2023
Even if we simple cease to be, if our energy defies what humans know of physics and it simply ceases, are you happy with that. To simply not be and never be again, if not, are you sure that this is what you want. I don't believe in some eternal hell so maybe a religious person can chime in. But beyond that if that was it, gone, nothing at all. Would you be comfortable with that? We have no guarantees , science gives us a lot but is it infalable


Jul 29, 2021
it's not death you should fear but life itself, there's nothing to be afraid of about death you simplely cease to exist all together like going to sleep without ever waking up again, the best thing about death is you won't even know your dead
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Death comforts me and I see it as being the only relief, I've only ever desired the eternity of non-existence. To me not-existing isn't something to fear as one will simply be unable to experience anything, once we lose consciousness that is it for us, we are gone and without existence one cannot suffer. I've only ever feared this harmful and dreadful existence instead, it terrifies me how there is unlimited potential to suffer endlessly.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I and every human is going to die anyway so imo it's irrational to fear the impending inevitability Death. It's impending because the cliche "life is short" is not just a cliche.

After Death is non-existence forever , non-existence just like before I was born. So again doubly irrational to fear non-existence . Because if I don't exist then all my problems are solved instantly and forever . Furthermore I can't suffer nor experience unbearable pain nor any pain in non-existence.

no one says "it's so horrific how I didn't exist for 13.8 billion years" . But we were all not existing all that time and in all that time we had no problem with not existing , no needs , no pain, no suffering. so why is that horrific? to me having a sentience and consciousness develop in my brain that can suffer unbearable , constant undending pain is horrific but that can only happen when a sentient conscoius organism is living or alive : how is that wonderful to suffer to such extents vs the peace of non-existence?
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front of me

front of me

Aug 3, 2023
There is no evolutionary benefit in keeping you calm while dying, your survival instinct will kick with two legs
Iam sorry but SI doesn't joke at all Your happiness will be destroyed before you go It takes determination and great courage


Jan 17, 2023
We were 'dead' for almost 14 billions years, now we're alive and for me my life is a torture so I'm not scared of being dead again. I'll be in peace again sooner or later


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
There is no evolutionary benefit in keeping you calm while dying, your survival instinct will kick with two legs
Yeah but how do so many ( in videos too ) commit suicide so non-chalantly ? How do they take that 2nd glass, or that 10th stab? There are many people who continue to cut or stab themselves with knives (in videos) or continue to lay on that train track , but after the first stab surely the mighty si would kick in right? 1 million commit suicide per year world wide 29 million per year attempt to kill themselves.

Yeah i know si kicks in for most but how do you explain the above?

Ligotti in his book "conspiracy against the human race" touches on this imo talking about zapphe's philosophy especially in "the last messiah"

My interpretation of his claim is that with consoiusness evolution overshot itself. Without consiousess I wouldn't have been able to make the above posts saying non-existence is the ultimate bliss.

With consciousness i can reason about the pros and cons of life and imagine reasons for rational suicide.

My interpretation of what Ligotti and Zapphe are saying is with consciousness a human gets to see what it really is and that life is bad.
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front of me

front of me

Aug 3, 2023
Yeah but how do so many ( in videos too ) commit suicide so non-chalantly ? How do they take that 2nd glass, or that 10th stab? There are many people who continue to cut or stab themselves with knives (in videos) or continue to lay on that train track , but after the first stab surely the mighty si would kick in right? 1 million commit suicide per year world wide 29 million per year attempt to kill themselves.

Yeah i know si kicks in for most but how do you explain the above?

Ligotti in his book "conspiracy against the human race" touches on this imo talking about zapphe's philosophy especially in "the last messiah"

The clain is that with consoiusness evolution overshot itself. Without consiousess I wouldn't have been able to make the above posts saying non-existence is the ultimate bliss.
They fight his instinct, that it is very difficult I don't know how the hell I could do that

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