Ive took them, most of the different ones on and off for just over twenty years. They have kept me alive and i wouldnt be here without them. But i think they affect quality of life, particularly progression and maturity.
For me they induced a state that everything was fine regardless of my circumstances. Made me lazy, apathetic, unmotivated and therefore i didnt strive to progress in the conventional ways people do. Ie career, home, family. I was in an artificial bubble and was fine with it. But as you get older there is a hollowness to it. Others my age have worked towards goals over the years and have a feeling of reward and satisfaction from it. Ive drifted along.
On the other hand i have experienced some good times and they have given me some life rather than the alternative, which would have been death,as early as at 18 years old.
My advice to anyone young would be to try everything else first and only use them as a last resort to keep you alive. Docs are handing them out very quickly to people who may not need them. Also if you do use them, try to keep it short term with the aim of coming off them and trying to get by med free.