

Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
I REALLY don't understand how the apocalypse/Revelations/Judgement Day hasn't happen yet. Why the fuck does God keep sending souls down here when God knows how disgusting the world is? Anyone have any updated opinions about the End Times?
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Aug 29, 2022
I'm not sure if there is a God anymore. Our existence seems far more nefarious than we had initially thought. God's plan seems to have forgotten us in the grand scheme of things, I feel more like a building block made of meat. Even if there was an end goal to our existence, our suffering doesn't seem to matter, our happiness will never come first.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Because there's people out there making sure you have fresh water to drink that's why
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Dec 14, 2021
I think if god existed this site wouldn't exist.
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Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
Because there's people out there making sure you have fresh water to drink that's why
Actually more like there are people fucking up/stealing fresh water that we shouldn't be charged for in the first place as its's a basic human need.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Actually more like there are people fucking up/stealing fresh water that we shouldn't be charged for in the first place as its's a basic human need.
In reality it is not charged, only the transport and the maintenance of the infrastructure through taxes to take it where it is needed. At least where I live. Or so I thought I understood.
En realitat no es cobra, només el transport i el manteniment de les infraestructures mitjançant impostos per portarla allá on sigui necessària. Al menys on visc jo. O això em va semblar entendre.
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Dec 15, 2021
I REALLY don't understand how the apocalypse/Revelations/Judgement Day hasn't happen yet. Why the fuck does God keep sending souls down here when God knows how disgusting the world is? Anyone have any updated opinions about the End Times?

Good things come to those who wait :happy:

I personally believe that it's just around the corner.
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For my next trick, I will disappear
Dec 12, 2021
The world is a very big place. Human actions only have so much impact.


Night of the final day
Sep 11, 2022
I struggle to see a world where humanity is gone completely, but give it 50 years or so and our numbers will plummet imo. Once the climate crisis is in full swing and we're fighting over water and the last few sources of non renewable energy, we're fucked as a species.
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Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
I struggle to see a world where humanity is gone completely, but give it 50 years or so and our numbers will plummet imo. Once the climate crisis is in full swing and we're fighting over water and the last few sources of non renewable energy, we're fucked as a species.
Exactly and I DO NOT want to stick around for that I mean it's starting already.
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Sep 19, 2022
Most people have strong SI and a good support system, or at least something they are passionate about such as academics or an artistic hobby. it's hard to admit but people like us seem to be the unlucky minority. I feel that if the world were to end, it has to be up to the big shots like billionaires or politicians, and they seem to love and enjoy their lives even more then us common folk due to their resources and power. The only way I see it ending is if some of those big shots were to go batshit insane and launch a bunch of nukes. But even if that were to happen, only a large portion of humanity would perish, while this blue rock and the majority of animals would go on.
Then again it does seem that the world is getting worse for the average joe, given the housing crisis and the uncertainty of the job market nowadays. There seems to be a lack of positivity and faith in a better future, which is something that the previous generations had. Not to mention the incoming climate change, I mean this summer was personally horrible for me, humidity was at the maximum where I live and it felt like being in the oven.
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Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
Most people have strong SI and a good support system, or at least something they are passionate about such as academics or an artistic hobby. it's hard to admit but people like us seem to be the unlucky minority. I feel that if the world were to end, it has to be up to the big shots like billionaires or politicians, and they seem to love and enjoy their lives even more then us common folk due to their resources and power. The only way I see it ending is if some of those big shots were to go batshit insane and launch a bunch of nukes. But even if that were to happen, only a large portion of humanity would perish, while this blue rock and the majority of animals would go on.
Then again it does seem that the world is getting worse for the average joe, given the housing crisis and the uncertainty of the job market nowadays. There seems to be a lack of positivity and faith in a better future, which is something that the previous generations had. Not to mention the incoming climate change, I mean this summer was personally horrible for me, humidity was at the maximum where I live and it felt like being in the oven.
I'm so ready for the nukes, like just take us all out. These people in power ARE batshit insane so I wouldn't be surprised
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Huma end inevitable time unknown people keep mess external star many factor there end , it all formula collection 7 billion calculate, one person easy calculate 7 bil hard
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Aug 23, 2020
I'm so ready for the nukes, like just take us all out. These people in power ARE batshit insane so I wouldn't be surprised
I was tempted to start an argument about how the nukes are an awful way to go and a terrible option for an apocalypse, but then I realized that actually I agree, screw it all, at this point I'd take nukes over the shit that is already happening in this messed up world.
I think at this point it becomes pretty clear that there is no Judgement day, no God, no karma, no objective power of justice that will/can interfere. The Universe is indifferent, and in the great scheme of things humans are not that different from insects, or fungi, or any other simple organism that exists meaninglessly for a brief period, before desintegrating back into disjointed organic matter.
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Nov 26, 2020
Same reason the sun will persist for another 5 billion years. It's a natural mindless process without intent. People are still born because of evolution. Majority of people seem to enjoy or tolerate life to some extent.
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Jumper Seoirse

Jumper Seoirse

Apr 8, 2022
Just takes one miss placed rocket in Ukraine and the World could be wiped out in days


Jumper Seoirse
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Mar 23, 2018
I REALLY don't understand how the apocalypse/Revelations/Judgement Day hasn't happen yet. Why the fuck does God keep sending souls down here when God knows how disgusting the world is? Anyone have any updated opinions about the End Times?
I don't think it's that far away.
I struggle to see a world where humanity is gone completely, but give it 50 years or so and our numbers will plummet imo. Once the climate crisis is in full swing and we're fighting over water and the last few sources of non renewable energy, we're fucked as a species.
50 years is being generous. :wink:


Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
I don't think it's that far away.

50 years is being generous. :wink:
You think so? What are your thoughts/opinions? I don't want false hope but Putin keeps making nuclear war threats so......
I was tempted to start an argument about how the nukes are an awful way to go and a terrible option for an apocalypse, but then I realized that actually I agree, screw it all, at this point I'd take nukes over the shit that is already happening in this messed up world.
I think at this point it becomes pretty clear that there is no Judgement day, no God, no karma, no objective power of justice that will/can interfere. The Universe is indifferent, and in the great scheme of things humans are not that different from insects, or fungi, or any other simple organism that exists meaninglessly for a brief period, before desintegrating back into disjointed organic matter.
Putin put out another threat again about starting a nuclear war but the chances of it actually happening........idk?
Just takes one miss placed rocket in Ukraine and the World could be wiped out in days


Jumper Seoirse

LOL well I sincerely hope. Imma gonna need gabriel to blow his trumpet already
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Well we must be pretty close, we've had war, pestilence, destruction and a TP shortage.

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
You think so? What are your thoughts/opinions? I don't want false hope but Putin keeps making nuclear war threats so......

Putin put out another threat again about starting a nuclear war but the chances of it actually happening........idk?

LOL well I sincerely hope. Imma gonna need gabriel to blow his trumpet already
It is easy to deduce that if there is to be a nuclear war it will be before the end of the year. Think of the pressure Mr. Putin must be under from all sides.
On this forum we know only too well what stages we have all gone through before saying I can't take it anymore, a few opt for CTB, many wish the world would go to pieces and others wish for it all to end. Somehow we are all looking for an end.

The mistake of those who are comfortable enough is to think, "Putin will not initiate a nuclear attack because he cannot win." This is like telling us not to go down the road of suicide because it only hurts others and solves nothing.

The reality is that Putin can't win the current war and he can't win the nuclear war either, but he can prevent the enemy from winning (he has already lost anyway).

For him this is no longer about winning the war, but about the other not winning it. Therefore a nuclear confrontation three months away, at the most, is a fact.
If there is no miracle involved.


És fàcil de deduïr que si hi ha d'haver una guerra nuclear serà abans que acabi l'any. Penseu en la pressió que ha d'aguantar el Sr Putin per tot arreu.
En aquest fórum coneixem de sobres per quines etapes em passat tots abans de dir no puc més, uns pocs opten per el CTB, molts desitgen que el món se'n vagi a norris i d'altres que s'acabi tot. D'alguna manera tots busquem un final.

L'error dels que es troben prou cómodes es pensar: "En Putin no iniciarà un atac nuclear perquè no pot guanyar". Això es com dir-nos a nosaltres que no optem ver la vía del suïcidi perquè només fa que mal als altres i no soluciona res.

La realitat es que en Putin no pot guanyar la guerra actual i tampoc pot guanyar la guerra nuclear, però si pot evitar que l'enemic guanyi (ell de totes maneres ja ha perdut).

Per ell això ja no va de guanyar la guerra sinó que l'altre no la guanyi. Per tant una confrontació nuclear a tres mesos vista, com a màxim, és un fet.
Si es que no hi ha un miracle pel mig.
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Sep 16, 2022
The world is surviving due to blind luck.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I've been thinking about what I said yesterday about nuclear war and realized the following:

  • Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons
  • No country will give Ukraine nuclear weapons in the event of an attack
  • The US or NATO will not respond with nuclear weapons to Russia in the event of a nuclear attack because it would involve declaring war on Russia and entering into direct confrontation with it.

And from here it's all speculation without any certainty.
But I hadn't noticed such simple things. Somehow I am reassured by the thought that a nuclear war will happen soon, but not with the intensity that the collective imagination has built up over decades, I guess.


He pensat en el que vaig dir ahír de la Guerra nuclear i me n'he adonat del següent:

  • Ucraína no te pas armes nuclears
  • Cap país li donarà armament nuclear a Ucraína en cas d'atac
  • EE.UU o l'OTAN no respondrá amb armes nuclears a Rússia en cas d'atac nuclear perquè implicaría declarar la guerra a Rússia i entrar en confrontació directa amb ella.

I a partir d'aquí tot són elucubracions sense cap certesa.
Però no me n'havía adonat d'aquestes coses tan simples. D'alguna manera em referma el pensament que una guerra nuclear es produirà aviat, però no amb la intensitat que l'imaginari col·lectiu ha construït durant décades, suposo.


Dec 15, 2021
I've been thinking about what I said yesterday about nuclear war and realized the following:

  • Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons
  • No country will give Ukraine nuclear weapons in the event of an attack
  • The US or NATO will not respond with nuclear weapons to Russia in the event of a nuclear attack because it would involve declaring war on Russia and entering into direct confrontation with it.

And from here it's all speculation without any certainty.
But I hadn't noticed such simple things. Somehow I am reassured by the thought that a nuclear war will happen soon, but not with the intensity that the collective imagination has built up over decades, I guess.


He pensat en el que vaig dir ahír de la Guerra nuclear i me n'he adonat del següent:

  • Ucraína no te pas armes nuclears
  • Cap país li donarà armament nuclear a Ucraína en cas d'atac
  • EE.UU o l'OTAN no respondrá amb armes nuclears a Rússia en cas d'atac nuclear perquè implicaría declarar la guerra a Rússia i entrar en confrontació directa amb ella.

I a partir d'aquí tot són elucubracions sense cap certesa.
Però no me n'havía adonat d'aquestes coses tan simples. D'alguna manera em referma el pensament que una guerra nuclear es produirà aviat, però no amb la intensitat que l'imaginari col·lectiu ha construït durant décades, suposo.

At this point, your point of the various political powers denying each other a future by unleashing nuclear weapons, is the most true point - although you don't seem to agree fully with this. I mean, if no one can win the next war, everyone may simply just wish to do the most damage to their enemies as not to lose in vain.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
At this point, your point of the various political powers denying each other a future by unleashing nuclear weapons, is the most true point - although you don't seem to agree fully with this. I mean, if no one can win the next war, everyone may simply just wish to do the most damage to their enemies as not to lose in vain.
Yes, something like that. In a way, the war ends without victors or vanquished, so that for the vanquished it is the lesser evil. I'm always thinking and that's why I end up doubting things that I initially thought were certain. Sorry, somehow I always end up confused.

This is an issue that worries me because as a citizen of the European Union I somehow see how in a short time the battlefield will spread throughout Europe. In December we will leave doubts.


Si, alguna cosa així. D'alguna manera s'atura la guerra sense vençadors ni vençuts, amb la qual cosa pel vençut és el mal menor. Sempre estic pensant i per això acabo dubtant de coses que en principi tenía per segures. Ho sento, d'alguna manera al final sempre acabo confós.

Aquest es un tema que em preocupa perqué com a ciutadà de la Unió Europea veig d'alguna manera com en poc temps el camp de batalla s'estendrà a tot Europa. El desembre sortirem de dubtes.


Dec 15, 2021
Yes, something like that. In a way, the war ends without victors or vanquished, so that for the vanquished it is the lesser evil. I'm always thinking and that's why I end up doubting things that I initially thought were certain. Sorry, somehow I always end up confused.

It's good of you not to get stuck with one opinion, but instead you choose to improve upon what you already know.

This is an issue that worries me because as a citizen of the European Union I somehow see how in a short time the battlefield will spread throughout Europe. In December we will leave doubts.

You and me both - and all other Europeans. First thing first, though, and that's surviving through the coming winter.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
You and me both - and all other Europeans. First thing first, though, and that's surviving through the coming winter.
We hope so.
Esperem que sigui així.
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