

always say never
Sep 14, 2019
And I'm not talking about the last-minute survival instinct.

What I mean is that long-term survival instinct that just keeps creeping into my mind even during the darkest days (I can't be the only one experiencing this).

I have wished I was dead ever since I can remember, yet there are these tiny moments of hope that sometimes grow into months or years of prolonged life. Until I go straight down into this dark dark place.

I can't take this rollercoaster anymore. And I just want to make sure I finally do it.

TLDR: How do you deal with your thoughts that make you scared of/rethink your suicide plans?
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
Yeah, I got the same thoughts like you. But those fast disappear as soon I remember why I am so miserable.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
Yeah, I got the same thoughts like you. But those fast disappear as soon I remember why I am so miserable.
True, that does help me too. But sometimes my mind just finds ways to convince itself that "it's not that bad" and "things get better" (though they never do).

So I'm just curious if anyone has any tips on how to help yourself from being fooled by your own overly positive SI-driven part of the brain.
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Jan 31, 2021
For me, knowing the method I'd personally choose (N/SN) will be quick and won't be painful. I've tried other methods before years ago and couldn't get over the SI, even when taking a large dosage of benzo's.
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Mar 22, 2020
Alcohol and OD with anti-depressants and sleeping pills worked for me.
Well, I'm still here but at least I got a 2-day coma lol
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
And I'm not talking about the last-minute survival instinct.

What I mean is that long-term survival instinct that just keeps creeping into my mind even during the darkest days (I can't be the only one experiencing this).

I have wished I was dead ever since I can remember, yet there are these tiny moments of hope that sometimes grow into months or years of prolonged life. Until I go straight down into this dark dark place.

I can't take this rollercoaster anymore. And I just want to make sure I finally do it.

TLDR: How do you deal with your thoughts that make you scared of/rethink your suicide plans?
Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like my personality is split in two. There is the one part of me that could give fuck all about living my life and then there's this greedy little bitch who wants so much from life and persists in the desire despite so many disappointments.

I'm really not sure the latter will ever go away until I put a bullet in my brain.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
Alcohol and OD with anti-depressants and sleeping pills worked for me.
Well, I'm still here but at least I got a 2-day coma lol
That seems like a fix for the just-before SI. I'm not really worried about that (yet)

But alcohol and drugs aren't a way to cope with the longterm SI, if you know what I mean
Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like my personality is split in two. There is the one part of me that could give fuck all about living my life and then there's this greedy little bitch who wants so much from life and persists in the desire despite so many disappointments.

I'm really not sure the latter will ever go away until I put a bullet in my brain.
Yess, that is exactly what I mean!!! And I hate that hopeful, naive part of me that is keeping me alive despite having the perfect method to go at hand.

You're probably right... Maybe the way to deal with it is just accepting that it is going to be there until the very end.
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Feb 15, 2020
As my time here draws nearly the end, I find myself at a loss for words on how to respond to these threads. I'm expecting my SN this weekend, and I can honestly say that SI is kicking my ass right now, knowing what I'm about to do. There is a part of me that's starting to think I can fight, even though I'm 100% sure I want out. SI is a bitch.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
That seems like a fix for the just-before SI. I'm not really worried about that (yet)

But alcohol and drugs aren't a way to cope with the longterm SI, if you know what I mean

Yess, that is exactly what I mean!!! And I hate that hopeful, naive part of me that is keeping me alive despite having the perfect method to go at hand.

You're probably right... Maybe the way to deal with it is just accepting that it is going to be there until the very end.
Yes, and I know I'm going to be terrified when I do it. I plan to go stone cold sober. I'm sure I'm going to freak the fuck out when the blood starts pouring out. I may skip that safety step. The bullet is so much quicker, but I want assurances that I'll die.
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Same rules apply
Feb 22, 2021
TLDR: How do you deal with your thoughts that make you scared of/rethink your suicide plans?
I'm simple man. When I realized that I was looking for - is death - I started to searhing for clothest path. I'm kinda slave of my choices.

But I can still relate. And maybe i just afraid of living after I decided to destroy myself.
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Mar 5, 2021
And I'm not talking about the last-minute survival instinct.

What I mean is that long-term survival instinct that just keeps creeping into my mind even during the darkest days (I can't be the only one experiencing this).

I have wished I was dead ever since I can remember, yet there are these tiny moments of hope that sometimes grow into months or years of prolonged life. Until I go straight down into this dark dark place.

I can't take this rollercoaster anymore. And I just want to make sure I finally do it.

TLDR: How do you deal with your thoughts that make you scared of/rethink your suicide plans?
Damn, I know exactly what you mean.
When I plan, I come up with something first, then go over and over it, picking it to pieces until I begin to doubt it, which is fucking annoying.
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a hikikomori waiting to catch the bus
Mar 1, 2021
I want to know too. I hate how my survival instinct and how everyone else around me wants me to live but I'm too tired to push on and I'm also tired of disappointing everyone and of having to go and live through the same pain over and over again. I don't think I can even survive in the future and I'll be poor because it's so hard to get a job and if you do get a job, the pay here is so little.

What makes me get back into thinking about ending my life is the fact that my country has no future and I'm in a contract where I have to work here after I graduate for quite some time, in addition to the vocal patriotic countrymen here that go like, "Stay here and help the country and its masses or you're a bourgeois piece of crap!" Aside from that, most people leave me after some time because I'm too much, so in the end, I'm all alone and death is the only comfort that I'll have.

Also, if anyone has a recommended method as well for CTB, please do tell me because SN/SA is not available in my country, not even online.
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Dec 20, 2020
you should listen to your SI it means your not ready

When at peace with the decision there wont be any
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
you should listen to your SI it means your not ready

When at peace with the decision there wont be any

I disagree with this, at least for me anyway
I've made total peace with it but I feel like SI is the only thing holding me back
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I disagree with this, at least for me anyway
I've made total peace with it but I feel like SI is the only thing holding me back
Yeah, agreed. I feel like we'll all be waiting here until we die from natural causes if we waited for the survival instinct to go away.
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Dec 20, 2020
the times i attempted i never had any SI at all but there was no plan i only knew i was going ahead a few moments before, well maybe the days preceding there was a fair idea but nothing concrete just a building intensity

i do believe once you have tried to fix tings so many times and failed there is just acceptance left and no SI but i accept we are all different beings with unique psyche

positive vibes :hug:
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Feb 9, 2020
I choose metod once its started it cant be stopped. Work immediately and dont have time to think and panic like sn for example.
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Dec 4, 2020
Lose more hope. Sink deeper until there's only blackness. This would be ideal. Problem is, if you don't hide completely from the world, there will always be more light. A bigger problem for me is - I don't want my darkness to ruin the light for anyone else. My survival instinct would be nonexistent if it doesn't extend beyond myself, onto my parents, my brother, my friend, my nephews. Every time I see my nephew I'm reminded of myself, of how fragile and insecure I always was and I'm paralyzed by the fear of my act influencing his decisions in the future. I see my niece and the innocent way in which she looks at me and idolizes me beyond any reason and I can't help but feel the need to stay alive, so I can keep her sense of security intact. I care infinitely more about their lives than I care about mine.

My survival instinct revolves around this question - am I willing to live a life that I hate for the sake of someone else? I feel morally obligated to do so but at the same time I'm convinced that this is too much to ask of a person.
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
One of my problems is motivation. Im so damn depressed that I barely have the motivation to even CTB and when the depression lifts enough for me to get motivated to set everything up I start questioning if I want to do it or not.

My plan is to just try to go onto autopilot,set a date (probably this weekend) and just go through the motions without thinking. Rig the rope,put head in noose,hang.

I think that the less we think about it the better,which is one of the problems with this forum. It's so easy to get lost in endless researching that we never actually get around to doing.
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Mar 14, 2021
I feel exactly the same, I plan to write down all my mistakes to reinforce to myself that my life is a total failure and not recoverable and that fate has never been kind to me, write down how happy and different my life could have been if I hadn't made so many bad decisions, have photos of people I've seen on the Web who have actually had the courage to CTB- going to try and get some perspective and realize my existence really doesn't matter and it's just blind luck that I'm on this Planet- I'm hoping these things, thorough preparation and a big bottle of vodka will give me the courage to complete
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
I get what you say about the chronic SI. There's this part of my brain that doesn't want to accept my death... that keeps making excuses although I know all I have left is suffering. I don't know how to get rid of it but sometimes thinking about how awful my life is now, the abuse I experienced, how miserable my future looks like, how selfish humans are, etc etc helps me deal with this. Reading antinatalism philosophy and efilism is also helpful. But I still haven't been able to entirely get rid of this stubborn and irrational part of me lol
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Mar 21, 2021
Don't know. Do something so terrible it forces you past the point of no return? I think quite a lot of murder suicides are actually because of this.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
As my time here draws nearly the end, I find myself at a loss for words on how to respond to these threads. I'm expecting my SN this weekend, and I can honestly say that SI is kicking my ass right now, knowing what I'm about to do. There is a part of me that's starting to think I can fight, even though I'm 100% sure I want out. SI is a bitch.
As I waited for my N, my SI was completely gone, I was just anxious it wouldn't work out. But when it got here, the possibility to just finish my life easily, with no suffering any minute, that's what really changed things for me. That feeling of being in control of your own death is both a blessing and a curse... It made me feel so much more relieved, but so much more scared at the same time.
Yes, and I know I'm going to be terrified when I do it. I plan to go stone cold sober. I'm sure I'm going to freak the fuck out when the blood starts pouring out. I may skip that safety step. The bullet is so much quicker, but I want assurances that I'll die.
That is very brave... I am still pondering of whether I want to be drunk or high when I do it, or completely sober too. On one hand, I have imagined death so many times and I want to actually experience it being completely in my right mind. On the other hand, the drugs might help me persevere through the SI. What is the safety step you have in mind?
Damn, I know exactly what you mean.
When I plan, I come up with something first, then go over and over it, picking it to pieces until I begin to doubt it, which is fucking annoying.
Ah exactly... Overthinking is definitely not a best friend when it comes to a planned suicide... :(
you should listen to your SI it means your not ready

When at peace with the decision there wont be any
I see your point there, but I'd still like to disagree. I have been going through ups and downs like this for so so so many years. It has completely exhausted me, I feel like a half-dead dog being dragged by the rest of the sled crew. And it is indescribably painful to live on like this. Knowing that, even though the ups do come back, they become lower and lower each time and the downs get deeper and darker.

That's how I know that this SI is not something I should be considering as "not being ready".
the times i attempted i never had any SI at all but there was no plan i only knew i was going ahead a few moments before, well maybe the days preceding there was a fair idea but nothing concrete just a building intensity

i do believe once you have tried to fix tings so many times and failed there is just acceptance left and no SI but i accept we are all different beings with unique psyche

positive vibes :hug:
Exactly, we all experience this in a different way. My own previous attempts were more silly than anything else. But in the mean time, my birthday wish while blowing the candles has been to die of natural causes since I was 14.
Lose more hope. Sink deeper until there's only blackness. This would be ideal. Problem is, if you don't hide completely from the world, there will always be more light. A bigger problem for me is - I don't want my darkness to ruin the light for anyone else. My survival instinct would be nonexistent if it doesn't extend beyond myself, onto my parents, my brother, my friend, my nephews. Every time I see my nephew I'm reminded of myself, of how fragile and insecure I always was and I'm paralyzed by the fear of my act influencing his decisions in the future. I see my niece and the innocent way in which she looks at me and idolizes me beyond any reason and I can't help but feel the need to stay alive, so I can keep her sense of security intact. I care infinitely more about their lives than I care about mine.

My survival instinct revolves around this question - am I willing to live a life that I hate for the sake of someone else? I feel morally obligated to do so but at the same time I'm convinced that this is too much to ask of a person.
That definitely makes sense. At this point, I know I need to do it for myself. But like you, I have someone holding me back. It is very nice of you to think so far ahead about your niece. I think the suicide of way more distant people has affected my mental health too. However, I am already beyond the point of caring about others. Not even my mom. I know it is a harsh thing to say, but in the end they do not have to live my life and feel the way I feel all the time.

The only thing that is holding me back are my cats, which are not even human, but for me that makes it even more difficult. Because they could not ever understand what I am going through, so they could not help me (as could the people in my life). That's why, for me personally, it is more difficult to leave them then the people around me.
One of my problems is motivation. Im so damn depressed that I barely have the motivation to even CTB and when the depression lifts enough for me to get motivated to set everything up I start questioning if I want to do it or not.

My plan is to just try to go onto autopilot,set a date (probably this weekend) and just go through the motions without thinking. Rig the rope,put head in noose,hang.

I think that the less we think about it the better,which is one of the problems with this forum. It's so easy to get lost in endless researching that we never actually get around to doing.
Ah that sounds like a vicious cycle of lack of motivation and the questioning...

And thank you, that is a helpful advice! Along with making piece with the little SI voice, not overthinking it might definitely make things easier. I love making plans and following through them, so I might just pretend this is one of my casual planned activities.
I feel exactly the same, I plan to write down all my mistakes to reinforce to myself that my life is a total failure and not recoverable and that fate has never been kind to me, write down how happy and different my life could have been if I hadn't made so many bad decisions, have photos of people I've seen on the Web who have actually had the courage to CTB- going to try and get some perspective and realize my existence really doesn't matter and it's just blind luck that I'm on this Planet- I'm hoping these things, thorough preparation and a big bottle of vodka will give me the courage to complete
Thank you, that is good advice. I thought of making a similar list - reasons why I don't want to keep on living vs the ones I do. I'm sure the former will be way way longer, which will bring some comfort. And watching people CTB, especially using the same method as I will, definitely helps as well.
Don't know. Do something so terrible it forces you past the point of no return? I think quite a lot of murder suicides are actually because of this.
Hmm to me, spending all my money was the most terrible thing I could think of. I could never hurt anyone else just because of my desperation. But maybe doing more personal things that are on my to-do-before-ctb list will work in a similar way.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Logic = "Kill yourself"
SI = "Don't do it"

For me it's only matter of time now.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
And I'm not talking about the last-minute survival instinct.

What I mean is that long-term survival instinct that just keeps creeping into my mind even during the darkest days (I can't be the only one experiencing this).

I have wished I was dead ever since I can remember, yet there are these tiny moments of hope that sometimes grow into months or years of prolonged life. Until I go straight down into this dark dark place.

I can't take this rollercoaster anymore. And I just want to make sure I finally do it.

TLDR: How do you deal with your thoughts that make you scared of/rethink your suicide plans?
Great question, and it's stopped me from dying countless times.

I guess the only word (IMO) to describe it is simply ... hope. Hope that things will change, get better.

Alcohol is probably the best way to overcome the body's survival instinct. It's a great tool, used to reduce your inhibitions.
I want to know too. I hate how my survival instinct and how everyone else around me wants me to live but I'm too tired to push on and I'm also tired of disappointing everyone and of having to go and live through the same pain over and over again. I don't think I can even survive in the future and I'll be poor because it's so hard to get a job and if you do get a job, the pay here is so little.

What makes me get back into thinking about ending my life is the fact that my country has no future and I'm in a contract where I have to work here after I graduate for quite some time, in addition to the vocal patriotic countrymen here that go like, "Stay here and help the country and its masses or you're a bourgeois piece of crap!" Aside from that, most people leave me after some time because I'm too much, so in the end, I'm all alone and death is the only comfort that I'll have.

Also, if anyone has a recommended method as well for CTB, please do tell me because SN/SA is not available in my country, not even online.
I'm sure you can find any substance you want on the dark web.
you should listen to your SI it means your not ready

When at peace with the decision there wont be any
That's quite deep.

However, there is a caveat ... I have reached the point of being at peace many times, and have downed my OD of choice. It's then that SI kicks in, and I tend to make some kind of alert call: Directly, or indirectly.

I believe it all comes back to hope ... hope that things will change, hope that things will get better.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
Logic = "Kill yourself"
SI = "Don't do it"

For me it's only matter of time now.
Yup, that sums it up pretty well
Great question, and it's stopped me from dying countless times.

I guess the only word (IMO) to describe it is simply ... hope. Hope that things will change, get better.

Alcohol is probably the best way to overcome the body's survival instinct. It's a great tool, used to reduce your inhibitions.

I'm sure you can find any substance you want on the dark web.

That's quite deep.

However, there is a caveat ... I have reached the point of being at peace many times, and have downed my OD of choice. It's then that SI kicks in, and I tend to make some kind of alert call: Directly, or indirectly.

I believe it all comes back to hope ... hope that things will change, hope that things will get better.
I think I understand what you mean... Sometimes I also think "what if there is something waiting for me" or "what will I miss out on by dying right now". But then, at least in my case, both the past experiences and the lack of mental health are the things that keep me grounded. So hope doesn't really make any sense and it feels like torture.
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Mar 14, 2021
Don't know. Do something so terrible it forces you past the point of no return? I think quite a lot of murder suicides are actually because of this.
You should not even think about that sort of exit it has wrong, selfish and cowardly all over it. If your thinking in these terms go to America ring the police and say you have a gun and your suicidal they will be along very shortly and give you no choice in the matter and execute you. Obviously that was a joke- but i hate american cops and their aggressive stormtrooper outlook i really do believe that most american cops would rather have flame throwers than guns to clean the mentally ill off the streets Aggressive ex military psychopaths Suicide i believe is a personal and private thing
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Mar 21, 2021
You should not even think about that sort of exit it has wrong, selfish and cowardly all over it. If your thinking in these terms go to America ring the police and say you have a gun and your suicidal they will be along very shortly and give you no choice in the matter and execute you. Obviously that was a joke- but i hate american cops and their aggressive stormtrooper outlook i really do believe that most american cops would rather have flame throwers than guns to clean the mentally ill off the streets Aggressive ex military psychopaths Suicide i believe is a personal and private thing
True but enough people do that to in life unfortunately a lot of men killing ex girlfriends for example then themselves straight after.
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Mar 14, 2021
True but enough people do that to in life unfortunately a lot of men killing ex girlfriends for example then themselves straight after.
True the statistics on that are terrible did you know (ask any cop) 65% of call outs by every police service throughout the World are for domestic violence 65% in the Uk cops are called to a domestic every 4 minutes- same all round the World- Society is one big violent hell behind doors
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