
Oct 18, 2023
I watched it a while ago, and I was wondering if anyone here had criticisms of the vid.
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Jul 14, 2023
I guess you haven't seen this thread stickied/pinned above

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Sleep With A Baseball Bat
May 18, 2023
well intentioned but incredibly self centered
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Oct 19, 2023
That's what brought me here i was curious but it also nice to have like minded people and vent without being told not do something or get help for being suicidal 24/7 yes it's possible to get help but it doesn't work for everyone life can get exhausting easily and sometimes that's the better option.
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Oct 18, 2023
I guess you haven't seen this thread stickied/pinned above

I just found it after making this post lol, they make really good points.
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thinking about it
Feb 6, 2023
I watched that video many times. I became a bit obsessed with it. I can't explain why. I don't want this forum to be shut down. I think you have to be suicidal to understand the appeal of this website. It's the only public forum on the internet one can feel truly understood when going through such a hardship.
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Sleep With A Baseball Bat
May 18, 2023
I wouldn't say it's well intentioned in the slightest.
I understand that point of view, I won't argue against it. I think a general sense of wanting to help people is understandable, but shaming a whole community of suicidal people and trying to excommunicate them from a safe space is not the way to go about it. To defend my point, I mean well intentioned in the basic sense of "i want to help people", and maybe I'm wrong and that wasn't what tantacrul wants, but that's how I felt watching it. Doesn't make it right or wrong (i don't believe there are rights and wrongs in this world). But, to reiterate, I understand your point of view.
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Teleftaía Anapnoí

Teleftaía Anapnoí

δεν υπάρχει μέλλον
Jul 6, 2023
Well, the video has some positive points that even I think. But he's really very self-centered, the only thing this guy really wants is views. At least that's what I felt when i saw the video. However, if we get out of our own self-centeredness a little we can understand the felling of anyone who lost someone to suicide. I think it's ridiculous to want the forum to close. I think that all the pro-life arguments are flawed and we are living in a period where reality is shattering this with the genocide of the Palestinian people. The world has ended, we are in hell. These guys need to stop dictating what is right or wrong and let us do what we want.

They have the power to decimate people, now we can't leave the party forced upon us? Nonsense.
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Oct 9, 2023
My point of view? Let's put it that way. He's doing what earns him money. Regurgitating public opinion plus a bit of scandal and "how dare they". He's just doing shat he things is most profitable for his channel. It's all about clicks and views.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Haven't watched the video and never will. It's not that I can't take another opinion, but to me suicide is a personal decision and therefore I really don't give a shit what anybody else thinks regarding >my< suicide or a place I (and others) like to gather.

He didn't even know they guy who killed himself (or any of us) and that person came here and then went ahead with his original method (train) anyway. Obviously he was determined. From what I've heard of the video it's the usual superficial, virtuesig pro-lifer bullshit and I won't be wasting half an hour on it. Plus, I have no social media but at the time found this:
Screenshot 2023 03 01TantacrulOnTwitter
Cass isn't me (but well said 🙏), why would we care about what anybody says who openly admits he has no interest in listening to other points of view and therefore making an impartial video on the subject?

I take it he demonetised the video?
Last edited:
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Sep 27, 2023
It's what brought me here. I really didn't like the video. Part way through watching it I started to do research to find the site. He claims that he didn't want to share the site, but he did very little to cover references. Shoddy work.

By the end of the video I was lurking on the site and saw directly how he was misrepresenting it. Absolutely no reference to the Recovery section and the loads of people talking about how the site has helped them. I guess it didn't fit his story.
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Orange Cat

Oct 19, 2023
I didn't watch the video. I'm not wasting my my time on it. I don't care what anyone thinks about this website. If they don't like it, they don't have to come on here.
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Stormy Raine

Stormy Raine

Quietly counting down the days, hours, minutes..
Apr 7, 2023
I'm thankful for his video, he's the reason in her lol. Of course he wasn't promoting this site but his description was so awful so I came to see for myself. His video was so far from the truth, people are not the way be described them (us). I'm happy his video is still up because he is inadvertently promoting the site👍
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If only, if only.
Oct 10, 2023
It's one of the stupidest, least well backed videos I've seen. So much fluff and copium, feelings all over the place, absolutely ridiculous. And I find it so funny that he ended up directing a lot more people to the site, most of which (due to his audience demographic) are younger. Task failed successfully, I suppose.

If I could pull one thing from the video to sum up how I felt about it, it would be when he said that SS's use of CTB as a suicide acronym was clearly a malicious attack on cognitive behavioral therapy (or implied it-haven't watched the video since it dropped and don't plan on giving him another view).


The well-known, much respected acronym that has no other context. Something you'd be okay telling your mother you'd like to try. "Yeah, Mom, I heard about CBT recently, and I want to try it, what are your thoughts?"

Now suddenly no longer wholesome and therapeutic, because it's been hijacked by a niche suicide site AND NOTHING ELSE.


I also noticed a worrying divide he made in the video between "victims" (the helpless, young, suicidal who will surely see the beauty and joy in life if they only got off the horrible SS and started meditating, eating more hazelnuts, and calling the suicide hotline) and the "predators" (the horrible old male perverts who get off on making kids kill themselves). In reality, that's not how it works. But it's so much easier to feel good about shutting down the site if you have an evil villain to hate. And you saved kids! Surely, now that you've taken away a place where they could feel understood and have fixed none of the actual problems that led them there in the first place, everyone will be shitting rainbows directly out their asses and paying Tantacruel's psych relatives loads of dollars to discover the joy in life!

But it's easy clickbait and idiots with the reading comprehension of newts will get a moral crusade out of it, so 5+ million views it is.
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Act 3 Scene 1
Jan 21, 2023
The video is tremendously bad-faith. It is poorly researched, poorly argued, and does not take into account any opposing viewpoints. For that reason, I think it's more productive to ask why he made the video rather than argue against its individual points. It's easy to view his video as a tasteless attempt to capitalize off of suffering people, and that may be true. However, I've always seen his video as the product of an unfamiliar trauma combined with a lack of self reflection and critical thinking. Tantactul discovered SaSu after he found out that a fan of his CTB'ed by train. The way he talks in the video makes it seem as if he is unfamiliar with the notion of suicide on an empathetic and experiential level, so I wager that he felt that making a hit piece against SaSu was simplest way to deal with the shock of such an event, regardless of whether it was the right thing to do.

To be clear, he really doesn't deserve any sympathy for this, and I'm not defending his behavior; when someone seeks political erasure of a vulnerable minority, their intentions or personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant, they're a bad person regardless. Even so, people usually have more complex motivations in life than just "I like money."
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Some place nice

Some place nice

This world makes me sick
Oct 18, 2023
He was the one who lead me to this place. I watched the video and knew I needed to come here, and I'm glad that I did!
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it gets worse before it gets better.
Oct 27, 2023
i would have never found SaSu if it weren't for his video. in a way i am grateful lol. but i think he achieved the complete opposite of what he was trying to do. he only brought more users to the site.
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Why am I still here
Jul 25, 2023
I also found this site because of his video. First I was shocked (because of the title) but then I realized that it could acutally be a nice place to talk about everything without being judged so I visited it myself and Im very happy about it
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call me prince
Sep 26, 2023
i think its really weird how they demonize the site. its just so strange, they saw the word suicide and just ran with it. they dont understand that this is a safe space for suicidal people. not to mention, the sasu community are full of really nice people mostly. i really love interacting, its a lot better than other online communities honestly. if they just tried to know the most basic, surface level information about this site theyd understand that its made for suicidal people by suicidal people, and there is no encouragement to ctb at all. it is merely a safe space. they never use their brains.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
There are loads of videos and media reports. Just ignore them.
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a corpse is talking
Oct 11, 2023
i also got here because of the vid. And i think he brought more people to this site than he wanted to keep them away from it lmao
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Jul 8, 2023
Content creators and "influencers" will talk about anything for clout.
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Aug 21, 2023
he reminded me that this site existed years later lol. he can say all he wants but in the end this forum is where i can freely talk about my feelings and plans and have people understand me rather than tell me im irrational and need to take medication that shuts my brain down just so i can stay alive for their sake
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Jul 23, 2022
If I could pull one thing from the video to sum up how I felt about it, it would be when he said that SS's use of CTB as a suicide acronym was clearly a malicious attack on cognitive behavioral therapy (or implied it-haven't watched the video since it dropped and don't plan on giving him another view).

I actually never watched the video because I deal with being triggered enough as it is but that is such bullshit. He just took it personally because he is related to therapists. If I want to attack CBT (which is not going to do jack for the majority of us) I'll do it directly. Likening suicidal contemplation to waiting at the "bus stop" is an ancient metaphor dating from the days of early ASH.
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Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
I watched it a while ago while I was still just lurking In this site.

I think he genuinely believes in what he is saying. The software he creates (musescore) and all of his videos about music production are completely unrelated to this - it would make no sense to do this when there are much better ways of getting viewers who are actually interested in music production and his software. Youtube would be giving him nothing compared to what he could get from people interested in music production signing up for musescore.

Either way, regardless of whether people think he is a good guy or not, he is actively trying to take down the one place where people can talk without someone trying to throw them in a psych ward. Hopefully I'll be long dead before that happens.
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he/him 🏳️‍⚧️
Oct 24, 2023
This video brought me here. Overall it's not bad (in my opinion), but it seems to me that it makes the site look like something terrible, when in fact it is not.
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Oct 22, 2023
I actually found out about this website through his video. Really ironic considering he posted that to prevent people from going on it- but achieved the opposite effect.

In all honesty, I was scared of the website at first. Very silly, I know. But then I lurked for a bit more and realized it was exactly what I needed. A place to vent without the fear of getting sugarcoated and overused replies.
I don't think people who want this website to be shut down understand just how much comfort it can bring to people who struggle mentally but don't have anyone to talk to.
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Sep 23, 2023
This speech impaired, down syndrome looking gnome with a knockoff Pokémon's channel name is the reason why so many immature people have overrun this site. He failed his task successfully.

Some show signs of resignation over his ad revenue from that video but I cannot imagine any scenario in which a "man" like him would be able to put this revenue to use in a senseful way. He's probably blown it already. The only reason he made this video was because he got humbled by SaSu members (twice) after showing up here and mindlessly accusing people of things they didn't even do while throwing around insults like a retarded child with a Big Mac addiction.

This dude is stuck in the mindset of a 15 year old boy, there isn't even any way of arguing against it; apart from 15 minutes of fame there isn't anything he gained from his cringe video.

Though, to his credit, he did reduce the quality of SaSu by a good bit. The pre-Tentacrul era was great, these days the site often feels like the WhatsApp group of a bunch of sophomore high schoolers. On the other hand, SaSu has never been more active. There are threads of people thanking this guy because without him they would have never found an SN source. Great job, bro.
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