

Mar 5, 2019
I have tried to do so, because practise or I just feel so shit and this feels like a step to ctb. Problem is that everytime write one, I just want to burn it. How do I write a good one?


Nov 21, 2018
Do you have a computer? I have a lot of notes written. I go back and change them constantly. Try writing one and then walk away. When you think of things to add go and change them or delete them and start over.

If you don't have a computer try getting a pen that seems fun to use as odd as that sounds. I'm guessing many trash cans get filled with notes that get thrown away and started over.
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Mar 5, 2019
Do you have a computer? I have a lot of notes written. I go back and change them constantly. Try writing one and then walk away. When you think of things to add go and change them or delete them and start over.

If you don't have a computer try getting a pen that seems fun to use as odd as that sounds. I'm guessing many trash cans get filled with notes that get thrown away and started over.
Thanks. I'll try to write some notes.
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Feb 8, 2019
Writing a good suicide note is pretty hard.

I kept mine as general as possible. No names, no accusations - don't involve anyone in this. If you leave out names, it'll be easier. The only thing that matters is how you feel and why it had to come to this. I've also restricted myself to a single A4 page.

...and yes, when I read it I still start to hate myself, but that's probably in our nature.
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Feb 8, 2019
if you have loved ones no note will make it easier and some will apply blame to themselves anyway so i always felt like the only thing a note may be for is to try to assuage whatever guilt may come up for the survivors.

"There was nothing anyone could have done"

If i leave one that will be all I write. Anything beyond that will raise questions people do not really need rattling around in their head. If it's on your heart to write it then do and if its cathartic than do it a lot but if you are actually going to leave one then leave it for those you leave behind and only them.

Good luck
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Nov 25, 2018
"There was nothing anyone could have done"
I can't write that because it sounds a bit like I wouldn't have minded them trying to do something about it. A lot of suicidals have been sectioned because of their loved ones. So-called loss survivors are a major part in suicide prevention. If you decide to kill yourself, in most cases I think, you have to accept you and your loved ones will become enemies.
I don't have a solution for the dilemma.
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The more you care, the more you have to lose.
Feb 21, 2019
I listen to music a lot and let the lyrics give me inspiration.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
I have tried to do so, because practise or I just feel so shit and this feels like a step to ctb. Problem is that everytime write one, I just want to burn it. How do I write a good one?
Read the suicide bereavement page on Reddit. Search extensively through those, see what questions those left behind have.(spoiler alert: it's why) Frame your note trying to answer those questions. You can't stop people from feeling guilty, that's frankly impossible, but you can give them a clear and detailed explanation of why you chose such a final act. Also, try to come off as not crazy ie: I HATE MYSELF, I HATE MY LIFE FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK THE WORLD. all that will do is make them write you off as emotionally unstable, irrational and not able to think clearly through your decision ie: she/he didn't realize the finality of such an act, she/he was impulsive.
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Apr 14, 2019
Doesn't really matter you will be dead. No point thinking or caring about how people will live on. If you do care than maybe you still have reason enough to be here I believe. I wouldn't give it much thought and it's just going to make it harder for people I honestly think. Like instead of you just not being there anymore you are leaving these words that will stay with them the rest of their lives. If I wrote one it just say peace out y'all
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Doesn't really matter you will be dead. No point thinking or caring about how people will live on. If you do care than maybe you still have reason enough to be here I believe. I wouldn't give it much thought and it's just going to make it harder for people I honestly think. Like instead of you just not being there anymore you are leaving these words that will stay with them the rest of their lives. If I wrote one it just say peace out y'all
Don't try to take away or say people aren't allowed to write suicide notes
It doesn't mean they're not ready. My mom has been my savior my entire life. She's loved me unconditionally and has fought for me viciously through thick and thin whether that be in court, in schools or any other trouble I've faced in my life. She'd take a million and one bullets for me if it meant I got to live. I'll be damned if I don't write a note for her. It's rude to question or even say something like this to another person
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Apr 14, 2019
Don't try to take away or say people aren't allowed to write suicide notes
It doesn't mean they're not ready. My mom has been my savior my entire life. She's loved me unconditionally and has fought for me viciously through thick and thin whether that be in court, in schools or any other trouble I've faced in my life. She'd take a million and one bullets for me if it meant I got to live. I'll be damned if I don't write a note for her. It's rude to question or even say something like this to another person
never said people can't do it. people can do whatever they want. I'm just speaking my mind mate. Thats really nice she loves you that much. must be nice to have someone who would miss you.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
I have tried to do so, because practise or I just feel so shit and this feels like a step to ctb. Problem is that everytime write one, I just want to burn it. How do I write a good one?

I guess just try not to be so critical of what you write. If it's a heartfelt goodbye then it's good enough. Maybe some introspection/self-reflection, examining your life and what your loved ones meant to you would help and letting them know why you made the decision you did.


Mar 5, 2019
If i'm going to write it, I will tell them about how my inferiority complex is a huge part of this decision. Should I write that i'm doing it because I am useless or because I feel useless? Also should I try to lessen the guilt by explaining how this isn't their fault? It really isn't, but I don't know if this will help at all.

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I have tried to do so, because practise or I just feel so shit and this feels like a step to ctb. Problem is that everytime write one, I just want to burn it. How do I write a good one?

Make a list of everything you want to say and achieve with the letter. Then take aslong as you must to write it. Rewrite if necessary. At one point you'll know it's as good as it'll get.

Why do you feel inferior and compared to whom exactly?


Mar 5, 2019
I feel inferior to pretty much everyone around me. In school or at work people always seem to be given tasks that they can do easily, but I can't. I don't really see the point in trying if I'll fail no matter what.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
If i'm going to write it, I will tell them about how my inferiority complex is a huge part of this decision. Should I write that i'm doing it because I am useless or because I feel useless? Also should I try to lessen the guilt by explaining how this isn't their fault? It really isn't, but I don't know if this will help at all.

It would be better to say you feel useless, after all the note is from your own feelings and point of view, obviously your family won't see you the same way. And yes, you should explain to them that it wasn't their fault and that there wasn't really anything they could have done (loved ones will still blame themselves regardless, but atleast you're letting them know that you don't blame them for how things turned out).
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Psychotic King

Psychotic King

Apr 18, 2019
I dislike writing, my handwriting sucks but writing is good in a way that you can think as long as you want for what to write. Real life discussions are bit hard as you cant wait forever to think what to answer.

As for suicide note, I have been playing with idea of making videos. I like to create videos and been thinking that if I would end up ctb'ing, I would probably take a lots of videos, where I would talk some things, explain things and my thinking process, why I did it, and why nobody should blame themselves etc. I Would send them in USB sticks via post. I would go to post office friday evening, it would only start leaving the post office at monday and would arrive maybe wednesday so I would have plenty of time. Problem is, at that point there would be no turning back so has to be sure and need to have that courage to make it to the end

But anyways, I like the idea of that, making videos, explaining everything and sending them via post in USB sticks


Apr 3, 2019
I have written one to my son already asking him to forgive me but he is only one that will get one.
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Mar 5, 2019
Last summer I met this woman on the internet. We had a lot of fun together and she was also the first one I could talk to about my problems. Somehow she also managed to indirectly fuck me up and push me towards suicide. I wouldn't have attempted it if it wasn't for her. Should I mention her in the note?


Apr 15, 2019
I'm so tired of everything i just recorded a voicenote of me talking about why i'm commiting suicide and wrote a note with my phone password and the instructions to find de voicenote
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Aug 3, 2018
I must have written at least 40 versions over the years. In the last one I simply explained why I did it, told people not to blame themselves, make peace with it and to live on. Also made sure to, in case my body is in good condition when I'm found, write down my will to have my body be used for science or for organ donations. At least I can be useful that way.


Mar 6, 2019
I have a journal with a collection of suicide notes/diary entries I've written over the past couple of years which provides great insight into my experience and why I died. I don't have to worry about writing the perfect note, because once it's time to go, I have multiple notes in that journal that I will lay next to my body.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
For me it was:
  1. Explanation for what I feel and why I want to die
  2. Some bitching about people who pushed me to try to kill myself
  3. Who gets my belongings + my name and address cause I was planning to do it somewhere lese not where I live
  4. How I want to be buried, request for organ donation and how I want my funeral to look like
  5. Random quotes from depressive songs I relate to, usually describing my method of choice
About 5 - 6 pages total
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Apr 7, 2019
In mine I'm making sure my family knows it's not their fault and I don't blame them for anything.
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Apr 25, 2019
I think you should write why you did what you did, and that it's noones fault (if it's not) and that you love them


Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
What about writing letters to individual people, do you guys think that'd be to much?


Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
Last summer I met this woman on the internet. We had a lot of fun together and she was also the first one I could talk to about my problems. Somehow she also managed to indirectly fuck me up and push me towards suicide. I wouldn't have attempted it if it wasn't for her. Should I mention her in the note?

It doesn't seem like it's worth it. She more than likely won't know that you ended your life nor that you mentioned her in your note. It's best not to blame people in your note or paint them in a negative light. It will just make it seem like you did in a fit of anger and were not thinking "rationally".
What about writing letters to individual people, do you guys think that'd be to much?

Depends on how many people you plan on writing to and if you feel it's necessary. If you have something to say that you can only say to that person and don't want anyone else to know then it's worth doing rather than addressing everyone you know in one note.

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