
Jul 31, 2021
I've never talked about my mental health before and i'm terrified. I associate going to a doctor with physical pains like a sore throat or a headache, but I can't imagine how i'd tell him that i'm feeling depressed.
How does the process even work? I go in and tell him i'm feeling sad? Like what?

I have felt terrible for years, but recently I went through a breakup and since then I have been completely miserable. I don't eat, I don't do anything, I can't sleep. But I don't really want to mention that because it sounds lame. I'm just using this as an excuse to finally go because it's eating away at me. I want some medication that will make me numb to everything. I just don't want to feel miserable anymore.
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Stormy Raine

Stormy Raine

Quietly counting down the days, hours, minutes..
Apr 7, 2023
Good morning. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, you are not alone. If you have a primary care doctor make an appointment Monday morning! When you go to your appointment simply tell him exactly what you wrote and he/she will prescribe you something. These medications are given in low doses to start and can take up to 3-4 weeks to start feeling better, I guarantee you won't feel numb but sometimes it takes time and you may need a stronger medication or maybe change medications. If you have insurance google psychiatrist near you and make an appointment. Your psychiatrist can get you stronger medication to make you numb. You primary doctor can only do so much but it's a start. Best wishes to you!
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Jul 31, 2021
Good morning. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, you are not alone. If you have a primary care doctor make an appointment Monday morning! When you go to your appointment simply tell him exactly what you wrote and he/she will prescribe you something. These medications are given in low doses to start and can take up to 3-4 weeks to start feeling better, I guarantee you won't feel numb but sometimes it takes time and you may need a stronger medication or maybe change medications. If you have insurance google psychiatrist near you and make an appointment. Your psychiatrist can get you stronger medication to make you numb. You primary doctor can only do so much but it's a start. Best wishes to you!
Is there any way I can say it professionally? I don't want to use any emotions. I just want to tell him the facts, but not in a way that it sounds like i'm trying to open to him or whatever.
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Stormy Raine

Stormy Raine

Quietly counting down the days, hours, minutes..
Apr 7, 2023
The more he/she knows the better they can help you, it's nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. There really isn't a professional way to say I feel like crap and can't eat or sleep, simply say it. There are so many medications out there, some will give you energy, some will stabilize your moods, some will help you sleep. That's why I say it's important to give all details, be careful saying anything such as suicide or you will be placed on a suicide hold like I was. If you are to embarrassed you can write down your symptoms on a paper and give it to the doctor and say you don't want to discuss it, but they are going to ask you to explain. You need help and the best thing to do is be honest so you can get the right medication for you!
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Don't be embarased. I wasn't sure how I was going to talk to my GP- I was seeing a college therapist and they suggested a course of anti-depressants. For me- I was more worried they wouldn't take me seriously. As it happens, I walked through their door and burst into tears- so- you'll likely do better than me!

Still- I think- just say you are having some issues in your personal life that you're struggling with. If you explain that it's affecting your appetite and ability to focus/sleep- I would think that would be enough. I think it's something like 1 in 4 people suffer with depression or mental illness at some point- so- they'll be well used to hearing it I imagine. I hope they can help you.
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Apr 12, 2023
What do you mean—just tell 'em. It's not rocket science, either you do or do don't; ready or not.
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Dec 14, 2021
Good morning. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, you are not alone. If you have a primary care doctor make an appointment Monday morning! When you go to your appointment simply tell him exactly what you wrote and he/she will prescribe you something. These medications are given in low doses to start and can take up to 3-4 weeks to start feeling better, I guarantee you won't feel numb but sometimes it takes time and you may need a stronger medication or maybe change medications. If you have insurance google psychiatrist near you and make an appointment. Your psychiatrist can get you stronger medication to make you numb. You primary doctor can only do so much but it's a start. Best wishes to you!
You can't guarantee anything when it comes to psych drugs.


Oct 19, 2021
A regular doctor is very unlikely to be able to help, their whole focusa is on physical ailments- they will just refer you to someone- a psychologist is way better than a psychiatrist, since you can talk to them- a psychatrist will try to fix things with pills. EVen most psychologists have very limited skills- some are excellent, but how do you know which ones are? If you can find a good therapist tyo talk to they may be able to help, please don't accept a referal to a [psychiatrits, they prescribe pills that damage your health, such as causing ringing in the ears, and a lot worse.
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Stormy Raine

Stormy Raine

Quietly counting down the days, hours, minutes..
Apr 7, 2023
You can't guarantee anything when it comes to psych drugs.
I can't guarantee but I can share what happened to me. I told my primary care doctor I needed help and he immediately put me on something. My daughter did the same with her doctor and she immediately got medication. I couldn't see any doctor ignoring someone who says what they wrote. You can't leave patients unsafe.


Oct 19, 2021
I can't guarantee but I can share what happened to me. I told my primary care doctor I needed help and he immediately put me on something. My daughter did the same with her doctor and she immediately got medication. I couldn't see any doctor ignoring someone who says what they wrote. You can't leave patients unsafe.
Interesting experience, taht seems to make sense. BUt if a person is depressed due to lonelliness or financial probelms olr both, how will a pill help? That are unlikely to be able to have time to provide counse,ing, that are under big time pressure and they have to prodice profits. Prescribing pills takes almost no time and is very profitable.