

Catching flight soon.....bus is too slow
Sep 28, 2018
In a scientifical answer, before a person dies, they go on a peaceful white trance recalling all they did in the past filled with joy, sadness… until all misery of pain becomes something relaxing and quiet, one doesn't feel anymore pain in their body. This is done by the brain to relax the human body as it prepares the process of dying. Please take note that all emotions take place in hypothalamus, a part of the brain found in the lower back portion just above the spinal cord.

Another accounts say they see themselves above their own physical body, as if the "soul" and "body" separated, all the while them being frustrated by the thought of dying.

Some say they see a "departed loved ones" visit them on vivid dreams, seemingly realistic.

Sadly, some say they feel an ominous presence they know that will get them, believed to be the "angel of death" (reaper) instilling fear in the last moments of those who are transitioning to death.

If these are all hallucinations or reality beyond the human understanding and reasoning of science, no one can approve or dissaprove.

These are accounted by those who have experienced near-death experience and those who had witness someone died.

To answer your question again? Do they feel pain in afterlife? Sadness perhaps, peacefulness indeed, but there is no more physical pain in this world.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
It's not like this is avoided if I don't kill myself. It would merely be postponed.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
In a scientifical answer, before a person dies, they go on a peaceful white trance recalling all they did in the past filled with joy, sadness… until all misery of pain becomes something relaxing and quiet, one doesn't feel anymore pain in their body. This is done by the brain to relax the human body as it prepares the process of dying. Please take note that all emotions take place in hypothalamus, a part of the brain found in the lower back portion just above the spinal cord.

Another accounts say they see themselves above their own physical body, as if the "soul" and "body" separated, all the while them being frustrated by the thought of dying.

Some say they see a "departed loved ones" visit them on vivid dreams, seemingly realistic.

Sadly, some say they feel an ominous presence they know that will get them, believed to be the "angel of death" (reaper) instilling fear in the last moments of those who are transitioning to death.

If these are all hallucinations or reality beyond the human understanding and reasoning of science, no one can approve or dissaprove.

These are accounted by those who have experienced near-death experience and those who had witness someone died.

To answer your question again? Do they feel pain in afterlife? Sadness perhaps, peacefulness indeed, but there is no more physical pain in this world.
I heard this story so many times im not even scared of death anymore its really me failing and coming back again to earth


Jan 14, 2021
Seems exciting, can't wait for it
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Feb 27, 2021
Honestly there are too many different stories about people almost dying its hard to know which one is real. Each experience is different and it makes me wonder if its that way for a reason. It'd be interesting to get near death experience stories from people who have never heard of certain religions. Like people who live in a remote rainforest or desert.
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Jul 7, 2019
I don't know if I'm willing to believe any of these testimonies, the human brain is notoriously good at fabricating experiences when it doesn't know how to interpret what's actually happening. and many people are extremely good at fabricating them themselves for attention. So instead of saying "I simply woke up lol" they'll probably go on and tell you an amazing tale of how they saw all of these wonderful or terrific things.

Besides, none of them died completely and the brain is something that no one truly understands, there are new areas discovered every year and the way they play a role in the process of death is almost entirely unknown.

And I'm completely sure that the method of death can give you a completely different experience.

there's only one way to know and we'll all get there one day.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
You know you aren't worthy of an afterlife when you get nothing, just lights out, then lights back on again.
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Mar 6, 2021
The whole life flashing before your eyes thing just seems so hollywood and literary based, I don't think it actually happens or maybe some one would imagine it at that time due to the infleunce of seeing it in films etc
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Aug 21, 2019
In a scientifical answer, before a person dies, they go on a peaceful white trance recalling all they did in the past filled with joy, sadness… until all misery of pain becomes something relaxing and quiet, one doesn't feel anymore pain in their body. This is done by the brain to relax the human body as it prepares the process of dying. Please take note that all emotions take place in hypothalamus, a part of the brain found in the lower back portion just above the spinal cord.

Another accounts say they see themselves above their own physical body, as if the "soul" and "body" separated, all the while them being frustrated by the thought of dying.

Some say they see a "departed loved ones" visit them on vivid dreams, seemingly realistic.

Sadly, some say they feel an ominous presence they know that will get them, believed to be the "angel of death" (reaper) instilling fear in the last moments of those who are transitioning to death.

If these are all hallucinations or reality beyond the human understanding and reasoning of science, no one can approve or dissaprove.

These are accounted by those who have experienced near-death experience and those who had witness someone died.

To answer your question again? Do they feel pain in afterlife? Sadness perhaps, peacefulness indeed, but there is no more physical pain in this world.

NDE are all hallucinations. No afterlife.
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May 11, 2020
just curious (as i have little scientific knowledge), isn't the brain active for 7 minutes after you die? so wouldn't that mean NDE aren't accurate, because they aren't truly dead?


Aug 21, 2019
just curious (as i have little scientific knowledge), isn't the brain active for 7 minutes after you die? so wouldn't that mean NDE aren't accurate, because they aren't truly dead?

No, because to be dead necessarily means brain dead.


Dreadful damage, dreadful destiny
Feb 1, 2021
I've actually had what I would consider to be a near death experience. Choose to believe or not, it was a pretty life shaking experience and one that I won't forget. The biggest thing for me is I had no doubts that I was dead at the time. There was no thoughts of "Am I dreaming?" or "Is this real?". Instead it was a simple "Huh, I'm dead".

I do believe in some form of the Christian afterlife but I don't believe in Hell. Everyone who doesn't go to heaven just ceases existence and I find that quite a peaceful thought tbh. I'll add verbatim what I wrote once I was conscious again below:

"Last night, I went to bed late after a rough and distressing night as I was definitely on the verge of badly hurting myself. Slept as per usual, woke a few times in between. Then during one "dream" I saw myself lying on my floor. Above me this light started appearing and I felt hands reach from it to grasp mine. These hands (I couldn't see them, just feel them) pulled me upwards into a stark white space. My first genuine reaction was that I was no longer in the mortal realm, so to speak. These hands were seemly attached to the blinding light before me. This light spoke to me and said "Hey, hey, it's alright. You cannot give up yet, you've got some wonderful years ahead of you." Next thing I remember I 'wake' back to reality.

I don't know exactly what I experienced but the tangible feeling of calm I felt tells me what I witnessed was not a dream or hallucination but real in some sense of the word. Maybe it was a vision or a near-death experience, I guess only God knows that. Felt the need to share this, maybe it's a glimmer of hope that there truly is something better in the other side."

I hope death at least slightly resembles what I experienced tbh. Writing this has made me tear up a little, the tangible feeling of calm is nothing I've had in life and something I still crave.
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Mar 22, 2020
It's not like this is avoided if I don't kill myself. It would merely be postponed.

I think the same as you!
Also, I guess that theory of "having life flashes" might be true. Who knows? We'll find it out in some decades or maybe before if we really ctb.
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
Did anyone watch surviving death on netflix. The first episode is about NDEs.

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