

Feb 3, 2023
This has always puzzled me. I am 23 years old, just about to finish uni. Yes I have worked all my life in school for the purpose of learning however I have no interest in becoming a part of the workforce. It sounds like exactly what it's called, forced work. Now don't get me wrong, I understand work must be done for survival (food, clothing, shelter) and also if one wants entertainment/luxury. For some reason, I still have not accepted the modern incarnation of a rat race for a piece of paper. It makes zero sense to me. My family accepts it. My classmates and friends seemingly accept it.

When I take time off from school to reflect, I realise people are really suffering from a shortage of TIME, the most valuable life resource. They work, work, work and get two days off on the weekend to prepare for another cycle of work, if they are lucky to have a weekend. Yes economic poverty is a problem and many people work to avoid this, however do not admit to the time poverty they now inhabit. No time for health, no time for recovery, no time for friends/family, no time to reflect on the big questions of life, no wonder most people suck as human beings. We are not given TIME to be ourselves. They say when you are young you have no money, when you are middle age you have no time, when you are elderly you have no energy. But my question is why are people so accepting?

Why can't we short circuit this cycle by living shorter more prosperous lives? Why can't we short circuit this by being less enthusiastic to trap ourselves in the cycle of poverty called having children? Adam Lanza once said culture is a disease. Why do we accept culture so much? Bullshit laws? Politics? War? Becoming sheep? Trying to compete with each other? Hating each other? Religion tearing us apart? Destroying the world? The rat race? Money? Living long lives? Working ourselves to death? Indoctrinating our children to do the same? Chasing some false dream? Trying to change the world when we will all be dead in 100 years anyway? Denying certain truths to ourselves and to others creating taboos? The culture 200 years ago was different and we adjusted to it. The culture today has become beyond toxic and we adjust to it. Is it not possible that the culture can become healthier and we adjust to that too?

Or maybe we should give up on human nature? Michael Jackson once said, when they say why why, tell them that it's human nature. The sad thing is we try to change, just doesn't seem to work.Tell me your thoughts below.
#antiwork #antinatalism #cultureasadisease #euthanasia #capitalism #education #legalsystem #politics #environment #colonialthinking #religion


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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Fuck working. I'm probably going to be on disability benefits for the rest of my life. Not much money at all but it's better than fucking working. Fuck life. It's a fucking shit show. I envy the privileged rich cunts who are either born into wealth or get rich doing what they enjoy. Fuck the fucking unfairness. FUCK LIFE. FUCK THE RICH CUNTS
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Jul 29, 2021
slavery never ended it just evolved into the biggest scam that's ever been created is having to work for a piece of money thats created out of nothing the monetary system will collapse at some point due to the fact that all money is created as debt with interest to pay there is always more debt in the system than there is money to pay it back.

How much the government pays in interest depends on the total national debt and the various securities' interest rates. As of January 2023 it costs $261 billion to maintain the debt, which is 14% of the total federal spending. The national debt has increased every year over the past ten years. The national debt ($31.46 Trillion) is the total amount of outstanding borrowing by the U.S. Federal Government accumulated over the nation's history, soon or later this system will collaspe
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Feb 28, 2023
Not to mention being full of money at an old age is the IDEAL outcome according to society. I've met so many elderly people that live from SS check to SS check. Meanwhile corporate CEOs can just sit, scratch their ass and be making millions.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
It never sat right with me, though most people have enough peer pressure, occasional pleasures or comradeship to avoid an existential crisis.

One point to make is that I have heard that prehistoric societies saw people actually work fewer hours per day, which makes a mockery of our modern technology.

Another point to make is that in order to partly escape the rat race, I had to go through a decade of hellacious workaholism. That in turn led to health problems and I came to realise that for the underprivileged, the whole system is something of a scam.
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Begrudgingly Everlasting
Mar 2, 2023
I think it's mostly a huge merge of "Nothing's gonna change if we don't do anything about it", "When's the last time you heard of a successful protest", "Everyone's just gonna call us entitled and lazy for going against the grain anyway", "Lobbying is gonna undo anything we try to fix with money we don't have going into pockets that don't deserve it" and "That's just how it goes... because?"
I don't know, it sucks and I hate it too, and its made worse by the fact that nobody is hiring for anything worthwhile that pays more than pennies.
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Feb 25, 2023
I could never really hack it either. Had a panic attack the first and only time I tried walking into a job interview.
I have no useful skills anyway, dropped out of school when I was like 13, no qualifications, and just really; no need: I don't need or want money, I hate having money and it just sits in my account cause I don't ever buy stuff.

I don't know enough about it to really make a good judgement but I do know one thing: Modernity is hell. Consumerism is a pandemic.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Life in itself certainly is a terrible concept, where humans exist just to be slaves to this society until they eventually deteriorate and die. I bet that most people hate working but they just do it because they feel as though they have no choice.
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Feb 28, 2023
Yeah I can't understand it! Since I was born like this, I assumed that everyone felt like death was better than working, but were just stronger than me or someshit. Nice to know that's not the case...I guess?
I've met a few people who actually enjoy working. An ex of mine was going to move in with me and I told him I'm able to support the both of us due to my health benefits (a bit more to it, but I won't get into that now), so he wouldn't have to work. But he actually wanted to! When I look at him now, it does seem to suit him, but I can't explain why.
Another friend has to work otherwise his mind goes to very dark places, so that's something else entirely.
The majority of the people I know though have mental illnesses and are unable to work though. The fight to prove that to the government is absolutely brutal.
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Feb 3, 2023
Yeah I can't understand it! Since I was born like this, I assumed that everyone felt like death was better than working, but were just stronger than me or someshit. Nice to know that's not the case...I guess?
I've met a few people who actually enjoy working. An ex of mine was going to move in with me and I told him I'm able to support the both of us due to my health benefits (a bit more to it, but I won't get into that now), so he wouldn't have to work. But he actually wanted to! When I look at him now, it does seem to suit him, but I can't explain why.
Another friend has to work otherwise his mind goes to very dark places, so that's something else entirely.
The majority of the people I know though have mental illnesses and are unable to work though. The fight to prove that to the government is absolutely brutal.
I don't ever use the words STRONG or WEAK. I think humans use these words subjectively to mean whatever values they have.

For example someone who values work sees people who can't/don't work as weak; someone who values fitness sees people who can't/don't keep fit as weak; someone who values multitasking sees people who can't/don't multitask as weak; someone who values intellect sees those who can't/don't as weak. But it doesn't mean anything!!

It's all about values in this world and humans love imposing values on others/comparing.

See Adam Lanza's tapes where he speaks about values and culture.
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Feb 28, 2023
I don't ever use the words STRONG or WEAK. I think humans use these words subjectively to mean whatever values they have.

For example someone who values work sees people who can't/don't work as weak; someone who values fitness sees people who can't/don't keep fit as weak; someone who values multitasking sees people who can't/don't multitask as weak; someone who values intellect sees those who can't/don't as weak. But it doesn't mean anything!!

It's all about values in this world and humans love imposing values on others/comparing.

See Adam Lanza's tapes where he speaks about values and culture.
YES precisely!
It took some time, but learning that not everyone struggles in the same way (or even at all in some cases), it definitely made me view things a lot differently!

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